Adobe Analytics Is Not Enough

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Adobe Analytics Is Not Enough

Your digital products can make or break your customer relationships and business. So why are you trying to do product analytics with a web analytics tool?

Amplitude is easy to implement, easy to integrate, and easy to use—without legions of analysts and consultants.

Full view of the customer journey
Marketing, product, and experience analytics in one place to cover the entire customer journey, from acquisition to retention and monetization.

Get to value faster, with quick implementation (typically within 90 days), intuitive adoption, and reasonable maintenance with less overhead

Easy self-service and adoption
Easy-to-use, yet technically sophisticated, and built for non-technical teams to drive adoption and collaboration across the organization.

Best-in-class customer support
Robust, reliable, and personalized support resources who are invested in your success and take your feedback seriously.

Top brands choose Amplitude