Taxonomy API

The Taxonomy API grants Enterprise users the ability to programmatically plan their event schema in the Taxonomy tab.

The Taxonomy API lets you create, get, update, and delete categories, event types, event properties, and user properties.


This API uses basic authentication, using the API key and secret key for your project. Pass base64-encoded credentials in the request header like {api-key}:{secret-key}. api-key replaces username, and secret-key replaces the password.

Your authorization header should look something like this:

--header 'Authorization: Basic YWhhbWwsdG9uQGFwaWdlZS5jb206bClwYXNzdzByZAo'

For more information, see Find your API Credentials


Region Endpoint
Standard server
EU residency server


  • You may have to URL encode special characters in the names of event types, event properties, and user properties.
    For example, encode Play Song as Play%20Song. Use the W3Schools encoding reference.
  • In responses, custom user properties have a gp: prefix. For example, gp:my_custom_property.
  • You must plan events or properties in the schema before you can delete them via this API.


For each endpoint, there is a concurrent and a rate limit. This limit restricts the number of requests you can run at the same time, while the rate limit restricts the total number of queries you can run per hour.

Limits are per project, and exceeding any of these limits returns a 429 error.

The endpoints use a cost per query model. Here are the max costs per API Key:

  • Concurrent Cost Limit: You can run queries that collectively add up to 4 cost at the same time.
  • Period Cost Limit: You can run up to 7200 cost per hour.

Cost structure of each endpoint:

  • GET: 1 cost
  • PUT: 2 cost
  • POST: 2 cost
  • DELETE: 2 cost

Event category

Event categories are a way to organize your event types into broad groups.


You want to track how users register for your app, checkout, and how they interact with the onboarding experience. You can bucket your events using these event categories:

  • Registration
  • Checkout
  • Onboarding

Create event category

Create an event category in your project.

POST /api/2/taxonomy/category

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key}' \ #credentials must be base64 encoded
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'category_name=CATEGORY_NAME'

POST /api/2/taxonomy/category HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Example: Create an event category

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'category_name=Attribution'

POST /api/2/taxonomy/category HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 25

Body parameters

category_name Required. Name of the category.


A successful request returns a 200 OK response with a JSON body:

"success" : true

A failed request sends an error message with more information:

"success" : false,
"errors" : [
"message" : "error info"

Get all event categories

Get all event categories in your project.


curl --location --request GET '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

GET /api/2/taxonomy/category HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded


A successful request returns a 200 OK status with a JSON body:

"success": true,
"data": [
"id": 412931,
"name": "Attribution"
"id": 412941,
"name": "Conversion"

A failed request returns a 400 Bad Request response with more information.

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Not found"

Get an event category

Get the ID of an event category in your project. Send a GET request with the category name.


curl --location --request GET '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

GET /api/2/taxonomy/category/:category_name HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Get a category's ID
This example get the ID for the event category named "Attribution".

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/taxonomy/category/Attribution HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Path parameters

category_name Required. The name of the category


A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body with the category's data:

"success": true,
"data": {
"id": 412941,
"name": "Conversion"

A failed request returns a 400 Bad Request status with more information about the error.

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Not found"

Update the name of an event category. Send a PUT request with the category ID and a new name in the body.


curl --location --request PUT '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'category_name=NEW_NAME'

PUT /api/2/taxonomy/category/CATEGORY_ID HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 23

Example: Rename a category
This example renames the category with the ID 412941 to "Converted".

curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'category_name=Converted'

PUT /api/2/taxonomy/category/412941 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 23

Path parameters

category_id Required. The ID of the category

Body parameters

category_name Required. The new name of the category

200 ok response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body.

"success": true

409 conflict response

If there is a problem with your request, the request returns a 409 Conflict status, and a JSON body with more information.

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Attempted to operate on entity event_category, id \"4129\", that does not exist."

Delete an event category

Delete an event category. Send a DELETE request with the category ID.


curl --location --request DELETE '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

DELETE /api/2/taxonomy/category/:category_id HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Delete a category
This example deletes the category with the ID 412941.

curl --location --request DELETE '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

DELETE /api/2/taxonomy/category/412941 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Path parameters

category_id Required. The ID of the category

200 ok response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body.

"success": true

409 conflict response

If there is a problem with your request, the request returns a 409 Conflict status, and a JSON body with more information.

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Attempted to operate on entity event_category, id \"412941\", that does not exist."

Event type

An event is any action a user can take, like start game or add to cart, or any activity associated with a user, like in-app notifications or push notifications.

You can use the API to manipulate event types.

Create an event type

Creates an event type. Send a POST request to and include a body with your parameters.


Initialize the schema before you can add event types via the API.

curl --location --request POST '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'event_type=EVENT_TYPE' \
--data-urlencode 'category=CATEGORY_NAME' \
--data-urlencode 'description=DESCRIPTION'

POST /api/2/taxonomy/event?=null HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} # credentials must be base64 encoded
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 80

Example: Create an event type
This example creates the event type "Onboarding Start" with the category "Onboarding" and a description of "My new onboarding event".

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=' \
--data-urlencode 'event_type=Onboard Start' \
--data-urlencode 'category=Onboarding' \
--data-urlencode 'description=My new onboarding event. ' \

POST /api/2/taxonomy/event HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=
Content-Length: 92

Body parameters

event_type Required. String. The event name.
category Optional. String. The event type's category.
description Optional. String. Details about the event type.
is_active Optional. Boolean. Activity of the event type.
is_hidden_from_dropdowns Optional. Boolean. Event type is hidden from dropdowns.
is_hidden_from_persona_results Optional. Boolean. Event type is hidden from persona results.
is_hidden_from_pathfinder Optional. Boolean. Event type is hidden from pathfinder.
is_hidden_from_timeline Optional. Boolean. Event type is hidden from timeline.
tags Optional. String. List of tags, separated by a comma.
owner Optional. String. Owner of the event type.


is_hidden_from_dropdowns, is_hidden_from_persona_results, is_hidden_from_pathfinder and is_hidden_from_timeline properties can only be set on ingested event types.

200 ok response

A successful request returns a 200 OK response with a JSON body:

"success" : true

409 conflict response

A failed request returns a 409 Conflict status with an error message.

"success" : false,
"errors" : [
"message" : "error info"

Get all event types

Retrieves all event types in a project. This request has no required parameters.



Hidden events, those that have a visibility other than "Visible", don't appear in the response.

By default, deleted events will also not be included, but the showDeleted query parameter can be optionally added to the endpoint to include them:


curl --location --request GET '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

GET /api/2/taxonomy/event HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status with a JSON body:

"success": true,
"data": [
"event_type": "Attribution",
"category": {
"name": "Attribution Events"
"description": null,
"is_active": false,
"is_hidden_from_dropdowns": false,
"is_hidden_from_persona_results": false,
"is_hidden_from_pathfinder": false,
"is_hidden_from_timeline": false,
"tags": [],
"owner": null
"event_type": "Conversation",
"category": {
"name": "Conversion Events"
"description": "This event is fired when a user converts.",
"is_active": false,
"is_hidden_from_dropdowns": false,
"is_hidden_from_persona_results": false,
"is_hidden_from_pathfinder": false,
"is_hidden_from_timeline": false,
"tags": [],
"owner": null

Get an event type

Get a single event type, by name. Send a GET request with the event name.


curl --location --request GET '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

GET /api/2/taxonomy/event/:event_type HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Get an event type by name
This example gets the 'Event 2' event type.

curl --location --request GET ' 2' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

curl --location --request GET ' 2' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

Path parameters

event_type Required. String. The event name.

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body with the event type's data:

"success": true,
"data": {
"event_type": "Event 2",
"category": {
"name": "Conversion Events"
"description": null,
"is_active": false,
"is_hidden_from_dropdowns": false,
"is_hidden_from_persona_results": false,
"is_hidden_from_pathfinder": false,
"is_hidden_from_timeline": false,
"tags": [],
"owner": null

400 Bad Request response

A failed request returns a 400 Bad Request status with more information about the error.

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Not found"

Update an event type

Update an event type. Send a PUT request with the event type name.


curl --location --request PUT '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'
--data-urlencode 'category=NEW_CATEGORY_NAME' \
--data-urlencode 'display_name=NEW_EVENT_TYPE_DISPLAY_NAME'

PUT /api/2/taxonomy/event/EVENT_TYPE_NAME HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} # credentials must be base64 encoded
Content-Length: 41

Example: Update an event type
This example updates the event type OnboardingBegin with the category Onboarding, event type name OnboardStart, the display name "Onboarding Start", and a description of "User signed in and completed an onboarding task from modal".

curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'new_event_type=OnboardStart' \
--data-urlencode 'category=Onboarding' \
--data-urlencode 'description=User signed in and completed an onboarding task from modal.' \
--data-urlencode 'display_name=Onboarding Start'

PUT /api/2/taxonomy/event/OnboardBegin HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 169

Path parameters

event_type Required. String. The event name.

Body parameters

new_event_type Optional. String. The event type's new name.
category Optional. Current category name of the event type.
description Optional. String. Details to add to the event type.
display_name Optional. String. Display name of an event type. You can update the display name for an event type after it's ingested into Amplitude.
is_active Optional. Boolean. Activity of the event type.
is_hidden_from_dropdowns Optional. Boolean. Event type is hidden from dropdowns.
is_hidden_from_persona_results Optional. Boolean. Event type is hidden from persona results.
is_hidden_from_pathfinder Optional. Boolean. Event type is hidden from pathfinder.
is_hidden_from_timeline Optional. Boolean. Event type is hidden from timeline.
tags Optional. String. List of tags, separated by a comma.
owner Optional. String. Owner of the event type.


is_hidden_from_dropdowns, is_hidden_from_persona_results, is_hidden_from_pathfinder and is_hidden_from_timeline properties can only be set on ingested event types.

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body.

"success": true

409 conflict response

If there is a problem with your request, the request returns a 409 Conflict status, and a JSON body with more information.

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Attempted to change the event display name for event \"Event\", but the event is not in schema."

Delete an event type

Delete an event type.


curl --location --request DELETE ''
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

DELETE /api/2/taxonomy/event/EVENT_TYPE HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Delete an event type
This example deletes the event type Event1.

curl --location --request DELETE '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=' \

DELETE /api/2/taxonomy/event/Event1 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Path parameters

event_type Required. The name of the event type.


Event type Behavior in Amplitude
live Marks the event as deleted
unexpected Adds the event to the tracking plan, then marks it as deleted
planned Removes the event from the tracking plan
transformed Returns an error because transformed event types aren't deletable
deleted or not found Returns an error

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body.

"success": true

4XX responses

If there's a problem with the request, Amplitude returns a 4XX status, and a JSON body with more information.

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Not found"

Restore an event type

Restore an event type.


curl --location --request POST ''
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

POST /api/2/taxonomy/event/EVENT_TYPE/restore HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Restore an event type
This example restores the event type "Event1".

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

POST /api/2/taxonomy/event/Event1/restore HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Path parameters

event_type Required. The name of the event type.


Event type Behavior in Amplitude
deleted Restores the event
not deleted or not found Returns an error

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body.

"success": true

4XX responses

If there's a problem with your request, Amplitude returns a 4XX status, and a JSON body with more information.

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Not found"

Event property

Event properties describe the attributes of an event. For example, if 'Swipe' is an event that you are tracking, then the event property ‘Direction’ could have the values ‘Left’ or ‘Right’.

Create an event property

Create an event property. Send a POST request to the endpoint with the required information in the body.


curl --location --request POST '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'event_type=EVENT_TYPE' \
--data-urlencode 'event_property=EVENT_PROPERTY' \

POST /api/2/taxonomy/event-property HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 94

Example: Create an event property
This example creates the event property "Completed Task" with the description "User completed any onboarding task" for the event "Onboarding Start". The event property is a boolean type, isn't required.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=' \
--data-urlencode 'event_type=Onboard Start' \
--data-urlencode 'event_property=Completed Task' \
--data-urlencode 'description=User completed any onboarding task' \
--data-urlencode 'type=boolean' \
--data-urlencode 'is_required=false'

POST /api/2/taxonomy/event-property HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=
Content-Length: 144

Body parameters

event_property Required. String. Name of the event property.
event_type Optional. String. Name of the event type to which the event property belongs to. If the event property already exists on this event type, Amplitude returns a 409 Conflict error. If the event property already exists but not on this event type, Amplitiude creates an override for this property. If the event property doesn't exist anywhere, Amplitude doesn't create an override for this property.
description Optional. String. The event property's description.
type Optional. String. The event property's data type. Acceptable values are string, number, boolean, enum, and any
regex Optional. String. Regular expression, custom regex used for pattern matching or more complex values. For example, property zip code must have pattern [0-9]{5} Applies only to the string type.
enum_values Optional. String. List of allowed values, separated by comma. For example: red, yellow, blue. Only applicable to the enum type.
is_array_type Optional. Boolean. Use the type parameter to set the type of array elements.
is_required Optional. Boolean. Marks the property as required. When true, Amplitude flags events that are missing this property on the Taxonomy page in the web app.
is_hidden Optional. Boolean. Hide the property from chart dropdowns.
classifications Optional. String. List of classifications applicable to this event property. Valid classifications are PII, SENSITIVE and REVENUE. You can only apply classifications on shared properties. Trying to set classifications on an overridden property results in an error.


is_hidden property can only be set on ingested properties.

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body.

"success": true

409 conflict response

If there is a problem with your request, the request returns a 409 Conflict status, and a JSON body with more information.

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Attempted to add an event property, \"Completed Task\" for event \"Onboard Start\", that already exists."

Get event properties

Get shared or event-specific event properties.


curl --location --request GET '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'event_type=EVENT_NAME'

GET /api/2/taxonomy/event-property HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: get all of an event's properties
This example gets all event properties for the "Onboard Start" event.

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'event_type=Onboard Start'

GET /api/2/taxonomy/event-property HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA==
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 26

Body parameters

event_type Optional. Name of the event type to which the event properties belong to. If event_type is present, Amplitude returns all event properties associated with this event type. If event_type isn't present, Amplitude returns all shared event properties in your tracking plan.

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body with a list of event properties and their data.

"success": true,
"data": [
"event_property": "Completed Task",
"event_type": "Onboard Start",
"description": "User completed a task during onboarding.",
"type": "boolean",
"regex": null,
"enum_values": null,
"is_array_type": false,
"is_required": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"classifications": ["PII"]
"event_property": "Completed Tutorial",
"event_type": "Onboard Start",
"description": "",
"type": "any",
"regex": null,
"enum_values": null,
"is_array_type": false,
"is_required": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"classifications": []

Get a single event property

Get a single event property. Send a GET request with the event property name as a path parameter and, optionally, the event name in the body.


curl --location --request GET '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'event_type=EVENT_NAME'

GET /api/2/taxonomy/event-property/EVENT_PROPERTY_NAME HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Get a property from a specific event
This example gets a the "Completed Task" property for the "Onboard Start" event.

curl --location --request GET ' Task' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'event_type=Onboard Start'

GET /api/2/taxonomy/event-property?event_property=Completed Task HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA==
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 26

Path parameters

event_property Required. The event property name.

Body parameter

event_type Optional. Name of the event type to which the event properties belong to. If event_type is present, Amplitude returns all event properties associated with this event type. If event_type isn't present, Amplitude returns all shared properties in your tracking plan.

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body containing information about the event property.

"success": true,
"data": {
"event_property": "Shared",
"event_type": "Onboard Finish",
"description": "Whether user shared content.",
"type": "boolean",
"regex": null,
"enum_values": null,
"is_array_type": false,
"is_required": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"classifications": ["PII"]

400 Bad Request response

If Amplitude can't find the event property, or you configure the request incorrectly, it returns a 400 Bad Request response and an error message.

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Not found"

Update event property

Update an event property.


curl --location --request PUT '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'event_type=EVENT_NAME' \

PUT /api/2/taxonomy/event-property/EVENT_PROPERTY HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 24

Example: Update an event property
This example updates a the "Completed Task" property. It changes the name to "Task Completed" and adds a description.

curl --location --request PUT ' Task' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'description=User completed an onboarding task' \
--data-urlencode 'new_event_property_value=Task Completed' \

PUT /api/2/taxonomy/event-property/Completed Task HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA==
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 130

Path parameters

event-property Required. Name of the event property.

Body parameters

event_type Optional. Name of the event type to which the event properties belong to. If the event property already exists on this event type, Amplitude returns a 409 Conflict error. If the event property already exists but not on this event type, Amplitude creates an override for this property. If the event property doesn't exist anywhere, Amplitude doesn't create an override for this property.
overrideScope Optional. Determines how we should act on this event property. Only applicable if event_type is present. If overrideScope is not present, Amplitude updates property override on the event if it exists on the event, or the shared property if no override exists on the event. With overrideScope: "override", Amplitude creates an override if none exists on the event, then updates that overridden property, or it updates the existing override if one already exists. With overrideScope: "shared", Amplitude removes the property override on the event if one exists on the event, then updates the shared property, or updates the shared property if no property override exists.
description Optional. String. The event property's description.
new_event_property_value Optional. String. The new name of the event property.
type Optional. String. The event property's data type. Acceptable values are string, number, boolean, enum, and any
regex Optional. String. Regular expression, custom regex used for pattern matching or more complex values. For example, property zip code must have pattern [0-9]{5}
enum_values Optional. String. List of allowed values.
is_array_type Optional. Boolean. Specifies whether the property value is an array.
is_required Optional. Boolean. Marks the property as required.
is_hidden Optional. Boolean. Hide the property from chart dropdowns.
classifications Optional. String. Only available if Data Access Controls is enabled at the account level. List of classifications applicable to this event property. Valid classifications are PII, SENSITIVE and REVENUE. You can only apply classifications on shared properties, and trying to set classifications on an overridden property results in an error. With overrideScope: "override", Amplitude returns an error for the same reason mentioned in the previous point.


is_hidden property can only be set on ingested properties.

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body.

"success": true

409 conflict response

Some failed requests return a 409 Conflict and an error message with more details.

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Attempted to change the event property description for property \"Completed Task\" for event \"\", but the property is not in schema."

Delete an event property

Delete an event property. Send a DELETE request with the event property as a path parameter and, optionally, the event type in the request body.


curl --location --request DELETE '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key}' # credentials must be base64 encoded \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'event_type=EVENT_NAME'

DELETE /api/2/taxonomy/event-property/EVENT_PROPERTY HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} # credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Delete an event property
This example deletes the event property "Completed Task" from the "Onboarding Start" event.

curl --location --request DELETE ' Task' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'event_type=Onboarding Start'

DELETE /api/2/taxonomy/event-property/Completed Task HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 29

Path parameters

event_property Required. The event property name.

Body parameter

event_type Optional. Name of the event type to which the event properties belong.


If the event type is available:

Event property Behavior in Amplitude
exists Removes it from the event type
does not exist Returns an error

If the event type isn't available, Amplitude operates on the global event property.

Event property Behavior in Amplitude
live Marks the event property as deleted
unexpected Adds the event property to the tracking plan, and marks it as deleted
planned Removes the event property from the tracking plan
transformed Returns an error because transformed event properties aren't deletable
deleted or not found Returns an error.

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body.

"success": true

Restore an event property

Restore an event property. Send a POST request with the event property as a path parameter.


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key}' # credentials must be base64 encoded

POST /api/2/taxonomy/event-property/EVENT_PROPERTY/restore HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} # credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Delete an event property
This example restores the event property "Completed Task".

curl --location --request POST ' Task/restore' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

POST /api/2/taxonomy/event-property/Completed Task/restore HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Path parameters

event_property Required. The event property name.


Event property Behavior in Amplitude
deleted Restores the event property
not deleted or not found Returns an error

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body.

"success": true

User property

User properties reflect traits about the individuals using your product.

Create a user property

Create a user property.


curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key}' # credentials must be base64 encoded \
--data-urlencode 'user_property=USER_PROPERTY' \

POST /api/2/taxonomy/user-property HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} # credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Create a user property
This example creates a user property called "User Type", with a description of "Describes whether the user is a Free, Standard, or Premium user.", a type of string and allows the values "Free", "Standard", and "Premium".

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=' \
--data-urlencode 'user_property=User Type' \
--data-urlencode 'description=Describes whether the user is a Free, Standard, or Premium user. ' \
--data-urlencode 'type=string' \
--data-urlencode 'enum_values=Free, Standard, Premium'

POST /api/2/taxonomy/user-property HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=
Content-Length: 185

Body parameter

user_property Required. String. Name of the user property type.
description Optional. String. Details to add to the user property type.
type Optional. String. The user property's data type. Acceptable values are string, number, boolean, enum, and any.
regex Optional. String. Regular expression or custom regex used for pattern matching and more complex values. For example, 'zip code' property must have pattern [0-9]{5}.
enum_values Optional. String. List of allowed values, separated by comma. For example: red, yellow, blue.
is_array_type Optional. Boolean. Specifies whether the property value is an array.
is_hidden Optional. Boolean. Hide the property from chart dropdowns.
classifications Optional. String. Only available if Data Access Controls is enabled at the account level. List of classifications applicable to this user property. Valid classifications are PII, SENSITIVE and REVENUE.


is_hidden property can only be set on ingested properties.


This request returns either a true or false response.

"success" : true
"success" : false

Get all user properties

Retrieves all user properties in your account. This call doesn't have any required parameters.


curl --location --request GET '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}''

GET /api/2/taxonomy/user-property HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded


A successful request returns a 200 OK response and a JSON body with user property details.

"success": true,
"data": [
"user_property": "device_id",
"description": null,
"type": null,
"enum_values": null,
"regex": null,
"is_array_type": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"classifications": ["PII"]
}, //[tl! collapse:start]
"user_property": "event_id",
"description": null,
"type": null,
"enum_values": null,
"regex": null,
"is_array_type": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"classifications": []
"user_property": "amplitude_id",
"description": null,
"type": null,
"enum_values": null,
"regex": null,
"is_array_type": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"classifications": []
"user_property": "location_lat",
"description": null,
"type": null,
"enum_values": null,
"regex": null,
"is_array_type": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"classifications": []
"user_property": "location_lng",
"description": null,
"type": null,
"enum_values": null,
"regex": null,
"is_array_type": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"classifications": []
"user_property": "server_upload_time",
"description": null,
"type": null,
"enum_values": null,
"regex": null,
"is_array_type": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"classifications": []
"user_property": "session_id",
"description": null,
"type": null,
"enum_values": null,
"regex": null,
"is_array_type": false,
"classifications": []
"user_property": "user_id",
"description": null,
"type": null,
"enum_values": null,
"regex": null,
"is_array_type": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"classifications": []
} //[tl! collapse:end]

Get a user property

Retrieves a single user property, by name.


curl --location --request GET '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

GET /api/2/taxonomy/user-property/USER_PROPERTY HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Get a user property
This example gets the device_id user property.

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

GET /api/2/taxonomy/user-property/device_id HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Path parameters
user_property Required. The user property name. Prefix custom user properties with gp:.

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK response and a JSON body with user property details.

"success": true,
"data": {
"user_property": "device_id",
"description": null,
"type": null,
"enum_values": null,
"regex": null,
"is_array_type": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"classifications": ["PII"]

404 Bad Request response

A failed request returns a 404 Bad Request status and an error message.

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Not found"

The Taxonomy API requires an Enterprise plan account. If your subscription doesn't qualify, the call results in a 404 Bad Request response.

Update a user property

Update a user property.


curl --location --request PUT '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'new_user_property_value=VALUE' \
--data-urlencode 'description=DESCRIPTION'

PUT /api/2/taxonomy/user-property/USER_PROPERTY HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 37

Example: Update a user property
This example updates the user_type user property to be named subscription_type, adds a description of "The user's subscription type", and changes the property's data type to string. The user property is prefixed with gp: in the path because it's a custom user property.

curl --location --request PUT '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=' \
--data-urlencode 'new_user_property_value=subscription_type' \
--data-urlencode 'description=The user'\''s subscription type' \
--data-urlencode 'type=string'

PUT /api/2/taxonomy/user-property/gp:user_type HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=
Content-Length: 100

Path parameters

user_property Required. The user property name. Prefix custom user properties with gp:.

Body parameters

new_user_property_value Optional. String. New name of the user property type.
description Optional. String. Details to add to the user property type.
type Optional. String. The user property's data type. Acceptable values are string, number, boolean, enum, and any.
regex Optional. String. Regular expression or custom regex used for pattern matching and more complex values. For example, 'zip code' property must have pattern [0-9]{5}. Only applicable to the string type.
enum_values Optional. String. List of allowed values, separated by comma. For example: red, yellow, blue. Only applicable to the enum type.
is_array_type Optional. Boolean. Specifies whether the property value is an array. Use the type parameter to set the type of array elements.
is_hidden Optional. Boolean. Hide the property from chart dropdowns.
classifications Optional. String. Only available if Data Access Controls is enabled at the account level. List of classifications applicable to this user property. Valid classifications are PII, SENSITIVE and REVENUE.


is_hidden property can only be set on ingested properties.


This request returns either a true or false response.

"success" : true
"success" : false

Delete a user property

Deletes a single user property, by name.


curl --location --request DELETE '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

DELETE /api/2/taxonomy/user-property/USER_PROPERTY HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Delete a user property
This example deletes a custom user property "interests". Notice that the user property is prefixed with gp:.

curl --location --request DELETE '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

DELETE /api/2/taxonomy/user-property/gp:interests HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Path parameters

user_property Required. The user property name. Prefix custom user properties with gp:.


User property Behavior in Amplitude
live Marks the user property as deleted
unexpected Adds the user property to the tracking plan, and marks it as deleted
planned Removes the user property from the tracking plan
transformed Returns an error. Transformed user properties aren't deletable
Amplitude User Property Returns an error. Amplitude user properties aren't deletable
deleted or not found Returns an error

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK response and a JSON message.

"success": true

Restore a user property

Restore a single user property, by name.


curl --location --request POST '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}'

POST /api/2/taxonomy/user-property/USER_PROPERTY/restore HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Restore a user property
This example restores a custom user property interests. Notice that the user property is prefixed with gp:.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA='

POST /api/2/taxonomy/user-property/gp:interests/restore HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=

Path parameters

user_property Required. The user property name. Prefix custom user properties with gp:.


User property Behavior in Amplitude
deleted Restores the user property
not deleted or not found Returns an error

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK response and a JSON message.

"success": true

Group property

Group properties are properties at the account level. They apply to all users who belong to that account.

Create a group property

Create a group property. Send a POST request to the endpoint with the required information in the body.


curl --location --request POST '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'group_type=GROUP_TYPE' \
--data-urlencode 'group_property=GROUP_PROPERTY' \

POST /api/2/taxonomy/group-property HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 94

Example: Create a group property
This example creates the group property Group Property 1 with the description "First group property" for the group Group 1. The group property is a boolean type.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=' \
--data-urlencode 'group_type=Group 1' \
--data-urlencode 'group_property=Group Property 1' \
--data-urlencode 'description=First Group Property' \
--data-urlencode 'type=boolean'

POST /api/2/taxonomy/group-property HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=
Content-Length: 144

Body parameters

group_property Required. String. Name of the group property. Prefix custom group properties with grp:.
group_type Optional. String. Name of the group type the group property belongs to. If the group type doesn't exist, Amplitude returns a 404 Not Found error. If the group property already exists on this group type, Amplitude returns a 409 Conflict error. If the group property already exists but not on this group type, Amplitude creates an override for this property. If the group property doesn't exist anywhere, Amplitude doesn't create an override for this property. If the group property exists and is an Amplitude-sourced group property, providing any extra arguments other than group_property and group_type results in an error because you can't edit Amplitude-sourced group properties.
description Optional. String. The group property's description.
type Optional. String. Data type of the group property. It must be one of any (default), string (default if array type is true), number, boolean, enum
regex Optional. String. Regular expression, custom regex used for pattern matching or more complex values. For example, property zip code must have pattern [0-9]{5} Applies only to the string type.
enum_values Optional. String. List of allowed values, separated by comma. For example: red, yellow, blue. Only applicable to the enum type.
is_array_type Optional. Boolean. Property is an array type. Use the type parameter to set the type of array elements.
is_hidden Optional. Boolean. Hide the property from chart dropdowns.
classifications Optional. String. Only available if Data Access Controls is enabled at the account level. List of classifications applicable to this group property. Valid classifications are PII, SENSITIVE and REVENUE. You can only apply classifications on shared properties, and trying to set classifications on an overridden property results in an error.


is_hidden property can only be set on ingested properties.

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body.

"success": true

409 conflict response

If there's a problem with your request, the request returns a 409 Conflict status and a JSON body with more information.

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Attempted to add a group property, \"Group Property 1\", that already exists."

Get group properties

Get shared or group-specific group properties.


curl --location --request GET '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'group_type=GROUP_TYPE'

GET /api/2/taxonomy/group-property HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: get all of a group's properties
This example gets all group properties for the "Group 1" group type.

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'group_type=Group 1'

GET /api/2/taxonomy/group-property HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA==
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 26

Body parameters

group_type Optional. Name of the group type. If group_type is present, Amplitude returns all group properties associated with this group type. If group_type isn't present, Amplitude returns all shared group properties in your tracking plan.

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body with a list of group properties and their data.

"success": true,
"data": [
"group_type": "Group 1",
"group_property": "grp:Group Property 1",
"description": "First Group Property",
"type": "string",
"enum_values": null,
"regex": null,
"is_array_type": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"classifications": ["PII"]
"group_type": "Group 1",
"group_property": "grp:Group Property 2",
"description": "Second Group Property",
"type": "string",
"enum_values": null,
"regex": null,
"is_array_type": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"classifications": []

Get a single group property

Get a single group property. Send a GET request with the group property name as a path parameter and, optionally, the group type in the body.


curl --location --request GET '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'group_type=GROUP_TYPE'

GET /api/2/taxonomy/group-property/GROUP_PROPERTY HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Example: Get a property from a specific group type
This example gets a group property named Group Property 1 for the Group 1 group type.

curl --location --request GET ' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA=' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'group_type=Group 1'

GET /api/2/taxonomy/group-property/grp%3AGroup%20Property%201 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA==
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 26

Path parameters

group_property Required. The group property name. Prefix custom group properties with grp:.

Query or Body parameter

group_type Optional. Name of the group type. If group_type is provided, we return all group properties associated with this group type. If group_type is not provided, we return all shared group properties in your tracking plan.

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body containing information about the group property.

"success": true,
"data": {
"group_type": "Group 1",
"group_property": "grp:Group Property 1",
"description": "First Group Property",
"type": "string",
"enum_values": null,
"regex": null,
"is_array_type": false,
"is_hidden": false,
"classifications": ["PII"]

400 Bad Request response

If Amplitude can't find the group property, or you configure the request incorrectly, it returns a 400 Bad Request response and an error message.

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Not found"

Update group property

Update a group property.


curl --location --request PUT '' \
-u '{api_key}:{secret_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'group_type=GROUP_TYPE' \

PUT /api/2/taxonomy/group-property/GROUP_PROPERTY HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {api-key}:{secret-key} #credentials must be base64 encoded
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 24

Example: Update a group property
This example updates the "Group Property 1" property. It changes the name to "Group Property 1 - Renamed" and adds a description.

curl --location --request PUT ' Property 1' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA==' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'description=First Group Property Updated' \
--data-urlencode 'new_group_property_value=grp:Group Property - Renamed' \

PUT /api/2/taxonomy/group-property/grp:Group Property 1 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic MTIzNDU2NzgwMDoxMjM0NTY3MDA==
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 130

Path parameters

group_property Required. Name of the group property. Prefix custom group properties with grp:. Amplitude-sourced group properties (names without the grp: prefix) aren't editable.

Body parameters

group_type Optional. Name of the group type the group property belongs to. If the group type doesn't exist, Amplitude returns a 404 Not Found error.
overrideScope Optional. Determines how we should act on this group property. Only applicable if group_type is present. If overrideScope is not present, Amplitude updates property override on the group type if it exists on the group type, or the shared property if no override exists on the group type. With overrideScope: "override", Amplitude creates an override if none exists on the group type, then updates that overridden property, or updates the existing override if one already exists. With overrideScope: "shared", Amplitude removes the property override on the group type if one exists on the group type, then updates the shared property, or it updates the shared property if no property override exists.
description Optional. String. Description of the group property.
new_group_property_value Optional. String. The new name of the group property.
type Optional. String. Data type of the group property. It must be one of any (default), string (default if array type is true), number, boolean, enum
regex Optional. String. Regular expression, custom regex used for pattern matching or more complex values. For example, property zip code must have pattern [0-9]{5} Applies only to the string type.
enum_values Optional. String. List of allowed values, separated by comma. For example: red, yellow, blue. Only applicable to the enum type.
is_array_type Optional. Boolean. Property is an array type. Use the type parameter to set the type of array elements.
is_hidden Optional. Boolean. Hide the property from chart dropdowns.
classifications Optional. String. Only available if Data Access Controls is enabled at the account level. List of classifications applicable to this group property. Valid classifications are PII, SENSITIVE and REVENUE. You can only apply classifications on shared properties. Trying to set classifications on an overridden property results in an error.


is_hidden property can only be set on ingested properties.

200 OK response

A successful request returns a 200 OK status and a JSON body.

"success": true

409 conflict response

Some failed requests return a 409 Conflict and an error message with more details.

"success": false,
"errors": [
"message": "Attempted to update classifications for an overridden group property, \"grp:Group Property 1\" on group type \"Group 1\". Call the Update API without the \"group_type\" parameter to update classifications of the shared property."
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October 15th, 2024

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