User Profile API

The User Profile API serves Amplitude user profiles, which include user properties, computed user properties, a list of cohort IDs of cohorts that the user is in, and recommendations.


This API uses an Authorization header. Use your project's Secret Key in the format:


For more information, see Find your API Credentials


Region Endpoint
Standard server


Default experiences

  • If you don't serve your default user experience for users with is_control=true, Amplitude can't measure performance.
  • Serve a default experience in case there is an error.
  • If Amplitude is unavailable and returns a 500 response, you can retry or serve the default experience.

Authentication errors

  • If the secret key is correct but user IDs are improperly formatted, or are user IDs from a different project, you get this error: {"error":"User id and device id not seen before"}
  • If the secret key is wrong, you get an HTTP 401 response: Invalid Api-Key
  • If the authorization header is missing or malformed you get an HTTP 401 response: Missing Api-Key in Authorization header

Configuration errors

  • If the endpoint or path are wrong, you get an empty error (HTTP 404) response.
  • If an insecure HTTP request is sent, it's redirected to the HTTPs endpoint (HTTPS 301) with an HTML body - the Location header contains the proper protocol and URL.

Throttling errors

  • Amplitude orgs have a limit of 600 all API requests per minute. If you go above this limit, contact Support with the use case and required limit.
    • {"error":"Number of requests per minute exceeds system limit. Contact Support if you need this limit raised"}
  • For batch recommendation use cases, consider rate limiting your requests so you don't go above this limit.
  • If you need this limit increased for your org, contact Support.

Request Parameters

user_id[^1] Optional, but required unless device_id is set. The user ID (external database ID) to be queried.
device_id[^1] Optional, but required unless user_id is set. The device ID (anonymous ID) to be queried.
get_recs Optional. Return a recommendation result for this user. Defaults to false.
rec_id Optional. Recommendations to retrieve, required if get_recs is true. Fetch multiple recommendations by separating the rec_ids with commas.
rec_type Optional. Overrides the default experimental control setting and rec_type=model returns modeled recommendations and rec_type=random returns random recommendations.
get_amp_props Optional. Return a full set of user properties for this user, not including computations. Defaults to false.
get_cohort_ids Optional. Return a list of all the cohort IDs that this user is a part of that have been set up to be tracked. By default cohort membership isn't tracked for users for any cohort. Defaults to false.
get_computations Optional. Return a list of all the computations that are enabled for this user. Defaults to false.
comp_id Optional. Return a single computation that might be enabled for this user. It returns a null value if it doesn't exist. If get_computations is true, all values are fetched, including this one (unless it's archived or deleted).

Get a recommendation

Amplitude recommends returning 50 items per request. The maximum allowable is 100 items. Update this value on the Amplitude Recommendation page.

Retrieve a single recommendation by ID.

1curl --location --request GET '' \
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key <SECRET KEY>'

1GET /v1/userprofile?user_id=USER_ID&get_recs=true&rec_id=testRecId HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key <SECRET KEY>

Example: Get a specific recommendation

This example retrieves the recommendation with ID 98765 for the user with ID 12345.

1curl --location --request GET '' \
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key 1234567890'

1GET /v1/userprofile?user_id=12345&get_recs=true&rec_id=98765 HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key 1234567890


2 "userData":{
3 "recommendations":[
4 {
5 "rec_id":"98765",
6 "child_rec_id":"98765",
7 "items":[
8 "cookie",
9 "cracker",
10 "chocolate milk",
11 "donut",
12 "croissant"
13 ],
14 "is_control":false,
15 "recommendation_source":"model",
16 "last_updated":1608670720
17 }
18 ],
19 "user_id":"12345",
20 "device_id":"ffff-ffff-ffff-ffff",
21 "amp_props":null,
22 "cohort_ids":null
23 }
Response Parameter Description
rec_id The requested recommendation ID.
child_rec_id A more detailed recommendation ID that Amplitude may use as part of an internal experiment to improve model performance. This usually the same as rec_id.
items List of recommendations for this user.
is_control true if this user is part of the control group.
recommendation_source Name of the model used to generate this recommendation.
last_updated Timestamp of when this recommendation was last generated and synced.

Ger multiple recommendations

Amplitude recommends returning 50 items per request. The maximum allowable is 100 items. Update this value on the Amplitude Recommendation page.

Retrieves multiple recommendations for a user.

1curl --location --request GET ',testRecID2' \
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key <SECRET KEY>'

1GET /v1/userprofile?user_id=USER_ID&get_recs=true&rec_id=testRecId,testRecId2 HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key <SECRET KEY>

Example: Get multiple recommendations

This example retrieves the recommendation with ID 98765 and 56789 for the user with ID 12345.

1curl --location --request GET ',56789' \
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key 1234567890'

1GET /v1/userprofile?user_id=12345&get_recs=true&rec_id=98765,56789 HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key 1234567890


2 "userData": {
3 "recommendations": [
4 {
5 "rec_id": "testRecId",
6 "child_rec_id": "testRecId",
7 "items": [
8 "cookie",
9 "cracker",
10 "chocolate milk",
11 "donut",
12 "croissant"
13 ],
14 "is_control": false,
15 "recommendation_source": "model",
16 "last_updated": 1608670720
17 },
18 {
19 "rec_id": "testRecId2",
20 "child_rec_id": "testRecId2",
21 "items": [
22 "bulgogi",
23 "bibimbap",
24 "kimchi",
25 "croffles",
26 "samgyeopsal"
27 ],
28 "is_control": false,
29 "recommendation_source": "model2",
30 "last_updated": 1608670658
31 }
32 ],
33 "user_id": "12345",
34 "device_id": "ffff-ffff-ffff-ffff",
35 "amp_props": null,
36 "cohort_ids": null
37 }

Get user properties

Retrieves the user's properties.

1curl --location --request GET '' \
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key <SECRET KEY>'

1GET /v1/userprofile?user_id=USER_ID&get_amp_props=true HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key <SECRET KEY>

Example: Get user properties by user ID

This example retrieves the user properties for the user with ID 12345.

1curl --location --request GET '' \
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key 1234567890'

1GET /v1/userprofile?user_id=12345&get_amp_props=true HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key 1234567890


2 "userData": {
3 "recommendations": null,
4 "user_id": "12345",
5 "device_id": "ffff-ffff-ffff-ffff",
6 "amp_props": {
7 "library": "http/1.0",
8 "first_used": "2020-01-13",
9 "last_used": "2021-03-24",
10 "number_property": 12,
11 "boolean_property": true
12 },
13 "cohort_ids": null
14 }

Get cohort IDs

Retrieves a user's cohort IDs.

1curl --location --request GET '' \
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key <SECRET KEY>'

1GET /v1/userprofile?user_id=USER_ID&get_cohort_ids=true HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key <SECRET KEY>


This example gets cohort IDs for user ID 12345

1curl --location --request GET '' \
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key 123456789'

1GET /v1/userprofile?user_id=12345&get_cohort_ids=true HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key 123456789


2 "userData": {
3 "recommendations": null,
4 "user_id": "testUser",
5 "device_id": "ffff-ffff-ffff-ffff",
6 "amp_props": null,
7 "cohort_ids": ["cohort1", "cohort3", "cohort7"]
8 }

Get all computations

Computations convert events into a new user property you can use to segment your users.

Computations work by transforming an event or event property into a computed user property. You can use the computed property as a configurable filter in any Amplitude chart for analysis, or as a personalization tool by syncing it to an external destination.

Retrieve all computations for a user.

1curl --location --request GET '' \
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key <SECRET KEY>'

1GET /v1/userprofile?get_computations=true&user_id=USER_ID HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key <SECRET KEY>

Example: Get all computations for a user

This example retrieves all computations for user ID 12345.

1curl --location --request GET ''
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key 123456789'

1GET /v1/userprofile?get_computations=true&user_id=1234 HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key 123456789

2 "userData": {
3 "recommendations": null,
4 "user_id": "testUser",
5 "device_id": "ffff-ffff-ffff-ffff",
6 "amp_props": {
7 "computed-prop-1": "5000000.0",
8 "computed-prop-2": "3"
9 },
10 "cohort_ids": null
11 }

Get computation by ID

Retrieves a single or multiple computation by ID. Navigate to the computation in Audiences to find and copy the ID at the end of the URL. For example, t14bqib is the ID in

Get multiple computations

To fetch multiple comp_id, separate comp_id by comma(,). For example: comp_id=id1,id2. Responses for multiple comp_id IDs are in the amp_props field.

Retrieve a computation for a user by ID.

1curl --location --request GET '' \
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key <SECRET KEY>'

1GET /v1/userprofile?user_id=USER_ID&get_computations=true&comp_id=COMP_ID HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key <SECRET KEY>

Example: Get a computation by ID for a specific user

This example retrieves the computation with ID t14bqib for user ID 12345.

1curl --location --request GET ''
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key 123456789'

1GET /v1/userprofile?get_computations=true&user_id=1234&comp_id=t14bqib HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key 123456789

2 "userData": {
3 "recommendations": null,
4 "user_id": "testUser",
5 "device_id": "ffff-ffff-ffff-ffff",
6 "amp_props": {
7 "computed-prop-2": "3"
8 },
9 "cohort_ids": null
10 }

Get single/multiple prediction propensity

When you create a prediction in Amplitude Audiences, you can sync the prediction score to the Profile API. A prediction propensity is the probability that a user performs a predicted action.

To fetch a user's prediction propensity, send a request that includes a prediction_id and propensity_type. The propensity type can be either the raw score (score) or a percentile (pct).

Percentile is useful to understand users in comparison to each other. For example, is this user in the 80% of users likely to do an action?

Score is the raw propensity score.

Find the prediction_id by navigating to the prediction in the Audiences web app and copying the ID at the end of the URL. The ID is 0x10x in this example:

Get multiple computations

To fetch multiple prediction_id, separate prediction_id by comma(,). For example: prediction_id=id1,id2. Responses for multiple prediction_id IDs are in the propensities field.

1curl --location --request GET ''
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key <SECRET KEY>'

1GET /v1/userprofile?user_id=USER_ID&get_propensity=&prediction_id=PREDICTION_ID&propensity_type=PROPENSITY_TYPE HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key <SECRET KEY>

Example: Propensity score

This example requests a propensity score for prediction ID 0x10x for the user ID 12345.

1curl --location --request GET ''
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key 123456789'

1GET /v1/userprofile?user_id=12345&get_propensity=&prediction_id=0x10x&propensity_type=score HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key 123456789


2 "userData": {
3 "recommendations": null,
4 "user_id": "testUser",
5 "device_id": null,
6 "amp_props": null,
7 "cohort_ids": null,
8 "propensity": 0.500001,
9 "propensities": [
10 {
11 "prop": 0.500001,
12 "pred_id": "0x10x",
13 "prop_type": "score"
14 }
15 ]
16 }

Example: Propensity percentage

This example requests a propensity percentage for prediction ID 0x10x for the user ID 12345.

1curl --location --request GET ''
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key 123456789'

1GET /v1/userprofile?user_id=12345&get_propensity=&prediction_id=0x10x&propensity_type=pct HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key 123456789


2 "userData": {
3 "recommendations": null,
4 "user_id": "testUser",
5 "device_id": null,
6 "amp_props": null,
7 "cohort_ids": null,
8 "propensity": 83,
9 "propensities": [
10 {
11 "prop": 83,
12 "pred_id": "0x10x",
13 "prop_type": "pct"
14 }
15 ]
16 }

Example: Propensity score with multiple prediction IDs

This example requests a propensity percentage for prediction ID 0x10x and 0x11x for the user ID 12345.

1curl --location --request GET ',0x11x&propensity_type=pct'
2--header 'Authorization: Api-Key 123456789'

1GET /v1/userprofile?user_id=12345&get_propensity=&prediction_id=0x10x,0x11x&propensity_type=pct HTTP/1.1
3Authorization: Api-Key 123456789


2 "userData": {
3 "recommendations": null,
4 "user_id": "testUser",
5 "device_id": null,
6 "amp_props": null,
7 "cohort_ids": null,
8 "propensity": null,
9 "propensities": [
10 {
11 "prop": 83,
12 "pred_id": "0x10x",
13 "prop_type": "score"
14 },
15 {
16 "prop": 85,
17 "pred_id": "0x11x",
18 "prop_type": "score"
19 }
20 ]
21 }

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May 21st, 2024

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