Name |
Description |
List | List of mutex groups including their configuration details. |
Edit Mutex Group | Edit mutex group. |
Edit Mutex Group Slots | Edit mutex group slots. |
Create | Create a new mutex. |
Fetch a list of mutex groups including their configuration details.
Name | Description |
limit |
The max number of mutex groups to be returned. Capped at 1000. |
cursor |
The offset to start the "page" of results from. |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and a list of mutex groups encoded as JSON in the response body.
curl --request GET \--url '' \--header 'Accept: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>'
{ "mutexes": [ { "id": <id>, "projectId": <projectId>, "name": "mutex name", "key": "mutex-key", "description": null, "evaluationMode": "local", "bucketingKey": "device_id", "bucketingSalt": <bucketingSalt>, "slots": [ { "name": "SLOT 1", "index": 1, "variantKey": "slot-1", "percentage": 95, "experiments": [ 123 ], "holdouts": [ 456 ], "individuals": [], "cohorts": [] }, { "name": "SLOT 2", "index": 2, "variantKey": "slot-2", "percentage": 5, "experiments": [], "holdouts": [], "individuals": [], "cohorts": [] } ] } ], "nextCursor": <cursorId>}
Fetch the configuration details of a mutex group.
Name | Description |
id |
Required. String. Mutex group's ID. |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and a JSON object with the mutex group's details.
curl --request GET \ --url '<id>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>'
{ "id": <id>, "projectId": <projectId>, "name": "mutex name", "key": "mutex-key", "description": null, "evaluationMode": "local", "bucketingKey": "device_id", "bucketingSalt": <bucketingSalt>, "slots": [ { "name": "SLOT 1", "index": 1, "variantKey": "slot-1", "percentage": 95, "experiments": [ 123 ], "holdouts": [ 456 ], "individuals": [], "cohorts": [] }, { "name": "SLOT 2", "index": 2, "variantKey": "slot-2", "percentage": 5, "experiments": [], "holdouts": [], "individuals": [], "cohorts": [] } ]}
Edit a mutex group.
Name | Description |
id |
Required. String. Mutex group's ID. |
Name |
Requirement | Type | Description |
name |
Optional | string | The mutex group name. |
description |
Optional | string | The mutex group description. |
archive |
Optional | boolean | Property to archive or unarchive mutex group. If true, all other arguments are ignored and the mutex group will be set as deleted and removed from all child experiments’ parent dependencies. |
{ "name": "updated name", "description": "updated description"}
A successful request returns a 200 OK
curl --request PATCH \ --url '<id>' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>' \ --data '{"name": "updated name"}'
Edit an mutex group slot.
Name | Description |
id |
Required. String. Mutex group's ID. |
slotIndex |
Required. Number. Slot index of this mutex. |
Name |
Requirement | Type | Description |
experiments |
Optional | number array | List of experiment ids to be included. |
holdouts |
Optional | number array | List of holdout group ids to be included. |
individuals |
Optional | string array | List of user ids or device ids to be included. |
{ "experiments": [123, 456], "individuals": ["", "", "abcde-12345"]}
A successful request returns a 200 OK
curl --request PATCH \ --url '<id>/slots/<slotIndex>' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>' \ --data '{"experiments": [123, 456]}'
Create a new mutex group.
Name |
Requirement | Type | Description |
projectId |
Required | number | Project id of the mutex group. |
name |
Required | string | The mutex group name. |
key |
Optional | string | The mutex group key. Must be unique across all flags, experiments, holdout groups, and mutex groups. If not specified, one will be generated. |
description |
Optional | string | Description for the mutex group. |
evaluationMode |
Optional | string | Mutex group evaluation mode; options include local or remote . Defaulted to remote . |
bucketingKey |
Optional | string | The user property to bucket the user by. Defaulted to "amplitude_id" |
bucketingSalt |
Optional | string | Mutex Group bucketing salt. Defaulted to a randomized string. |
slots |
Required | object array | Array of slots . Up to 20 slots. Order matters. |
The slots
field contains these objects.
Name |
Requirement | Type | Description |
percentage |
Required | number | The percentage of traffic to this slot. An integer between 1 and 100, inclusively. The sum of percentages in all slots must adds up to 100. |
experiments |
Optional | string array | List of experiment ids to be included. |
holdouts |
Optional | number array | List of holdout group id to be included. |
individuals |
Optional | number array | List of user ids or device ids to be included. |
{ "projectId":"<projectId>", "name": "Example Mutex Group", "key": "example-mutex", "description": "An example mutex group", "evaluationMode": "remote", "slots": [ { "percentage": 40, "experiments": [123], "holdouts": [456] }, { "percentage": 60, "experiments": [789], "individuals": [""] } ]}
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and a JSON object with the mutex group's id and url.
curl --request POST \ --url '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>' \ --data '{"projectId":"<projectId>","slots":[{"percentage":40},{"percentage":60}]}'
{ "id": "<id>", "url": ""}
Thanks for your feedback!
January 7th, 2025
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