Digital Analytics Platform Buyer’s Guide

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Digital Analytics Platform Buyer’s Guide

There have been a lot of changes in the digital analytics vendor landscape over the past year. Large vendors are introducing new versions of their products, some products are being sunset, and new vendors have entered the market. As a result, it is always prudent to review your digital analytics tech stack.

The Digital Analytics Platform Buyer's Guide does just that by summarizing hundreds of conversations with customers and experts and deducing them into critical points to help you evaluate your next digital solution. The guide outlines the essential items to consider, including:

  • concrete examples of the types of functionality needed for today's complex digital experiences
  • practical questions that you can ask of digital analytics vendors to help you determine if they are a good fit for your organization

While there is no perfect digital analytics product, there often is a product that is best for your organization. Use the guide to help you find the solution that best fits your organization's needs.