React Native SDK

The React Native SDK lets you send events to Amplitude.

React Native support

Since React-Native doesn't provide stable release versioning, ensuring backward compatibility is challenging, especially as React-Native itself isn't backward compatible and might introduce breaking changes across different versions. You can check here for more details. Therefore, Amplitude supports only the latest version of React-Native.

Compatibility matrix

The following matrix lists the support for Amplitude React Native SDK version for different versions of React Native and React Native CLI.

@amplitude/analytics-react-native react-native Gradle Android Gradle Plugin
>= 1.4.0 >= 0.68 7.5.1+ 7.2.1+
>= 1.0.0, <= 1.3.6 >= 0.61, <= 0.70 3.5.3+ 3.5.3+

Learn more about the Android Gradle Plugin compatibility.

Install the SDK

To get started with using Amplitude React Native SDK, install the package to your project with npm. You must also install @react-native-async-storage/async-storage for the SDK to work as expected.

Web and Expo support

This SDK can be used for react-native apps built for web or built using Expo (Expo Go not yet supported).

1npm install @amplitude/analytics-react-native
2npm install @react-native-async-storage/async-storage

1yarn add @amplitude/analytics-react-native
2yarn add @react-native-async-storage/async-storage

1expo install @amplitude/analytics-react-native
2expo install @react-native-async-storage/async-storage

Install the native modules to run the SDK on iOS.

1cd ios
2pod install

Initialize the SDK

Initialization is necessary before any instrumentation is done. The API key for your Amplitude project is required. Optionally, a user ID and config object can be passed in this call. The SDK can be used anywhere after it's initialized anywhere in an application.

1import { init } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3// Option 1, initialize with API_KEY only
6// Option 2, initialize including user ID if it's already known
7init(API_KEY, '');
9// Option 3, initialize including configuration
10init(API_KEY, '', {
11 disableCookies: true, // Disables the use of browser cookies

Configure the SDK

Web vs. mobile

The configuration of the SDK is shared across web and mobile platforms, but many of these options simply don't apply when running the SDK on native platforms (for example iOS, Android). For example, when the SDK is run on web, the identity is stored in the browser cookie by default, whereas on native platforms identity is stored in async storage.

Configuration options

Name Description Default Value
instanceName string. The instance name. $default_instance
flushIntervalMillis number. Sets the interval of uploading events to Amplitude in milliseconds. 1,000 (1 second)
flushQueueSize number. Sets the maximum number of events that are batched in a single upload attempt. 30 events
flushMaxRetries number. Sets the maximum number of retries for failed upload attempts. This is only applicable to retryable errors. 5 times.
logLevel LogLevel.None or LogLevel.Error or LogLevel.Warn or LogLevel.Verbose or LogLevel.Debug. Sets the log level. LogLevel.Warn
loggerProvider Logger. Sets a custom loggerProvider class from the Logger to emit log messages to desired destination. Amplitude Logger
minIdLength number. Sets the minimum length for the value of userId and deviceId properties. 5
optOut boolean. Sets permission to track events. Setting a value of true prevents Amplitude from tracking and uploading events. false
serverUrl string. Sets the URL where events are upload to.
serverZone EU or US. Sets the Amplitude server zone. Set this to EU for Amplitude projects created in EU data center. US
useBatch boolean. Sets whether to upload events to Batch API instead of the default HTTP V2 API or not. false
appVersion string. Sets an app version for events tracked. This can be the version of your application. For example: "1.0.0" undefined
deviceId string. Sets an identifier for the device running your application. UUID()
cookieExpiration number. Sets expiration of cookies created in days. 365 days
cookieSameSite string. Sets SameSite property of cookies created. Lax
cookieSecure boolean. Sets Secure property of cookies created. false
cookieStorage Storage<UserSession>. Sets a custom implementation of Storage<UserSession> to persist user identity. MemoryStorage<UserSession>
cookieUpgrade boolean. Sets upgrading from cookies created by maintenance Browser SDK. If true, new Browser SDK deletes cookies created by maintenance Browser SDK. If false, Browser SDK keeps cookies created by maintenance Browser SDK. true
disableCookies boolean. Sets permission to use cookies. If value is true, localStorage API is used to persist user identity. The cookies is enable by default.
domain string. Sets the domain property of cookies created. undefined
partnerId string. Sets partner ID. Amplitude requires the customer who built an event ingestion integration to add the partner identifier to partner_id. undefined
sessionTimeout number. Sets the period of inactivity from the last tracked event before a session expires in milliseconds. 1,800,000 milliseconds (30 minutes)
userId number. Sets an identifier for the user being tracked. Must have a minimum length of 5 characters unless overridden with the minIdLength option. undefined
trackingOptions TrackingOptions. Configures tracking of additional properties. Please refer to Optional tracking section for more information. Enable all tracking options by default.
storageProvider Storage<Event[]>. Implements a custom storageProvider class from Storage. MemoryStorage
trackingSessionEvents boolean. Whether to automatically log start and end session events corresponding to the start and end of a user's session. false
migrateLegacyData boolean. Available in 1.3.4+. Whether to migrate maintenance SDK data (events, user/device ID). true

Configure batching behavior

To support high-performance environments, the SDK sends events in batches. Every event logged by the track method is queued in memory. Events are flushed in batches in background. You can customize batch behavior with flushQueueSize and flushIntervalMillis. By default, the serverUrl will be For customers who want to send large batches of data at a time, set useBatch to true to set setServerUrl to batch event upload API Both the regular mode and the batch mode use the same events upload threshold and flush time intervals.

1import * as amplitude from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
4 // Events queued in memory will flush when number of events exceed upload threshold
5 // Default value is 30
6 flushQueueSize: 50,
7 // Events queue will flush every certain milliseconds based on setting
8 // Default value is 10000 milliseconds
9 flushIntervalMillis: 20000,

EU data residency

You can configure the server zone when initializing the client for sending data to Amplitude's EU servers. The SDK sends data based on the server zone if it's set.


For EU data residency, the project must be set up inside Amplitude EU. You must initialize the SDK with the API key from Amplitude EU.

1amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
2 serverZone: 'EU',


You can control the level of logs printed to the developer console.

  • 'None': Suppresses all log messages.
  • 'Error': Shows error messages only.
  • 'Warn': Shows error messages and warnings. This is the default value if logLevel isn't explicitly specified.
  • 'Verbose': Shows informative messages.
  • 'Debug': Shows error messages, warnings, and informative messages that may be useful for debugging, including the function context information for all SDK public method invocations. This logging mode is only suggested to be used in development phases.

Set the log level by configuring the logLevel with the level you want.

2 logLevel: amplitude.Types.LogLevel.Warn,

The default logger outputs log to the developer console. You can provide your own logger implementation based on the Logger interface for any customization purpose. For example, collecting any error messages from the SDK in a production environment.

Set the logger by configuring the loggerProvider with your own implementation.

2 loggerProvider: new MyLogger(),

Debug mode

Enable the debug mode by setting the logLevel to "Debug", for example:

2 logLevel: amplitude.Types.LogLevel.Debug,

The default logger outputs extra function context information to the developer console when invoking any SDK public method, including:

  • 'type': Category of this context, for example "invoke public method".
  • 'name': Name of invoked function, for example "track".
  • 'args': Arguments of the invoked function.
  • 'stacktrace': Stacktrace of the invoked function.
  • 'time': Start and end timestamp of the function invocation.
  • 'states': Useful internal states snapshot before and after the function invocation.

Track events


This SDK uses the HTTP V2 API and follows the same constraints for events. Make sure that all events logged in the SDK have the event_type field and at least one of deviceId  (included by default) or userId, and follow the HTTP API's constraints on each of those fields.

To prevent instrumentation issues, device IDs and user IDs must be strings with a length of 5 characters or more. If an event contains a device ID or user ID that's too short, the ID value is removed from the event. If the event doesn't have a userId or deviceId value, the upload may be rejected with a 400 status. Override the default minimum length of 5 characters by setting the minIdLength config option.

Events represent how users interact with your application. For example, "Button Clicked" may be an action you want to note.

1import { track } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3// Track a basic event
4track('Button Clicked');
6// Track events with optional properties
7const eventProperties = {
8 buttonColor: 'primary',
10track('Button Clicked', eventProperties);

Track events to multiple projects

If you need to log events to multiple Amplitude projects, you'll need to create separate instances for each Amplitude project. Then, pass the instance variables to wherever you want to call Amplitude. Each instance allows for independent apiKeys, userIds, deviceIds, and settings.

1import * as amplitude from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3const defaultInstance = amplitude.createInstance();
6const envInstance = amplitude.createInstance();
7envInstance.init(API_KEY_ENV, {
8 instanceName: 'env',

User properties

User properties help you understand your users at the time they performed some action within your app such as their device details, their preferences, or language.

Identify is for setting the user properties of a particular user without sending any event. The SDK supports the operations set, setOnce, unset, add, append, prepend, preInsert, postInsert, and remove on individual user properties. The operations are declared via a provided Identify interface. You can chain multiple operations together in a single Identify object. The Identify object is then passed to the Amplitude client to send to the server.


If the Identify call is sent after the event, the results of operations will be visible immediately in the dashboard user’s profile area, but it won't appear in chart result until another event is sent after the Identify call. The identify call only affects events going forward. More details here.


The Identify object provides controls over setting user properties. An Identify object must first be instantiated, then Identify methods can be called on it, and finally the client will make a call with the Identify object.

1import { identify, Identify } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3const identifyObj = new Identify();


This method sets the value of a user property. For example, you can set a role property of a user.

1import { Identify, identify } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3const identifyObj = new Identify();
4identifyObj.set('location', 'LAX');


This method sets the value of a user property only once. Subsequent calls using setOnce() will be ignored. For example, you can set an initial login method for a user and since only the initial value is tracked, setOnce() ignores subsequent calls.

1import { Identify, identify } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3const identifyObj = new Identify();
4identifyObj.setOnce('initial-location', 'SFO');


This method increments a user property by some numerical value. If the user property doesn't have a value set yet, it will be initialized to 0 before being incremented. For example, you can track a user's travel count.

1import { Identify, identify } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3const identifyObj = new Identify();
4identifyObj.add('travel-count', 1);

Arrays in user properties

Arrays can be used as user properties. You can directly set arrays or use prepend, append, preInsert and postInsert to generate an array.


This method prepends a value or values to a user property array. If the user property doesn't have a value set yet, it will be initialized to an empty list before the new values are prepended.

1import { Identify, identify } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3const identifyObj = new Identify();
4identifyObj.prepend('visited-locations', 'LAX');


This method appends a value or values to a user property array. If the user property doesn't have a value set yet, it will be initialized to an empty list before the new values are prepended.

1import { Identify, identify } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3const identifyObj = new Identify();
4identifyObj.append('visited-locations', 'SFO');


This method pre-inserts a value or values to a user property if it doesn't exist in the user property yet. Pre-insert means inserting the value at the beginning of a given list. If the user property doesn't have a value set yet, it will be initialized to an empty list before the new values are pre-inserted. If the user property has an existing value, it will be no operation.

1import { Identify, identify } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3const identifyObj = new Identify();
4identifyObj.preInsert('unique-locations', 'LAX');


This method post-inserts a value or values to a user property if it doesn't exist in the user property yet. Post-insert means inserting the value at the end of a given list. If the user property doesn't have a value set yet, it will be initialized to an empty list before the new values are post-inserted. If the user property has an existing value, it will be no operation.

1import { Identify, identify } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3const identifyObj = new Identify();
4identifyObj.postInsert('unique-locations', 'SFO');


This method removes a value or values to a user property if it exists in the user property. Remove means remove the existing values from the given list. If the item doesn't exist in the user property, it will be no operation.

1import { Identify, identify } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3const identifyObj = new Identify();
4identifyObj.remove('unique-locations', 'JFK')

User groups

Amplitude supports assigning users to groups and performing queries, such as Count by Distinct, on those groups. If at least one member of the group has performed the specific event, then the count includes the group.

For example, you want to group your users based on what organization they're in by using an 'orgId'. Joe is in 'orgId' '10', and Sue is in 'orgId' '15'. Sue and Joe both perform a certain event. You can query their organizations in the Event Segmentation Chart.

When setting groups, define a groupType and groupName. In the previous example, 'orgId' is the groupType and '10' and '15' are the values for groupName. Another example of a groupType could be 'sport' with groupName values like 'tennis' and 'baseball'.

Setting a group also sets the groupType:groupName as a user property, and overwrites any existing groupName value set for that user's groupType, and the corresponding user property value. groupType is a string, and groupName can be either a string or an array of strings to indicate that a user is in multiple groups.


If Joe is in 'orgId' '15', then the groupName would be '15'.

1import { setGroup } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3// set group with single group name
4setGroup('orgId', '15');

If Joe is in 'sport' 'tennis' and 'soccer', then the groupName would be '["tennis", "soccer"]'.

1import { setGroup } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3// set group with multiple group names
4setGroup('sport', ['soccer', 'tennis']);

You can also set event-level groups by passing an Event Object with groups to track. With event-level groups, the group designation applies only to the specific event being logged, and doesn't persist on the user unless you explicitly set it with setGroup.

1import { track } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
4 event_type: 'event type',
5 event_properties: { eventPropertyKey: 'event property value' },
6 groups: { 'orgId': '15' }

Group properties

Use the Group Identify API to set or update the properties of particular groups. These updates only affect events going forward.

The groupIdentify() method accepts a group type and group name string parameter, as well as an Identify object that will be applied to the group.

1import { Identify, groupIdentify } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3const groupType = 'plan';
4const groupName = 'enterprise';
5const event = new Identify()
6event.set('key1', 'value1');
8groupIdentify(groupType, groupName, identify);

Track revenue

The preferred method of tracking revenue for a user is to use revenue() in conjunction with the provided Revenue interface. Revenue instances will store each revenue transaction and allow you to define several special revenue properties (such as "revenueType", "productIdentifier", etc.) that are used in Amplitude's Event Segmentation and Revenue LTV charts. These Revenue instance objects are then passed into revenue() to send as revenue events to Amplitude. This lets automatically display data relevant to revenue in the platform. You can use this to track both in-app and non-in-app purchases.

To track revenue from a user, call revenue each time a user generates revenue. For example, 3 units of a product were purchased at $3.99.

1import { Revenue, revenue } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3const event = new Revenue()
4 .setProductId('')
5 .setPrice(3.99)
6 .setQuantity(3);

Revenue interface

Name Description
product_id Optional. String. An identifier for the product. Amplitude recommends something like the Google Play Store product ID. Defaults to null.
quantity Required. Int. The quantity of products purchased. Note: revenue = quantity * price. Defaults to 1
price Required. Double. The price of the products purchased, and this can be negative. Note: revenue = quantity * price. Defaults to null.
revenue_type Optional, but required for revenue verification. String. The revenue type (for example tax, refund, income). Defaults to null.
receipt Optional. String. The receipt identifier of the revenue. Defaults to null
receipt_sig Optional, but required for revenue verification. String. The receipt signature of the revenue. Defaults to null.
properties Optional. JSONObject. An object of event properties to include in the revenue event. Defaults to null.

Flush the event buffer

The flush method triggers the client to send buffered events.

1import { flush } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';

By default, flush is called automatically in an interval, if you want to flush the events altogether, you can control the async flow with the optional Promise interface, for example:

1await init(AMPLITUDE_API_KEY).promise;
2track('Button Clicked');
3await flush().promise;

Custom user ID

If your app has its login system that you want to track users with, you can call setUserId at any time.


1import { setUserId } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';

You can also assign the User ID as an argument to the init call.

1import { init } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3init(API_KEY, '');

Custom session ID

You can assign a new Session ID using setSessionId. When setting a custom session ID, make sure the value is in milliseconds since epoch (Unix Timestamp).


1import { setSessionId } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';

Custom device ID

If your app has its login system that you want to track users with, you can call setUserId at any time.

You can assign a new device ID using deviceId. When setting a custom device ID, make sure the value is sufficiently unique. A UUID is recommended.

1import { setDeviceId } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
2const { uuid } = require('uuidv4');

Reset when a user logs out

reset is a shortcut to anonymize users after they log out, by:

  • setting userId to undefined
  • setting deviceId to a new UUID value

With an undefined userId and a completely new deviceId, the current user would appear as a brand new user in dashboard.

1import { reset } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';

Opt users out of tracking

You can turn off logging for a given user by setting setOptOut to true.

1import { setOptOut } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';

No events are saved or sent to the server while setOptOut is enabled, and the setting persists across page loads.

Re-enable logging by setting setOptOut to false.

1import { setOptOut } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';

Optional tracking

By default, the SDK tracks these properties automatically. You can override this behavior by passing a configuration called trackingOptions when initializing the SDK, setting the appropriate options to false.

Tracking Options Default
adid true
carrier true
deviceManufacturer true
deviceModel true
ipAddress true
language true
osName true
osVersion true
platform true
1amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
2 trackingOptions: {
3 adid: false,
4 appSetId: false,
5 carrier: false,
6 deviceManufacturer: false,
7 deviceModel: false,
8 ipAddress: false,
9 idfv: false,
10 language: false,
11 osName: false,
12 osVersion: false,
13 platform: false,
14 },


All asynchronous APIs are optionally awaitable through a Promise interface. This also serves as a callback interface.

1import { track } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3// Using async/await
4const results = await track('Button Clicked').promise;
5result.event; // {...} (The final event object sent to Amplitude)
6result.code; // 200 (The HTTP response status code of the request.
7result.message; // "Event tracked successfully" (The response message)
9// Using promises
10track('Button Clicked').promise.then((result) => {
11 result.event; // {...} (The final event object sent to Amplitude)
12 result.code; // 200 (The HTTP response status code of the request.
13 result.message; // "Event tracked successfully" (The response message)


Plugins allow you to extend Amplitude SDK's behavior by, for example, modifying event properties (enrichment type) or sending to third-party APIs (destination type). A plugin is an object with methods setup() and execute().


The add method adds a plugin to Amplitude. Plugins can help processing and sending events.

1import { add } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
3add(new Plugin());


The remove method removes the given plugin name from the client instance if it exists.

1import { remove } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';

Plugin setup

This method contains logic for preparing the plugin for use and has config as a parameter. The expected return value is undefined. A typical use for this method, is to copy configuration from config or instantiate plugin dependencies. This method is called when the plugin is registered to the client via client.add().


This method contains the logic for processing events and has event as parameter. If used as enrichment type plugin, the expected return value is the modified/enriched event; while if used as a destination type plugin, the expected return value is a map with keys: event (BaseEvent), code (number), and message (string). This method is called for each event, including Identify, GroupIdentify and Revenue events, that's instrumented using the client interface.

Enrichment type plugin example

Here's an example of a plugin that modifies each event that's instrumented by adding an increment integer to event_id property of an event starting from 100.

1import { init, add } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
2import { ReactNativeConfig, EnrichmentPlugin, Event, PluginType } from '@amplitude/analytics-types';
4export class AddEventIdPlugin implements EnrichmentPlugin {
5 name = 'add-event-id';
6 type = PluginType.ENRICHMENT as const;
7 currentId = 100;
8 config?: ReactNativeConfig;
10 /**
11 * setup() is called on plugin installation
12 * example: client.add(new AddEventIdPlugin());
13 */
14 async setup(config: ReactNativeConfig): Promise<undefined> {
15 this.config = config;
16 return;
17 }
19 /**
20 * execute() is called on each event instrumented
21 * example: client.track('New Event');
22 */
23 async execute(event: Event): Promise<Event> {
24 event.event_id = this.currentId++;
25 return event;
26 }
30add(new AddEventIdPlugin());

Destination type plugin example

Here's an example of a plugin that sends each instrumented event to a target server URL using your preferred HTTP client.

1import { init, add } from '@amplitude/analytics-react-native';
2import { ReactNativeConfig, DestinationPlugin, Event, PluginType, Result } from '@amplitude/analytics-types';
4export class MyDestinationPlugin implements DestinationPlugin {
5 name = 'my-destination-plugin';
6 type = PluginType.DESTINATION as const;
7 serverUrl: string;
8 config?: ReactNativeConfig;
10 constructor(serverUrl: string) {
11 this.serverUrl = serverUrl;
12 }
14 /**
15 * setup() is called on plugin installation
16 * example: client.add(new MyDestinationPlugin());
17 */
18 async setup(config: ReactNativeConfig): Promise<undefined> {
19 this.config = config;
20 return;
21 }
23 /**
24 * execute() is called on each event instrumented
25 * example: client.track('New Event');
26 */
27 async execute(event: Event): Promise<Result> {
28 const payload = { key: 'secret', data: event };
29 const response = await fetch(this.serverUrl, {
30 method: 'POST',
31 headers: {
32 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
33 Accept: '*/*',
34 },
35 body: JSON.stringify(payload),
36 });
37 return {
38 code: response.status,
39 event: event,
40 message: response.statusText,
41 };
42 }
46add(new MyDestinationPlugin(''));

Advanced topics

Custom HTTP client

You can provide an implementation of Transport interface to the transportProvider configuration option for customization purpose, for example, sending requests to your proxy server with customized HTTP request headers.

1import { Transport } from '@amplitude/analytics-types';
3class MyTransport implements Transport {
4 async send(serverUrl: string, payload: Payload): Promise<Response | null> {
5 // check example:
6 }
9amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
10 transportProvider: new MyTransport(),


The Amplitude ingestion servers resolve event location in the following order:

  1. User-provided city, country, region
  2. Resolved from location_lat and location_lng
  3. Resolved from ip

By default, location will be determined by the ip on the server side. If you want more provide more granular location you can set city, country and region individually, or set location_lat and location_lng which will then be resolved to city, country and region on the server. Amplitude doesn't set precise location in the SDK to avoid extra permissions that my not be needed by all customers.

To set fine grain location, you can use an enrichment Plugin. Here is an example of how to set location_lat and location_lng.

Disabling IP tracking with ipAddress: false in TrackingOptions prevents location from being resolved on the backend. In this case you may want to create a Plugin like above to set any relevant location information yourself.


Carrier support works on Android, but Apple stopped supporting it in iOS 16. In earlier versions of iOS, we fetch carrier info using CTCarrier and serviceSubscriberCellularProviders which are deprecated with no replacement.

Advertising Identifiers

Different platforms have different advertising identifiers. Due to user privacy concerns, Amplitude does not automatically collect these identifiers. However, it is easy to enable them using the instructions below. It is important to note that some identifiers are no longer recommended for use by the platform providers. Read the notes below before deciding to enable them.

Platform Advertising Identifier Recommended Notes
Android AppSetId Yes AppSetId is a unique identifier for the app instance. It is reset when the app is reinstalled.
Android ADID No ADID is a unique identifier for the device. It is reset when the user opts out of personalized ads.
iOS IDFV Yes IDFV is a unique identifier for the app instance. It is reset when the app is reinstalled.
iOS IDFA No IDFA is a unique identifier for the device. It is reset when the user opts out of personalized ads.


App set ID

App set ID is a unique identifier for each app install on a device. App set ID is reset by the user manually when they uninstall the app, or after 13 months of not opening the app. Google designed this as a privacy-friendly alternative to Ad ID for users who want to opt out of stronger analytics.

To use App Set ID, follow these steps.

  1. Add play-services-appset as a dependency to the Android project of your app.

    1dependencies {
    2 implementation ''
  2. Enable trackingOptions.appSetId

    1amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
    2 trackingOptions: {
    3 appSetId: true,
    4 },
Android Ad ID

Android Ad ID is a unique identifier for each device. Android Ad ID is reset by the user manually when they opt out of personalized ads.

To use Android Ad ID, follow these steps.

  1. Add play-services-ads-identifier as a dependency to the Android project of your app. More detailed setup is described in our latest Android SDK docs.

    1dependencies {
    2 implementation ''

Android Ad Id is enabled by default. To disable it, set trackingOptions.adId to false.

1amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
2 trackingOptions: {
3 adId: false,
4 },



IDFV is a unique identifier for the app instance. It is reset when the app is reinstalled.

To enable IDFV on iOS devices set trackingOptions.idfv to true.

1amplitude.init(API_KEY, OPTIONAL_USER_ID, {
2 trackingOptions: {
3 idfv: true,
4 },


IDFA is no longer recommended. You should consider using IDFV instead when possible.

IDFA is a unique identifier for the device. It is reset when the user opts out of personalized ads.

The React Native SDK does not directly access the IDFA as it would require adding the AdSupport.framework to your app. Instead you can use an Enrichment Plugin to set the IDFA yourself.

Here is an example Plugin that sets the IDFA using a third-party library.

Over the air updates (OTA)

If you are using platform like Expo that supports OTA updates. It is important to know our SDK has both native and JS code. If you are using OTA updates, you will need to make sure the native code is updated as well. See Expo's documentation on publishing and runtime versions for more details.

Below are versions of the SDK with the native code changes:

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July 23rd, 2024

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