Analytics Glossary

Amplitude prefixes guide-related events with [Guides-Surveys] Guide and survey-related events with [Guides-Surveys] Survey.

Common Guides and Surveys event properties

All Guides and Surveys events include the following event properties.

Property Type Description
Key string

A unique identifier for the guide or survey.

Is From Debug Mode boolean

True when the event was sent from preview mode. Use this property to filter administrative activity.

Lifecycle UUID string

Enables grouping of Guides and Surveys events by lifecycle.
A guide's or survey’s "lifecycle" starts when it is triggered and ends when it is completed or dismissed. Lifecycle is independent of the application sessions.

Lifecycle UUID is useful for analyzing events for a given guide/survey across multiple app sessions.

Page json

Details about the page of the guide or survey on which the event occured.

Step ID number

The unique identifier of a guide or survey step.

Step Index number

The step's relative zero-based index.

Step Title string

The title of the step.

Is Last Step boolean

True when the event occured on the last step of a guide or survey. False otherwise.

Type string

None if guide, Survey if survey.

Variant ID string

A unique identifier for the guide or survey variant. Useful for analyzing guide or survey experiments.

Version number

The version identifier for the guide or survey.

Generic events

These events occur for both guides and surveys

Event Description Properties

A guide or survey is viewed by a users.

The json source of the experience. Can be one of:

  • trigger
  • SDK
  • active experience
  • from experience x, step y
  • share link
Tooltip Marker Viewed

The tooltip marker was seen by a user.


A user dismissed a guide or survey.

Rage closed

The guide or survey was closed within two seconds of appearing.


Indicates a guide or survey is complete, through one of the following:

  1. The user clicks the Done button in a checklist.
  2. The user clicks the button on the last step with a button.
  3. On the last step of a pin, the user clicks a button, the target element, or the advance target element.
  4. On a survey, the user clicks Complete.
  5. On a list or rating survey with no question on the last step, the user selects any option.

This event doesn't fire on Tooltips.

Guide-specific events

Guide-specific events are only relevant to guides.

Event Description Properties
Tooltip Market Viewed

The tooltip marker was seen by a user.

Survey-specific events

Survey-specific events are only relevant to surveys.

Event Description Properties
Survey Submitted

A user submitted a survey response.

Survey Response string. The user’s response

Survey Abandoned

A user dismissed a survey when a response input was not empty.

Survey Response string. The user’s draft response

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February 10th, 2025

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