Salesforce provides solutions that help unify marketing, sales, commerce, IT, and service. This Salesforce V2 integration lets you create group-level properties from Salesforce data by setting specific Salesforce fields as group-level properties and importing that into Amplitude. This can be useful when analyzing information about accounts that exist in Salesforce.
By default, Amplitude has a built-in process that runs once a day to update group properties that have pickup dates matching the current date. Additionally, the integration offers the option of an hourly schedule if you prefer more frequent updates with finer granularity.
In Salesforce, objects such as Account are structured as tables, where each field represents a column. Amplitude imports data from Salesforce using a predefined schema mapping, which establishes a connection between Salesforce objects and Amplitude groups. Each row of a table will be eventually transformed into a group under a certain group type in an Amplitude project. There are 3 key concepts that together form a valid mapping:
Verify that you have account-level reporting set up in Amplitude.
Review your mapping setup option
To create a new mapping, click Set up new group mapping. This should populate a new mapping section. Inside the section, fill in the following parts:
Once you finish the above settings, click Group Property Mapping to define a list of Salesforce fields which you want to import into Amplitude as Group Properties.
To ensure the data quality, Amplitude performs various validation on the fly, this includes:
The setup page will display the current validation failures, and prevent proceeding until all of them are addressed. A valid mapping will look like the screenshot below.
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April 22nd, 2024
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