Filter your dashboards

This article helps you:

  • Apply filters to your dashboards

With filtering, you can temporarily or permanently filter all the charts in your dashboard to an alternate date range, interval, or property.

To apply a filter, follow these steps:

  1. Open the dashboard where you’d like to apply a filter.
  2. To filter by interval, click the Daily dropdown and select the desired interval.
  3. To filter by date range, click one of the preset values—last seven days, 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days—or set the date range manually, using the date picker.
  4. To filter by property, click Add Filter and choose the property you want to filter on. Then enter the desired value. You can select more than one property to include in your filter.


Once you apply a filter, you can copy a link to share your bulk changes with others by clicking copy URL. Navigating to this URL will open your dashboard with the bulk filter already applied.

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June 6th, 2024

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