Event property definitions

By default, Amplitude tracks the event properties listed in the following table automatically, as they relate to page-viewed events. Some are tracked with client-side SDKs, and others, like Event Day of Week or Session Replay ID, are generated by Amplitude.

Amplitude prefixes these properties with the Amplitude logo when you see them in the application. If you prefer, configure Amplitude's SDKs to disable automatic tracking of these properties.

Property Value definition Amplitude generated?
Event Day of Week Day of the week the event was performed: Monday Yes
Event Historical Count User's Nth instance of performing an action: "1st". This count is applied before other filters in your query. Yes
Event Hour of Day Hour of day the event was performed: "1" Yes
Historical Count User's Nth instance of performing an action: "1st". The count is applied after other filters in your query. Yes
Page Counter User's Nth instance of performing a default Page Viewed event within a session: "1". Use Page Counter = "1" with default Page Viewed events to analyze landing pages. No
Page Domain Domain where the event was triggered: "app.amplitude.com" No
Page Location Page where the event was triggered: https://analytics.amplitude.com/login?q=home. The Page Location event property includes query string parameters, whereas the Page URL event property removes them. No
Page Path Path where the event was triggered: /signup No
Page Title Title of the page where the event was triggered: "Cohorts - Amplitude" No
Page URL URL of the page where the event was triggered: https://analytics.amplitude.com/login No
Server Upload Delay Time Difference (in milliseconds) between Amplitude's server upload timestamps and actual event timestamps for every event: "500". Intended for use with property aggregation metrics. Yes
Session Recorded Boolean property that indicates whether an event was recorded: "True" Yes
Session Replay ID Session Replay ID of a recorded session: c2e7e321-9a83-4c46-b889-244a92741b96/1703121610776 Yes
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August 14th, 2024

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