Set up account-level reporting

This article helps you:

  • Correctly instrument account-level reporting in Amplitude

With account-level reporting, you can set up aggregated, group-level analyses. This article will review the specific steps involved in the process depending on how you're sending data to Amplitude. 

Before you begin

Before you can use account-level reporting, you will have to instrument it.

Once you've instrumented groups, a new dropdown will be visible in the right module of the chart control panel for certain charts. You will then be able to perform account-level reporting and designate whether you want to see events triggered by users or by groups.

Amplitude has a limit of five group types per project.


You can set up account-level reporting in Amplitude's SDKs by following these specific instructions in the Developer Center, depending on which SDK you are using:

Identify API

If you are sending data to Amplitude server-side, use the groups key in your identification object. This will associate a particular user in a certain group. Please see the Identify API documentation for more information on how to instrument groups via Amplitude's Identify API.


If you are sending data to Amplitude server-side, use the groups key in your event object. This will add event-level groups (groups that only persist on that specific event). Please see the HTTP API documentation for more information on how to instrument groups via Amplitude's HTTP API.


To set group types in Amplitude via Segment, you must first enable the following Amplitude destination settings and provide them with the appropriate values:

  • Group Type Trait: This specifies what trait in your Segment group calls will contain the desired group type.
  • Group Value Trait: This specifies what trait in your Segment group calls will contain the desired group value.

You can set groups and group properties using Segment's group documentation for more information on how to instrument groups via Segment. 

Create groups using the Group Identify API

Using the Group Identify API, you can create a new group tied with all expected group properties or update group properties for an existing group. In the example requests, the parameters and keys are italicized. The underlined values are what you need to replace with the parameters you are specifically interested in.

In addition, group property operations ($set, $setOnce, $add, $append, $unset) are supported in this Group Identify API. Please see the Group Identify API documentation for more information on how to instrument groups via Amplitude's Group Identify API.

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June 6th, 2024

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