Name |
Description |
List | List of flags including their configuration details. |
Get details | Get the configuration details of a flag. |
List versions | List all versions for a flag. |
Get version details | Get a specific version for a flag. |
List variants | List all variants for a flag. |
Get variant details | Get a specific variant for a flag. |
Get variant inclusions | Get all inclusions (users) for a variant. |
Create variant | Create a new variant for a flag. |
Edit variant | Edit a variant for a flag. |
Remove variant | Remove a variant from a flag. |
Add users to variant | Add users to flag's variant. |
Remove users from variant | Remove users from flag's variant. |
Remove all users from variant | Remove all users from flag's variant. |
Bulk remove users from variant | Bulk remove users from experiment's variant. |
List deployments | List all deployments for a flag. |
Create deployment | Add a deployment for a flag. |
Remove deployment | Remove a deployment from a flag. |
Edit | Edit flag. |
Create | Create a new flag. |
Fetch a list of flags including their configuration details. Results are ordered with the most recently created items first.
Name | Description |
key |
Filter flags that have flag key matches this value. |
projectId |
Filter flags that belongs to this project. |
limit |
The max number of flags to be returned. Capped at 1000. |
cursor |
The offset to start the "page" of results from. |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and a list of flags encoded as JSON in the response body. createdAt
and lastModifiedAt
are in UTC in ISO 8601 format.
curl --request GET \--url '' \--header 'Accept: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>'
{ "flags": [ { "id": <id>, "projectId": <projectId>, "deployments": [<deploymentId>], "key": "flag-key", "name": "flag-name", "description": "description", "enabled": false, "evaluationMode": "remote", "bucketingKey": "amplitude_id", "bucketingSalt": <bucketingSalt>, "bucketingUnit": "User", "createdBy": "", "lastModifiedBy": "", "createdAt":"2022-09-09T15:29:47.940Z", "lastModifiedAt":"2023-01-25T11:43:41.073Z" "variants": [ { "key": "on" } ], "rolloutPercentage": 0, "rolloutWeights": { "on": 1 }, "targetSegments": [ { "name": "Segment 1", "conditions": [ { "prop": "city", "op": "is", "type": "property", "values": [] } ], "percentage": 0, "bucketingKey": "amplitude_id", "rolloutWeights": { "on": 1 } } ], "parentDependencies": { "flags": { "12345": [ "on" ] }, "operator": "all" } } ], "nextCursor": <cursorId>}
Fetch the configuration details of a flag.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and a JSON object with the flag's details.
curl --request GET \ --url '<id>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>'
{ "id": <id>, "projectId": <projectId>, "deployments": [<deploymentId>], "key": "flag-key", "name": "flag-key", "description": "feature flag access", "enabled": true, "evaluationMode": "remote", "bucketingKey": "amplitude_id", "bucketingSalt": "mHdQDzeE", "bucketingUnit": "User", "variants": [ { "key": "on" } ], "rolloutPercentage": 0, "rolloutWeights": { "on": 1 }, "targetSegments": [ { "name": "Segment 1", "conditions": [ { "prop": "country", "op": "is", "type": "property", "values": [ "United States" ] } ], "percentage": 0, "bucketingKey": "amplitude_id", "rolloutWeights": { "on": 1 } } ], "parentDependencies": { "flags": { "12345": [ "on" ] }, "operator": "all" }, "deleted": false}
Fetch a list of all versions for a flag.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and a list of flag's versions encoded as an array of JSON objects in the response body. Versions are sorted in a descending order.
curl --request GET \ --url '<id>/versions' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>'
[ { "createdAt": "2023-07-29T03:32:49.594Z", "createdBy": <userId>, "version": 3, "flagConfig": { "id": <id>, "projectId": <projectId>, "deployments": [<deploymentId>], "key": "flag-key", "name": "flag-key", "description": "feature flag access", "enabled": true, "evaluationMode": "remote", "bucketingKey": "amplitude_id", "bucketingSalt": "mHdQDzeE", "bucketingUnit": "User", "variants": [ { "key": "on" } ], "rolloutPercentage": 0, "rolloutWeights": { "on": 1 }, "targetSegments": [ //[tl! collapse:start] { "name": "Segment 1", "conditions": [ { "prop": "country", "op": "is", "type": "property", "values": [ "United States" ] } ], "percentage": 0, "bucketingKey": "amplitude_id", "rolloutWeights": { "on": 1 } } ] } }, //[tl! collapse:end] { "createdAt": "2023-07-29T03:32:39.494Z", "createdBy": <userId>, //[tl! collapse:start] "version": 2, "flagConfig": { "id": <id>, "projectId": <projectId>, "deployments": [<deploymentId>], "key": "flag-key", "name": "flag-key", "description": "feature flag access", "enabled": false, "evaluationMode": "remote", "bucketingKey": "amplitude_id", "bucketingSalt": "mHdQDzeE", "bucketingUnit": "User", "variants": [ { "key": "on" } ], "rolloutPercentage": 0, "rolloutWeights": { "on": 1 }, "targetSegments": [ { "name": "Segment 1", "conditions": [ { "prop": "country", "op": "is", "type": "property", "values": [ "United States" ] } ], "percentage": 0, "bucketingKey": "amplitude_id", "rolloutWeights": { "on": 1 } } ] } }, { "createdAt": "2023-07-29T03:30:45.703Z", "createdBy": <userId>, "version": 1, "flagConfig": { "id": <id>, "projectId": <projectId>, "deployments": [], "key": "flag-key", "name": "flag-key", "description": "", "enabled": false, "evaluationMode": "remote", "bucketingKey": "amplitude_id", "bucketingSalt": "mHdQDzeE", "bucketingUnit": "User", "variants": [ { "key": "on" } ], "rolloutPercentage": 0, "rolloutWeights": { "on": 1 }, "targetSegments": [] } }] //[tl! collapse:end]
Fetch details of a specific version of a flag.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
versionId |
Required | string | The version's ID. |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and a JSON object with details of the version.
curl --request GET \ --url '<id>/versions/<versionId>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>'
{ "createdAt": "2023-07-29T03:32:49.594Z", "createdBy": <userId>, "version": 3, "flagConfig": { "id": <id>, "projectId": <projectId>, "deployments": [<deploymentId>], "key": "flag-key", "name": "flag-key", "description": "feature flag access", "enabled": true, "evaluationMode": "remote", "bucketingKey": "amplitude_id", "bucketingSalt": "mHdQDzeE", "bucketingUnit": "User", "variants": [ { "key": "on" } ], "rolloutPercentage": 0, "rolloutWeights": { "on": 1 }, "targetSegments": [ { "name": "Segment 1", "conditions": [ { "prop": "country", "op": "is", "type": "property", "values": [ "United States" ] } ], "percentage": 0, "bucketingKey": "amplitude_id", "rolloutWeights": { "on": 1 } } ] }}
Fetch a list of all variants for a flag.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and a list of variants encoded as an array of JSON objects in the response body.
curl --request GET \ --url '<id>/variants' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>'
[ { "key": "on", "name": "", "payload": {}, "description": "", "rolloutWeight": 1 }]
Fetch details of a specific variant of a flag.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
variantKey |
Required | string | The variant's key. |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and a JSON object with details of a flag variant.
curl --request GET \ --url '<id>/variants/<variantKey>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>'
{ "key": "on", "name": "", "payload": {}, "description": "", "rolloutWeight": 1}
Fetch a list of inclusions for a specific variant of a flag.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
variantKey |
Required | string | The variant's key. |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and a list of inclusions of flag's variant as an array of JSON objects.
curl --request GET \ --url '<id>/variants/<variantKey>/users' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>'
[ <user>@<your-company-email>, <userId>]
Create a new variant for a flag
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
Name |
Requirement | Type | Description |
key |
Required | string | The variant key. |
description |
Optional | string | Description for the variant. |
name |
Optional | string | Name for the variant. |
payload |
Optional | string | Optional payload. Value must be a valid JSON element. |
rolloutWeight |
Optional | number | Rollout weight for non-targeted users. |
{ "key": "new-variant-key", "description": "optional description for variant", "name": "optional name for variant", "payload": { "variant-payload": "example payload" }, "rolloutWeight": 0}
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and OK
curl --request POST \ --url '<id>/variants' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>' \ --data '{"key":"<key>","name":"<name>","description":"<description>","payload":"<payload>","rolloutWeight":<rolloutWeight>}'
Edit a variant for a flag.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
variantKey |
Required | string | The variant's key. |
{ "key": "updated-variant-key", "description": "updated optional description for variant", "name": "optional name for variant", "payload": { "variant-payload": "example payload" }, "rolloutWeight": 0}
Name |
Requirement | Type | Description |
key |
Optional | string | The variant key. |
description |
Optional | string | Description for the variant. |
name |
Optional | string | Name for the variant. |
payload |
Optional | string | Optional payload. Value must be a valid JSON element. This value replaces the existing value for the variant payload. |
rolloutWeight |
Optional | number | Rollout weight for non-targeted users. |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and OK
curl --request PATCH \ --url '<id>/variants/<variantKey>' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>' \ --data '{"key":"<key>","name":"<name>","description":"<description>","payload":"<payload>","rolloutWeight":<rolloutWeight>}'
Remove a variant from a flag.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
variantKey |
Required | string | The variant's key. |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and OK
curl --request DELETE \ --url '<id>/variants/<variantKey>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>'
Add inclusions (users or devices) to flag's variant.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
variantKey |
Required | string | The variant's key. |
Name |
Requirement | Type | Description |
inclusions |
Required | object | Contains an string array of user or device ids. |
{ "inclusions": [ "<user1>@<your-company-email>, <user2>@<your-company-email>, <userId>" ]}
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and OK
curl --request POST \ --url '<id>/variants/<variantKey>/users' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>' \ --data '{"inclusions":<["id1", "id2", "id3"]>}'
Remove inclusions (users or devices) from flag's variant.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
variantKey |
Required | string | The variant's key. |
userIndex |
Required | string | The user's index. Zero-indexed. Get an index-based array of users from Get variant inclusions |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and OK
curl --request DELETE \ --url '<id>/variants/<variantKey>/users/<userIndex>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>'
Remove all inclusions (users or devices) from flag's variant.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
variantKey |
Required | string | The variant's key. |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and OK
curl --request DELETE \ --url '<id>/variants/<variantKey>/users' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>'
Bulk remove users or devices from flag's variant. Limited to 100 per request.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
variantKey |
Required | string | The variant's key. |
Name |
Requirement | Type | Description |
users |
Required | object | Contains an string array of user or device ids. |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and OK
curl --request DELETE \ --url '<id>/variants/<variantKey>/bulk-delete-users' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>' \ --data '{"users":<["id1", "id2", "id3"]>}'
List all deployments for a flag.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and an array of JSON objects with flag's deployment details.
curl --request GET \ --url '<id>/deployments' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>'
[ { "id": <id>, "projectId": <projectId>, "label": "rest-api", "key": <key>, "deleted": false }]
Add a deployment for a flag.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The object's ID. |
Name |
Requirement | Type | Description |
deployments |
Required | object | Contains an string array of deployment ids. |
{ "deployments": [<deploymentId>]}
???example "Example request (click to open)"
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and OK
curl --request POST \ --url '<id>/deployments' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>' --data '{"deployments":[<deploymentId>]}'
Remove a deployment from a flag.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
deploymentID |
Required | string | The deployment's ID. |
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and OK
curl --request DELETE \ --url '<id>/deployments/<deploymentId>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>'
Edit a flag.
Name | Requirement | Type | Description |
id |
Required | string | The flag's ID. |
Name |
Requirement | Type | Description |
name |
Optional | string | Name. |
description |
Optional | string | Description. |
bucketingKey |
Optional | string | The user property to bucket the user by. |
bucketingSalt |
Optional | string | Bucketing salt. |
bucketingUnit |
Optional | string | Bucketing unit represented by a group type from the accounts add-on. Used for group level bucketing and analysis. |
evaluationMode |
Optional | string | Evaluation mode for the flag, either local or remote . |
rolloutPercentage |
Optional | number | Rollout percentage for non-targeted users. Range 0 - 100. |
targetSegments |
Optional | object | See the targetSegments table for more information. When targetSegments object is provided, it will replace existing target segments. Note: cohorts are not supported at the moment. |
enabled |
Optional | boolean | Property to activate or deactivate flag. |
archive |
Optional | boolean | Property to archive or unarchive flag. |
tags |
Optional | string array | A list of tags for the flag. Tags are added and deleted by the same operation. If you would like to add new tags to the existing ones, you should fetch a list of all flag tags first. |
{ "name": "updated name", "description": "updated description", "bucketingKey": "amplitude_id", "bucketingSalt": "<bucketingSalt>", "bucketingUnit": "org id", "evaluationMode": "remote", "rolloutPercentage": 0, "enabled": false, "tags": ["prod", "staging"]}
A successful request returns a 200 OK
curl --request PATCH \ --url '<id>' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>' \ --data '{"enabled":<enabled>,"rolloutPercentage":<rolloutPercentage>}'
Create a new flag.
Name |
Requirement | Type | Description |
projectId |
Required | string | The project's ID. |
key |
Required | string | The flag key. |
name |
Optional | string | The flag name. |
description |
Optional | string | Description for the flag. |
variants |
Optional | object array | Array of variants . |
bucketingKey |
Optional | string | The user property to bucket the user by. |
rolloutWeights |
Optional | object | Rollout weights for non-targeted users. The object should be a mapping from variant key to rollout weight as an integer. For example: { "control": 1, "treatment": 1 } . |
targetSegments |
Optional | object | See the targetSegments table for more information. |
deployments |
Optional | string array | Array of deployments that the flag should be assigned to. |
evaluationMode |
Optional | string | Experiment evaluation mode; options include remote or local . |
The variants
field contains these objects.
Name |
Requirement | Type | Description |
key |
Required | string | The key (a.k.a value) of the variant. |
payload |
Optional | string | Optional payload. Value must be a valid JSON element. |
name |
Optional | string | The variant name. |
description |
Optional | string | The variant description. |
The targetSegments
field contains these objects.
Name |
Requirement | Type | Description |
name |
Required | string | The segment name. |
conditions |
Required | object array | Array of conditions . |
percentage |
Required | number | The allocation percentage for users who match a condition. |
rolloutWeights |
Required | object | A map from variant key to rollout weight. For example: { "control": 1, "treatment": 1 } . |
The conditions
field contains these objects.
Name |
Requirement | Type | Description |
type |
Required | string | Must have value: property |
prop |
Required | string | The property to use in the condition. Prefix custom and free-form properties with gp: |
op |
Required | string | The operation to use in this condition. |
values |
Required | string array | The values to use in the operation. |
A string value representing operations on a property value. Possible values are:
is not
does not contain
less or equal
greater or equal
set is
set is not
set contains
set does not contain
glob match
glob does not match
{ "projectId": "<projectId>", "name": "Analyze button clicks", "key": "analyze-button-clicks", "description": "analyze button clicks on the main page", "variants": [ { "key": "on" } ], "rolloutWeights": { "on": 1 }, "targetSegments": [ { "name": "Segment 1", "conditions": [ { "prop": "country", "op": "is", "type": "property", "values": ["United States"] } ], "percentage": 0, "bucketingKey": "amplitude_id", "rolloutWeights": { "on": 1 } } ], "deployments": ["<deploymentId>"], "evaluationMode": "remote"}
A successful request returns a 200 OK
response and a JSON object with the flag's id and url.
curl --request POST \ --url '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <management-api-key>' \ --data '{"projectId":"<projectId>","key":"<key>"}'
{ "id": "<id>", "url": "<projectId>/config/<id>"}
Thanks for your feedback!
June 4th, 2024
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