Cookies and consent management

This guide covers functional and technical information on how Amplitude works with cookies, local storage, opt-in/opt-out options and consent management (including CNIL regulations for France).

Compatibility with Browser SDK

The guide covers the behavior with the legacy JavaScript SDK that's the most used client browser SDK with Amplitude Analytics for current Amplitude users. New customers must use the new TypeScript SDK.

Amplitude cookies

A “cookie” is a piece of data from a website stored on a user's web browser. Websites retrieve cookies later, to access data stored for functional or technical purposes. After initialization, the Amplitude SDK creates a cookie that begins with the prefix AMP_ and ends with this first 10 digits of your project API key. You can customize this prefix with the constant COOKIE_PREFIX in the SDK's constants.js file. The SDK defines the cookie's value in amplitude-client.js.

For example, if you use the default value for the prefix with the following:


The Amplitude Browser 2.0 SDK creates a cookie with the format AMP_ with the first 10 characters of your project's API Key appended.

In previous versions of the SDK, you could customize the key for this cookie upon initialization, using the option cookieName. This no longer works, but if you use older SDK versions, the cookie name may differ from the indicated standard name

If another cookie appears with the key amplitude_cookie_test followed by a suffix of a random base64 string, the cookie is used to test whether the user has cookies enabled, and the SDK should remove it when the test completes. For more information, see the detail in the SDK's base-cookie.js file.

Sometimes, the SDK may not remove the amplitude_test_cookie cookie. In this case, the cookie remains in the cookie list, but isn't used. You can customize the key of this cookie with the COOKIE_TEST_PREFEX constant in the SDK's constants.js file.

The cookie is used to keep track of certain metadata for the SDK:

  • deviceId: A randomly generated string
  • userId: Upon user log-in, if your app sends this value to Amplitude, it's stored in the cookie. You should set this to uniquely identify users. Amplitude encodes this value as Base64 before storing it.
  • optOut: A flag to opt this device out of Amplitude tracking. If this flag is set, Amplitude stores no extra information about the user.
  • sessionId: A randomly generated string for each session
  • lastEventTime: Time of the last event, used to decide when to expire and create a new session ID
  • eventId: An incrementing sequence of identifiers used to distinguish events
  • identifyId: An incrementing sequence of identifiers used to distinguish identify calls
  • sequenceNumber: A sequence number used to order events and identifies and properly sequence them

When the Amplitude JavaScript SDK loads, it checks the cookie to see if there is an Amplitude device_id (if user is a returning user and generated a device_idin a previous visit). If so, it uses that value. If not (either because it's a new user or the user recently cleared cookies), the SDK randomly generates a device_id, and also saves it to the cookie.

The cookie size can vary, going from a minimum of 60 bytes to some 120 bytes. Knowing that Amplitude can store 2 of them (amp_* and amp_*.organization.domain), you can assume a 120 bytes as a safe average size for Amplitude cookies per project API key.

Expiration time

The Amplitude SDK has a cookieExpiration option to allows you to set the number of days until a cookie expires. Before SDK version 7.0, the default value was 10 years. After SDK version 7.0, cookieExperiation defaults to one year. Most browsers limit the lifetime of cookies set using document.cookie from one to seven days.

Remove Amplitude cookies

To programmatically remove the Amplitude cookie, use the method JavaScript SDK's clearStorage() method. This method clears all cookies, and deletes any metadata stored on them.

Deprecated cookies

The following cookie keys are deprecated in the latest SDK versions:

  • amplitude_id_<API_KEY>.your_org_domain: In previous versions of the Amplitude JavaScript SDK, the cookie key was set by default to amplitude_id; this may appear in projects that use an SDK version prior to 6.0.0. In that case, the cookie is set under the key amplitude_id_<PROJECT_API_KEY>.organization.domain.

  • amplitude_test.your_org_domain: The Amplitude SDK uses this cookie to test more thoroughly if cookies are available. By default, the key is used as amplitude_cookie_test, but as mentioned above, the SDK should remove this cookie after the test.

Disable cookies using LocalStorage (opt-out cookies)

The cookie contains data necessary for Amplitude to function correctly. It saves deviceId, sessionId, and the last event's timestamp. You can set disableCookies to true in the SDK's options.js file to store this information in a user's local storage.

Data stored in local storage

Besides the information that managed in the cookie, Amplitude uses this storage to store:

  • Online events: Controlled by the option saveEvents in the SDK's options.js (defaults to true), Amplitude stores every event sent it receives, and then removes it upon successful upload. If set to false, events may be lost if the user navigates quickly to another page before the events are uploaded.
  • Offline events: The option savedMaxCount in the SDK's options.js manages the number of offline events (defaults to 1000). If Amplitude logs more than 1000 events when offline, the oldest events are removed from the storage. Failed events: Any failed event is stored here to retry.

This data is stored in the next keys:

  • amplitude_unsent_<PROJECT_API_KEY>: Stores unsent events. You can customize its name with the unsentIdentifyKey option in the SDK's options.js.
  • amplitude_unsent_identify_<PROJECT_API_KEY>: Stores unsent identify calls. You can customize its name with theunsentKey option in the SDK's options.js.

Local storage limitations

Local Storage restricts access by subdomain. For example, if you track non-identified users across subdomains like and, their device_id value for each subdomain isn't available while browsing the other.

The Amplitude SDK supports cross-site tracking with the deviceIdFromURLParam option in the SDK's options.js which, when set to true, enables the SDK to capture the amp_device_id parameter from the URL. For more information, see JavaScript SDK | Cross-domain tracking.

The rest of auto captured properties are unaffected by the fact of using LocalStorage instead of cookie you can refer to this article for full detail.

This action disables cookie storage, but Amplitude stores this same data in the user’s browser Local Storage. It's not a valid option for a user that wants to fully opt out.

Disable cookies and local storage / session storage (opt-out storage)

When you disable cookies, and the user disables local storage and session storage, Amplitude creates a new device_id for that user every time the visit your site because it can't find an existing ID. If the user logs in or provides other identifying information, Amplitude's identity resolution system ties the various device_id values together with that user ID. The user must log in on each visit to enable Amplitude to merge identifiers.

Disabling tracking (opt out tracking)

Users may wish not only to opt out of cookies, which prevents Amplitude from storing any data in the cookie, but also opt out of tracking completely, which means that Amplitude does not store events or records of their browsing history. The Amplitude SDK provides an optOut as a way to fulfill this request. To programmatically opt out of tracking the SDK provides the method amplitude.setOptOut(true).

“Do not track” setting on browsers (DNT flag)

Some browsers have a setting “Do not track” that's intended to block all tracking. Amplitude doesn't adhere to this setting. The DNT standard isn’t widely supported and it isn’t clear what it’s meant to disable. If you want to consider that setting, write your own code to test for the DNT flag and then set the optOut option in the SDK.

Certain jurisdictions require that users consent to non-essential cookies before any data can be collected. You are ultimately responsible for ensuring that you get any necessary consents and make any necessary disclosures for the personal data you collect and send to Amplitude. You're also responsible for determining how you classify the Amplitude cookies in your cookie policy based on your specific use case and the jurisdictions in which you use them.

If you use the Amplitude SDK in one of these jurisdictions, don't initialize the SDK until the user has consented to your use of cookies. This is because the Amplitude functions (for example, cookie storage, local storage, and tracking events) are enabled or disabled upon SDK initialization.

To allow for this, the JavaScript SDK offers an option called deferInitialization (defaults to null). If set to true, it disables the core function of the SDK, including saving a cookie (or anything to the local storage) and all tracking, until explicitly enabled. The SDK instance loads without storage and tracking until you call amplitude.getInstance().enableTracking().

When you call amplitude.getInstance().enableTracking(), the option deferInitialization is set to false and Amplitude creates the cookie with the options values you configured, as in the code in client.js:

2* Enable tracking via logging events and dropping a cookie
3* Intended to be used with the deferInitialization configuration flag
4* This will drop a cookie and reset initialization deferred
5* @public
7AmplitudeClient.prototype.enableTracking = function enableTracking() {
8 // This will call init (which drops the cookie) and will run any pending tasks
9 this._initializationDeferred = false;
10 f(this);
11 this.runQueuedFunctions();
12 };
15* Saves deviceId, userId, event meta data to amplitude cookie
16* @private
18var _saveCookieData = function _saveCookieData(scope) {
19 const cookieData = {
20 deviceId: scope.options.deviceId,
21 userId: scope.options.userId,
22 optOut: scope.options.optOut,
23 sessionId: scope._sessionId,
24 lastEventTime: scope._lastEventTime,
25 eventId: scope._eventId,
26 identifyId: scope._identifyId,
27 sequenceNumber: scope._sequenceNumber,
28 };
29 if (scope._useOldCookie) {
30 scope.cookieStorage.set(scope.options.cookieName + scope._storageSuffix, cookieData);
31 } else {
33 }
34 };

This doesn't affect users who have an Amplitude cookie, as shown in the code from amplitude-client.js: at some point, the user provided consent, which is all Amplitude needed to create the cookie legitimately. To opt that user out of tracking, you must remove any amplitude cookies that were already set for that user.

The presence of an Amplitude Analytics cookie is what determines whether Amplitude tracks a user's events. For users that have one, consider the following:

  1. If you manually define cookieExpiration to be a short lifespan, you may need to run amplitude.getInstance().enableTracking() when the Amplitude Analytics cookie expires, or when the user logs in.

  2. If the user removes all cookies, they should see the consent banner again the next time they visit your app. Since there won’t be any Amplitude Analytics cookie yet set, the flow will go as described earlier, and the initialization of storage and tracking options will wait if using deferInitialization = true.

  3. If the user consented to the Amplitude Analytics cookie at some point in the past, and that consent has expired for any reason (website cookie deletion, consent tracking expired), Amplitude will prompt the user for consent again. If the user declines, the Amplitude Analytics cookie must explicitly be removed. Otherwise, it will continue to collect the user’s information, this time against their will.

Getting the SDK initialization options per project

From any site that uses Amplitude JavaScript SDK, you can know which initialization options are set. Run the next command from the JavaScript console on the browser you use to access the site:


Options are displayed alongside their values. For example, on you may see the following:

API options in Amplitude Event Explorer Chrome extension

If you use the Amplitude Event Explorer Chrome extension, you can access the initialization options values in the “API Options” tab by first selecting the project you're interested in:

If the Amplitude object instance isn't stored in the window object, it won’t be available to extract this information, neither from the console nor from the Chrome extension; this usually happens when using Node.js instead of the JavaScript SDK.

The error in the console appears like this:

Storage options explained

This table gives a brief overview of each option related to storage.

Option Default Value Definition
cookieExpiration 365 The number of days after which the Amplitude cookie expires. The default 12 months is for GDPR compliance.
cookieForceUpgrade False Forces SDK pre-v6.0.0 instances to adopt SDK post-v6.0.0 compatible cookie formats.
deferInitialization Null If true, disables the core functions of the SDK, including saving a cookie and all logging, until explicitly enabled by calling amplitude.getInstance().enableTracking()
deviceIdFromUrlParam False If true, the SDK parses device ID values from the URL parameter amp_device_id if available. This is useful for cross-domain tracking. Device IDs defined in the configuration options during init take priority over device IDs from URL parameters.
disableCookie False Disable Amplitude cookies altogether.
domain The top domain of the current page's URL Set a custom domain for the Amplitude cookie. To include subdomains, add a preceding period, for example:
optOut False Disable tracking for the current user.
sameSiteCookie None Sets the SameSite flag on the amplitude cookie. Decides cookie privacy policy.
saveEvents True If true, it saves events to local storage and removes them upon successful upload. Note.- Without saving events, those may be lost if the user navigates to another page before the events are uploaded.
savedMaxCount 1000 Maximum number of events to save in Local Storage. If more events are logged while offline, then old events are removed.
secureCookie False If true, the Amplitude cookie is set with the Secure flag. The secure flag lets the browser send this cookie only when on encrypted HTTPS transmissions. This ensures that your cookie isn't visible to an attacker in, for instance, a man-in-the-middle attack.
unsentIdentifyKey amplitude_unsent_identify localStorage key that stores unsent identifies.
unsetKey amplitude_unsent localStorage key that stores unsent events.

Abstraction layer for storage

The abstraction layer for storage and available options as well as the metadata that's stored can be found in Amplitude's GitHub:

As indicated, the options are set on initialization; for cookie and metadata storage, this happens in the method Init for the Amplitude client:

1this.options.apiKey = apiKey;
2this._storageSuffix =
3 '_' + apiKey + (this._instanceName === Constants.DEFAULT_INSTANCE ? '' : '_' + this._instanceName);
4this._storageSuffixV5 = apiKey.slice(0, 6);
6this._oldCookieName = this.options.cookieName + this._storageSuffix;
7this._unsentKey = this.options.unsentKey + this._storageSuffix;
8this._unsentIdentifyKey = this.options.unsentIdentifyKey + this._storageSuffix;
10this._cookieName = Constants.COOKIE_PREFIX + '_' + this._storageSuffixV5;
13 expirationDays: this.options.cookieExpiration,
14 domain: this.options.domain,
15 secure: this.options.secureCookie,
16 sameSite: this.options.sameSiteCookie,
19this._metadataStorage = new MetadataStorage({
20 storageKey: this._cookieName,
21 disableCookies: this.options.disableCookies,
22 expirationDays: this.options.cookieExpiration,
23 domain: this.options.domain,
24 secure: this.options.secureCookie,
25 sameSite: this.options.sameSiteCookie,
26 storage:,
29const hasOldCookie = !!this.cookieStorage.get(this._oldCookieName);
30const hasNewCookie = !!this._metadataStorage.load();
31this._useOldCookie = !hasNewCookie && hasOldCookie && !this.options.cookieForceUpgrade;
32const hasCookie = hasNewCookie || hasOldCookie;

Frequently asked questions

Are Amplitude's cookies first-party or third-party cookies?

Amplitude uses first-party cookies. From a technical standpoint, there’s no difference between first-party and third-party cookies. The distinction is related to:

  1. The context of a particular visit.
  2. Who creates the cookie.

Every cookie has an owner, which is the domain defined in the cookie:

  • First-party cookies are issued by a website that a user views directly. If a user lands on a website–for example,–this site creates a cookie which is then saved on the user’s computer. This is how Amplitude works. When a customer decides to add the Amplitude JS SDK to their website, the customer (through their website) is the one who directly creates the cookie stored in the visitor’s computer.

  • Third-party cookies are not created by the website being visited, but by someone else. Imagine you’re visiting, and the site uses YouTube videos for virtual non-live classes. In this case, it's YouTube who's setting the cookie that is saved on the user’s computer.

What's happening in this case is that the website owner embeds pieces of code, provided by YouTube, for the videos to play directly in When that YouTube code executes in the browser, or the video loads, YouTube can track the player and put data in its cookies. This is why the cookie qualifies as a third-party cookie-because it’s created by a different domain than /

Will Google Chrome’s plan to remove third party cookies affect Amplitude?

No-as stated above, Amplitude is not a third-party cookie. Amplitude customers add Amplitude to their website/bundle themselves and Amplitude sets it in their own bundled code through document.cookie, so Amplitude has the privileges of a first-party cookie.

Why aren't Amplitude cookies marked as HttpOnly?

It doesn’t make sense for Amplitude's cookies to be HttpOnly; the point of that option is so that document.cookie can’t read those cookies (since they’d only be used in the client-server communication). But the point of Amplitude's cookies is the opposite: Amplitude wants to persist data specifically in their browser and to rest in document.cookies, Amplitude can’t read from their server because Amplitude is client-side code.

If you're concerned that this renders the Amplitude cookie vulnerable to authentication information theft, you shouldn't be. Amplitude stores no authentication information in that cookie, so there's no danger of a XSS attack. The worst thing an attacker could do is steal Amplitude's cookie and take that user’s device ID and user ID, which shouldn’t be PII to be begin with.

Nonetheless, if this is a serious concern for you, then you should probably disable Amplitude's cookies.

Why aren't Amplitude's cookies marked as secure?

The secure flag lets the browser send the cookie only when on encrypted HTTPS transmissions. This ensures that your cookie isn't visible to an attacker in, for instance, a man-in-the-middle attack. Amplitude has no authentication information in that cookie nor any type of sensitive information, so Amplitude isn't in danger of a XSS attack. Again, the worst thing an attacker could do is steal Amplitude's cookie and take that user’s device ID and user ID.

For these reasons, Amplitude doesn't consider this as a security vulnerability.

Will cookies cause unsent events to send to a project with a different API key?

No-the SDKs later than version 4.0.0 all scope with the API key events stored in the unsent keys (local storage) so if a product changes the project (or its API key) it's sending the events to, those old events won’t reach the new project.

In SDK versions prior to 4.0.0, this wasn’t the case; the events didn’t consider the API Key when queued for retry. If the product is still using an old SDK version, the old unsent events remaining in local storage reach the new project the moment the connection with Amplitude runs again. To mitigate this problem if you can’t upgrade to a newer SDK version, try using an instance name for the project instead of using the default project. Like this to instantiate the Amplitude client: amplitude.getInstance(‘ProjectName’).init("API_KEY") and like this to log any event: amplitude.getInstance(ProjectName).logEvent()

How do you integrate with third-party Consent Management Platfoms?

Websites and applications can use a consent management platform (CMP) to manage legal consent from users around collecting and processing their personal data through any cookies and other trackers operating on the domain, as may be required by applicable privacy laws, such as GDPR, CCPA and ePrivacy. Some examples of these tools are OneTrust, Axeptio or Responsum.

At the time of this writing, Amplitude doesn't have a default integration with any of these tools. You must configure your CMP to pass the outcome of the consent to the Amplitude SDK, so that any end user who hasn't provided consent or who has revoked consent (depending on the end user’s jurisdiction) is opted out of tracking by the Amplitude SDK. That signal must be received by the SDK as implemented on the customer’s site or application to execute the method amplitude.getInstance().enableTracking() while using the SDK deferred initialization as described in “Managing Cookie Consent”.

Can I use OneTrust with Amplitude to stay GDPR compliant?

Yes, you can use Amplitude with a CMP, like OneTrust, in a GDPR-compliant manner. Amplitude can't direct you on how to classify the Amplitude SDK/cookies. Instead, your privacy and legal teams should make this assessment based on the data you're coillecting. However, most customers, including in the EU, classify Amplitude cookies as Performance/Analytics cookies.

Customers may also choose to implement via a server side integration, therefore bypassing Amplitude’s cookies from the SDK. However, customers who integrate via a server side integration are still responsible for ensuring that they get any necessary consents and make any necessary disclosures for the personal data they collect and send to Amplitude.

When a user opts out, how can I opt them in again?

Besides the method amplitude.getInstance().enableTracking() discussed before, once a user is opted out, you can opt them in programmatically by calling the method amplitude.setOptOut(false). This sets the option optOut to false, re-setting the cookie with the new options and enabling the tracking. You can find the following code in the amplitude client:

2* Sets whether to opt current user out of tracking.
3* @public
4* @param {boolean} enable - if true then no events will be logged or sent.
5* @example: amplitude.setOptOut(true);
7AmplitudeClient.prototype.setOptOut = function setOptOut(enable) {
8if (this._shouldDeferCall()) {
9 return this._q.push(['setOptOut'].concat(, 0)));
11 if (!utils.validateInput(enable, 'enable', 'boolean')) {
12 return;
14 try {
15 this.options.optOut = enable;
16 _saveCookieData(this);
17} catch (e) {
18 utils.log.error(e);

CNIL France - Frequently asked questions

CNIL France FAQs

FAQs related to CNIL aren't intended as legal or regulatory advice and don't constitute any warranty or contractual commitment on the part of Amplitude. Amplitude encourages customers to seek independent legal advice on your legal and regulatory obligations with issues related to this subject matter.

CNIL France - What is the CNIL cookie exemption?

The CNIL (Commission Nationale Informatique & Libertés) is the French Data Protection Agency. As a general rule, the CNIL requires the consent of users before cookies can be used on a website, a mobile application or other connected device. The CNIL allows for a very limited exemption from this requirement for cookies that collect only anonymous, aggregated statistical data that's used for measuring website traffic or performance. Data collected from these cookies can't be combined with other data or used to identify users.

CNIL France - What does the CNIL cookie exemption really mean?

The CNIL maintains a list of services which can be used under the exemption. However, any use of an analytics service under the CNIL exemption is subject to the following limitations:

  1. Analytics cookies can ONLY be placed without asking for user consent if they only collect anonymous statistical data for audience measurement (overall traffic, page views).
  2. This doesn't mean a customer can collect ALL data about a user for analysis.
  3. Under the exemption, customers can't use or create “user” analyses.

CNIL France - What does the CNIL exemption mean for Amplitude and our cookies?

As discussed, the CNIL allows for a limited exemption for the requirement that companies obtain user consent for any non-essential cookies. In general, this exemption applies to analytics cookies for the limited purpose of audience measurement of an app or a site, and it's limited to the use of anonymous tracers.

Therefore, a customer’s use of an analytics service under the exemption will be very limited. Without the CNIL cookie exemption, customers might only collect and measure part of their traffic. The power of the limited data set (for example, the data set with just the users that opt-in/consent) in Amplitude is much more valuable than the very limited data that can be collected under the exemption. This is because:

Audience measurement (page views, overall sessions) don't help customers make better decisions; behavioral analytics guide actions and learning.

Amplitude doesn't need 100% of traffic to derive meaningful insights.

Most of the exempted tools don't have the powerful analytics capabilities of Amplitude.

Besides using the SDKs, customers can still send data to Amplitude server-side. This doesn't require customers to obtain consent for a separate Amplitude SDK cookie. However, as mentioned above, customers who integrate via a server side integration will still be responsible for ensuring that they obtain any necessary consents and make any necessary disclosures for the personal data they collect and send to Amplitude.

CNIL France - 13-month cookie limit

The Amplitude SDK has a cookieExpiration option to allow customers to set the number of days a cookie will live. It defaults to 1 year as of the current version. However, most browsers will by default limit the lifetime of cookies set using document.cookie from 1 to 7 days.

CNIL France - 25-month data retention max

Use Amplitude’s Time to Live functionality to set a retention schedule for their event data.

CNIL France - Purpose strictly limited to the sole measurement of the site’s or application’s audience

On the requirement of having a purpose strictly limited to the sole measurement of the site’s or application’s audience (performance measurement, detection of browsing problems, optimization of technical performance or its ergonomics, estimation of the power of the servers required, analysis of contents consulted), for the exclusive account of the publisher, Amplitude customers are in full control of the data that they choose to send to the Amplitude platform, and can choose to only send Amplitude events related to audience measurement/page views.

CNIL France - Only serve to produce anonymous statistical data

To use Amplitude to produce anonymous statistical data, Amplitude recommends taking the following steps:

  • Reach out to Amplitude at, if you are a prospective customer, or via this form, if you are an existing customer, to:

    • request that IP address be dropped for projects that contain end users that haven't provided consent;
    • discuss disabling Amplitude’s User Look-Up and the ability to view user streams for projects that contain data for end users that haven't provided consent; and
    • discuss the most effective configuration options for your use case.
  • Don't send deviceID to Amplitude for end users that haven't provided consent.

  • For end users that haven't provided consent, set a userID that's randomly generated or hashed.

  • Consider disabling the capacity to filter end users at the individual level by hiding user properties, such as userID, deviceID and Amplitude ID. See this documentation.

  • Consider disabling user downloads. See this documentation.

CNIL France - Compliant with GDPR

Amplitude’s privacy program is based on privacy-by-design principles. Amplitude's privacy program ensures that it complies with all relevant domestic and international privacy regulations and laws regarding the processing of personal data, including GDPR.

Amplitude also offers customers the choice of having their data hosted in the US-West based AWS environment or the EU based AWS environment. To ensure that Amplitude's customers can appropriately respond to and comply with end-user data deletion requests as required by global privacy laws such as GDPR, Amplitude has built an API endpoint that allows customers to programmatically submit requests to delete all data for a set of known Amplitude IDs and/or User IDs. For more details, see the developer documentation: User Privacy API.

Additionally, Data Subject Access Requests (DSARs) can be completed using the DSAR API, which makes it easy to retrieve all data about a single user. More details can be found here.

More information on Amplitude’s stance on privacy and security can be found here.

CNIL France - Cookies must not lead to a cross-checking of the data with other processing or that data be passed on to third parties.

No data is exported from Amplitude unless the customer chooses to export data to third party products. Customers shouldn't use Amplitude to export data related to end users that haven't provided consent to third party products.

Additionally, upon request, Amplitude can disable its cohort syncing and data streaming capabilities for orgs containing only data for end users that haven't provided consent.

CNIL France - Cookies must not allow the global follow-up

The CNIL exemption mentions that cookies must not allow the global follow-up of the navigation of the person using different applications or browsing on different websites; any solution that uses the same identifier across multiple sites (for example, through cookies placed on a third-party domain loaded by multiple sites) to cross-reference, duplicate, or measure a unified reach for content is excluded.

To comply with this requirement, customers shouldn't use Amplitude’s cross domain tracking, and should use a separate platform instrumentation for any projects with data from end users that haven't provided consent. By default, Amplitude doesn't employ cross domain tracking for customers.

CNIL France - The data is collected, processed and stored independently for each publisher

In Amplitude, customer data is logically separated and stored in encrypted form in Amplitude’s AWS environment.

CNIL France - The trackers are completely independent of each other and of any other tracker

The cookie used by the Amplitude SDK is a first party cookie and any data collected by the cookie is collected by the customer as the controller of the data. Amplitude only processes the customer’s data as a processor / service provider, and doesn't use customer data for its own purposes.

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July 2nd, 2024

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