Google Tag Manager (client)

This is the client-side Google Tag Manager Template for Amplitude Analytics. The tag uses the Amplitude Browser SDK 2.0 for data collection.


Starting from the version 240a7, Aug, 2023, this template has been updated from using the Marketing Analytics SDK(Deprecated) to the Amplitude Browser SDK 2.0, offering better support, enhanced functionality, and additional features.

While this updated template offers additional features and improvements,it may result in slightly different behavior that could potentially affect your existing analytics charts. However, we've made these changes configurable to maintain consistency. If you wish to retain the legacy behavior, it's essential to review the following list of breaking changes and adjust your configuration accordingly.

Check the breaking changes checklist at here.


Due to inherent limitations of GTM, certain features, such as plugins, are not supported in this GTM template. You are still able to add plugins using the Custom HTML tag, but because of how the SDK gets loaded in GTM, this could lead to missing data.


Ensure to consistently update your Amplitude GTM template to the latest version for an enhanced feature set, crucial bug fixes, and a significantly improved user experience.


Container setup

If you start from zero, you need to setup your container first. This Amplitude Analytics Browser SDK tag template can be found in Web target platform which for the uses on desktop and mobile web pages.

Add template

Create a new tag template by searching the gallery. Choose Amplitude Analytics Browser SDK and click the add button.

Create tags

Create tags for your Amplitude browser SDK tracking. Click the New button to create your new tags.

Tag configuration

Amplitude provides a list of tag types. You might also create a Custom HTML tag to do customization, like cross domain tracking or others. For successful tracking in Amplitude, ensure that the Amplitude tag loads before the Custom HTML tag, which is being used to call Amplitude. The sequence in which the tags load can significantly influence the outcome. Time sequence might be helpful in this case. Check this section for accessing the Amplitude instance in the Custom HTML tag.


Amplitude recommends that you install Amplitude through a method other than a custom HTML tag.


Copy your Amplitude project API Key in the API Key field. For EU residency, your project API Key is under Each project has different API Key, make sure you are copy the API Key from the right project. Go to Settings -> Projects -> click the right project name from the list to find your project API Key. Check here for more details.

Instance name

If you plan on running more than one Amplitude instance, each with distinct API keys or initialization options, you'll need to assign an Instance Name to each one. Tags with the same Instance Name are linked together and use the API key of the Initialization tag for that Instance Name.

This approach can also prevent missing events if different versions of the Amplitude SDK coexist in your system.

Access Amplitude instance

If you have a Custom HTML tag, you might need to access amplitude instance in your script tag.

With default instance name
1// For amplitude-js-gtm@3.1.4 and above
4// Others
With customized instance name
1// For amplitude-js-gtm@3.1.4 and above
4// Others

Select a tag type

A tag type allows you to specify what kind of action or event should be tracked in your application. The following tag types are supported in Amplitude GTM template.



init operates as a separate tag type. It's essential to create a tag for the init tag type. Although Amplidue provides deferer initialization, events won't be sent to Amplitude until the init tag has been activated.

Cookies are generated at the initialization stage. For more information on managing cookies, see the cookie management details. Amplitude recommends that you initialize after obtaining cookie consent. Amplitude supports deferred initialization, so any event tracking that takes place before the init command will still be captured and won't be lost.

Track default Amplitude events

Check this checkbox to enable default event tracking and configure the following default tracking events

The following configurations are available attribution options. More details.

  • Track Page Views
  • Track Sessions
  • Track Form Interactions
  • Track File Downloads
  • Track Marketing Attribution
Name</ Description Default Value
Initial Empty Value string. Customize the initial empty value for attribution related user properties to any string value. EMPTY
Exclude Referrers string or string1, string2. The referrer_domain you want to exclude the attribution tracking. If you exclude a referring_domain, it won't fire any web attribution tracking. That means for the event fired from the exclude referring_domain won't have any web attribution user properties, it maps to (none) in chart analysis. By default, it will also exclude referral section to track attribution of all subdomains of the input domain. More Details. []
Reset session on new campaign boolean. Enable this will broke the current session and create a new session if there has a new campaign is deleted. More details. The session isn't reset in the case where the referrer is just a different subdomain of your site. false
EU data residency

For EU data residency, you must set up your project inside Amplitude EU and use the API key from Amplitude EU. You can configure the server zone by checking the checkbox EU Data Residency under Tag Configuration -> Initialization of the init tag. The initialization section only shows up when tag type is set to init. More details.

User ID

If the user ID is already available you can:

  • Initialize the instance with it by inputting it in the "User ID" input box of the init tag
  • Use the setUserId tag type to set the use ID at a later time. More details.
  • Use default values. The initialization is done with the default values.

Configuration options

Name Description Default Value
instanceName string. The instance name. $default_instance
flushIntervalMillis number. Sets the interval of uploading events to Amplitude in milliseconds. 1,000 (1 second)
flushQueueSize number. Sets the maximum number of events that are batched in a single upload attempt. 30 events
flushMaxRetries number. Sets the maximum number of retries for failed upload attempts. This is only applicable to retryable errors. 5 times.
logLevel LogLevel.None or LogLevel.Error or LogLevel.Warn or LogLevel.Verbose or LogLevel.Debug. Sets the log level. LogLevel.Warn
loggerProvider Logger. Sets a custom loggerProvider class from the Logger to emit log messages to desired destination. Amplitude Logger
minIdLength number. Sets the minimum length for the value of userId and deviceId properties. 5
optOut boolean. Sets permission to track events. Setting a value of true prevents Amplitude from tracking and uploading events. false
serverUrl string. Sets the URL where events are upload to.
serverZone EU or US. Sets the Amplitude server zone. Set this to EU for Amplitude projects created in EU data center. US
useBatch boolean. Sets whether to upload events to Batch API instead of the default HTTP V2 API or not. false
appVersion string. Sets an app version for events tracked. This can be the version of your application. For example: "1.0.0" undefined
deviceId string. Sets an identifier for the device running your application. UUID()
cookieExpiration number. Sets expiration of cookies created in days. 365 days
cookieSameSite string. Sets SameSite property of cookies created. Lax
cookieSecure boolean. Sets Secure property of cookies created. false
cookieStorage Storage<UserSession>. Sets a custom implementation of Storage<UserSession> to persist user identity. MemoryStorage<UserSession>
cookieUpgrade boolean. Sets upgrading from cookies created by maintenance Browser SDK. If true, new Browser SDK deletes cookies created by maintenance Browser SDK. If false, Browser SDK keeps cookies created by maintenance Browser SDK. true
disableCookies boolean. Sets permission to use cookies. If value is true, localStorage API is used to persist user identity. The cookies is enable by default.
domain string. Sets the domain property of cookies created. undefined
partnerId string. Sets partner ID. Amplitude requires the customer who built an event ingestion integration to add the partner identifier to partner_id. undefined
sessionTimeout number. Sets the period of inactivity from the last tracked event before a session expires in milliseconds. 1,800,000 milliseconds (30 minutes)
userId number. Sets an identifier for the user being tracked. Must have a minimum length of 5 characters unless overridden with the minIdLength option. undefined
trackingOptions TrackingOptions. Configures tracking of additional properties. Please refer to Optional tracking section for more information. Enable all tracking options by default.

  • Set configuration manually. By selecting the corresponding option. The following configurations are the available ones with the value type in GTM template.

GTM configuration options

Name Description Default Value
flushIntervalMillis number. The amount of time waiting to upload the event to the server in milliseconds. 1 second.
flushQueueSize number. The maximum number of events that can be stored locally before forcing an upload. 30 events.
flushMaxRetries number. The max retry limits. 5 times.
logLevel LogLevel.None or LogLevel.Error or LogLevel.Warn or LogLevel.Verbose or LogLevel.Debug. The log level. LogLevel.Warn
minIdLength number. Overrides the minimum length of user_id & device_id fields. 5
optOut boolean. If optOut is true, the event isn't sent to Amplitude's servers. false
serverUrl string. The server url events upload to.
useBatch boolean. When true, uses the Batch API instead of the HTTP V2 API. false
appVersion string. The current version of your application. For example: "1.0.0" null
deviceId string. A device-specific identifier. UUID()
cookieExpiration number. The days when the cookie expires. 365 days.
cookieSameSite string. The SameSite attribute of the Set-Cookie HTTP response header. LAX
cookieSecure boolean. If restrict access to cookies or not. A cookie with the Secure attribute is only sent to the server with an encrypted request over the HTTPS protocol. false
disableCookies boolean. If disable cookies or not. If cookies is disable, using LocalStorage or MemoryStorage. The cookies is enable by default.
domain string. Set the top level domain. null
partnerId string. The partner Id value. Amplitude requires the customer who built an event ingestion integration to add the partner identifier to partner_id. null
sessionTimeout number. How long one session expire. 30 minutes.
userId number. ID for the user. Must have a minimum length of 5 characters unless overridden with the minIdLength option. undefined
trackingOptions TrackingOptions. Check the Optional tracking section for more tracking options configuration. Enable all tracking options by default.
transport TransportType.XHR or TransportType.SendBeacon or TransportType.Fetch. Set the transport type. TransportType.Fetch

  • Select a **GTM variable** from the list. It's necessary to return an object containing the key-value pairs you wish to use for instance configuration. Ensure that the keys are part of the available configurations.
(Legacy) Enable client side user agent enrichment

Starting with version 240a7 in Aug, 2023, we have upgraded this template to use the Amplitude Browser SDK 2.0 for data collection. In Amplitude Browser SDK 2.0, we have deprecated client-side user agent parsing in favor of server-side user agent parsing. More details.

To avoid breaking changes in chart analytics, we've added the option to enable client-side user agent parsing via the (Legacy) Enable client side user agent enrichment option. You can also choose which user agent field (OS name, OS version, device manufacture, and device model) you want to enrich by checking the checkbox accordingly.

If you are a new user, we highly recommend adopting server-side parsing by leaving this checkbox empty as the new enrichment strategy offers more accurate result.

Page View Tracking

Check this box to enable page view tracking. The following configurations are available page view tracking options. More details.

Default configurations

Name Description Default Value
Use the legacy page view properties check box. Whether use the legacy page view properties. More Details. Enabled. Use the latest page view event type and properties as in Amplitude Browser 2.0.
Page View Type string. The event type for page view event. [Amplitude] Page Viewed
Page View trigger Page Loads or Only with Attribution changes or a Variable Configuration. The trigger of page view event. A variable configuration can be either build-in or customized that returns a function with a true or false return value. If the function returns true, then Page Views are tracked automatically, if it returns false then Page Views are not tracked. More details. Page Loads if enable page view tracking.
Track history events automatically All history changes or Only when page path changes. Whether to track history events. This is for tracking page view on SPA. More details. All history changes

Sessions Tracking

Check this box to enable sessions tracking. More details.

Form Interactions Tracking

Check this box to enable form interactions tracking. More details.

File Downloads Tracking

Check this box to enable file downloads tracking. More details.


Events represent how users interact with your application. For example, "Button Clicked" may be an action you want to note.
The track tag type is for tracking an event under a specific trigger.

Event Type
Name Description
Event Type string. The name of the event.
Individual Event Properties
Name Description
Property Name string. The name of the event property.
Property Value string. The value of the event property.
Event Properties Object

Select a GTM variable that returns a valid event properties object. This overwrites the Individual Event Properties event properties if there are any duplicate keys. Amplitude ignores any inputs not in the object format and any value under user_properties key.

2 'eventPropKey' : 'eventPropValue',
3 'otherEventPropKey': 'otherEventPropValue',

To establish a scalable approach for defining properties, you can use the Google Tag: Event Settings variable in GTM. GTM Google Tag: Event Settings variable provides a way to let you reuse the event settings in multiple tags. More details. You can take advantage of it to create properties and reuse it across several tags.

The format of Google Tag: Event Settings variable:

2 'eventPropKey' : 'eventPropValue',
3 'otherEventPropKey': 'otherEventPropValue',
4 'user_properties': {
5 'user_property_key': 'user_property_value'
6 }

Notice that choosing Google Tag: Event Settings variable as an input in Event Properties Object, the value under user_properties is ignored.

Custom Timestamp
Name Description Default Value
Custom Timestamp number or null. timestamp in UNIX time (milliseconds). Leave empty to use current time. Current timestamp.
Track Groups

Set event level groups. With event-level groups, the group designation applies only to the specific event being logged, and doesn't persist on the user unless explicitly set with setGroup. More details.

Name Description
Group Type string. The name of the event.
Group Name string or string1,string2.... The name of the group. The value can be a single group name (e.g. 15) or a comma-separated list (e.g. 2,12,24) of group names.


Identify calls don't appear in user look up. The identify calls will set the user properties, and those updated user properties will appear only after the next event fired by the user.

Add individual user property operations each as its own row in the table. You can add as many as you like, but note that you can only include a specific User Property in a single operation. The operations are executed in order. More details.

Name Description
Method Call Add, Append, Prepend, Set, Set Once, Remove, Preinsert, Postinsert, Clear All. The operation for the identify call.
User Property string. The key of user properties.
Value string or others. The value of specific user property. If you want to pass other types, please use GTM variable(Data Layer Variable).


Amplitude supports assigning users to groups and performing queries, such as Count by Distinct, on those groups. If at least one member of the group has performed the specific event, then the count includes the group. More details.

Name Description Default Value
Group Type string. The group type.
Group Name(s) string or string,string.... The group name(s) under the group type. You can add a single group name or a comma-separated list (e.g. 2,12,24) of group names.


Use the Group Identify API to set or update the properties of particular groups. These updates only affect events going forward. More details.

Name Description
Group Type string. The group type.
Group Name(s) string. The group name(s) under the group type.
Method Call Add, Append, Prepend, Set, Set Once, Remove, Preinsert, Postinsert, Clear All. The operation for the identify call.
User Property string. The key of user properties.
Value string or others. The value of specific user property. If you want to pass other types, please use GTM variable(Data Layer Variable).


Tracking the revenue event for a user. Revenue instances store each revenue transaction and allow you to define several special revenue properties (such as 'revenueType' and 'productIdentifier') that are used in Amplitude's Event Segmentation and Revenue LTV charts.

Description Default Value
product_id Required. string. An identifier for the product. Amplitude recommend something like the Google Play Store product ID. ``
quantity Required. number. The quantity of products purchased. For version after marketing-analytics-browser-gtm 0.5.4 , we auto assign revenue = quantity * price. &&&&&& 1
price Required. number. The price of the products purchased, and this can be negative. Note: revenue = quantity* price. null
revenue_type Optional, but required for revenue verification. string. The revenue type (for example, tax, refund, income). null
event properties Optional. { [key: string]: any }. An object of event properties to include in the revenue event. null


The flush method prompts the client to instantly send buffered events. There's no need to manually call the flush tag type, it will automatically be triggered based on either flushIntervalMillis or flushQueueSize, whichever comes first. To avoid event loss due to browser closure, consider enabling the sendBeacon transport in the configuration options, or set the transport type to sendBeacon when pagehide. Alternatively, you could reduce the flushQueueSize and flushIntervalMillis according to your event traffic load, ensuring events don't get stuck on the client.


If you want to reset the userId and deviceId after logout, please check reset tag type instead.

Name Description Default Value
User ID undefined or string. Set the userId. Leave empty if you want to set the userId to undefined. undefined


If you want to reset the userId and deviceId after logout, please check reset tag type instead.

Name Description Default Value
Device ID string. Set the deviceId for the current user. Amplitude will assign an unique identifier for the deviceId by default. For the cross domain use case, Amplitude will auto capture the deviceId from URL parameter and assign the value to deviceId. Otherwise, this is not recommended unless you know what you are doing. More Details UUID


Session logic is auto handled by Amplitude. You might need to set the sessionId to -1 if you want to out of session control. Please make sure the value is in milliseconds since epoch (Unix Timestamp) or -1. More details.


reset will be commonly used when a user has been logged out. It includes 2 operations which are setUserId(undefined) and setDeviceId(UUID()). More details.


Check the Opt current user out of tracking checkbox to opt user out of tracking. More details.

Define your trigger - Triggering

All tags fire based on events. Anytime Google Tag Manager registers an event, event triggers are evaluated and tags are fired accordingly. Please check here for available triggers in GTM.


Typically init tag is the first thing you need to fire on the page. It's common to fire the init tag using All Pages or Initialization - All Pages triggers. You can also defer the init tag until you receive a signal and fire it using customized triggers, such as a consent grant. But notice that all other tags will wait for the init tag to fire before they can be sent to Amplitude.

Common Issues

These are common issues encountered with the GTM template. For further troubleshooting of your GTM instance, please refer to the GTM Help Center.

Does Amplitude GTM template support React Native (Android or iOS) apps?

No. The Amplitude Analytics Browser SDK only supports the web container, designed for desktop and mobile browsers. Amplitude does not provide support for GTM templates for mobile apps at this time. To request this feature, please submit a feature request here.

Can we add some logic to Amplitude template?

Yes, but it's not recommended. Modified Community Gallery Templates will no longer receive updates provided by the developer but you can always restore the template to start receiving notifications again.

Missing events

  • Check if you have multiple versions of Amplitude browser SDK installed. There may be collision between different versions of SDKs. Try giving a different instance name for your GTM instance.
  • If your website blocks script that our Template is trying to inject. Check your website’s Console or Network tab to see if any scripts are blocked or if you are getting any errors through right click -> Inspect:
  • Init web attribution event is missing. If you have installed cookies consent, check if the value of document.referrer has been updated to your current domain. The campaign from the current domain won't be tracked.
  • Ensure that you have selected the appropriate Tag firing options. Choosing Once per event will cause your tag to fire each time a Trigger event is performed. On the other hand, selecting Once per Page will fire your Tag just once. This discrepancy could lead to events not being sent as expected.

Overall user counts to increase

Verify whether cookies have been altered or removed inadvertently. Cookies store critical user session data and marketing campaign information. If these cookies are deleted, it triggers a reset of user identifiers (such as user ID and device ID), invariably leading to a surge in the user count. Additionally, the erasure of last-viewed campaign parameters can result in an increase in organic/direct traffic, among other effects.

Cross domain tracking

To retain user identification across domains, create a custom HTML tag to attach the user's deviceId to the domain link you wish to track. When you append ampDeviceId=YourDeviceId to the URL, the Amplitude Browser SDK uses the URL parameter value rather than generate a new deviceId. For more information see an example script on GitHub.

Starting from template version 15cce (library version amplitude-ts-gtm/3.7.12), the template supports getting the session ID from the URL parameter ampSessionId to maintain the same session. For more information, see Cross-domain tracking with Browser SDK 2.0.

How to pass other types for identify/groupIdentify value

If you hardcode the value in your tag, the input will be forced into a string type. To use other types such as number or boolean, create a GTM variable, specifically a Data Layer Variable. This will accurately capture the types you've specified.

Breaking changes checklist

Page View event's name and properties

The new template changes the default page view events to include [Amplitude] prefixes. If you want to continue using the older page view events check Use legacy page view properties checkbox. See full details in table.

Before Current
  • Event Name: Page View
  • Properties: page_location, page_path, page_title. page_url
  • Event Name: [Amplitude] Page Viewed
  • Properties: [Amplitude] Page Domain, [Amplitude] Page Location, [Amplitude] Page Path, [Amplitude] Page Title, [Amplitude] Page URL

Subdomain attribution tracking

Traffic from one subdomain to another (ie to is not tracked by default. If you want to exclude the attribution tracking on location.hostname, but not other subdomains, add the string value of location.hostname in the Exclude Referrers input under the Track marketing attribution section. See full details in table.

Before Current
Track attribution of all subdomains. Excludes all subdomains of the same root domain as referrer.

User agent parser

The new template changes the way to parse the device related info which might affect the value of OS, Device Type, Device Family (event.os_nameevent.os_versionevent.device_modelevent.device_manufacturer), and related properties. If you want to continue using the older way to parse user agent, check (Legacy) Enable client side user agent enrichment checkbox. See full details in table.

Before Current
Client-side user agent parsing. Server-side user agent parsing by Amplitude ingestion endpoints.
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June 28th, 2024

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