Turn your dashboard into a template

This article helps you:

  • Create new templates from your Analytics dashboards

You can easily turn your dashboards into templates, which allow teams to efficiently and confidently recreate their common analyses and share best practices with just a few clicks. Save time when repeating common analyses and make it simpler for new team members to measure impact.

To designate a dashboard as a template, follow these steps:

  1. In your dashboard, click More and select Tag as Template from the dropdown menu.
  2. In the Templatize Dashboard modal, set the discoverability toggle to on or off, depending on your preferences, and add any instructions you’d like to communicate to users of the template. If you choose not to add your own instructions, the default boilerplate will be used. Then click Save.

Once your dashboard has been templatized, you’ll notice three differences:

  • The dashboard will carry a template icon;
  • The dashboard will include the template instructions you added in Step 2 above;
  • There will be a Save As New Dashboard button, which is how you can create copies of the dashboard from the template:

dashboards templated dashboard.png

You will be able to find templates using Search or Spaces. Just look for the template icon. You can also filter for dashboard templates in Search, via the Template filter under Tags.

Template use cases

Some of the most common use cases for templates in Amplitude include:

  • A/B testing: Swap out user or event properties or cohorts with each new experiment’s variants
  • Releases: Swap out version, campaign, region, etc. to track performance or key metrics for new releases
  • Usage or engagement dashboards: Segment by feature/product, region, device, customer, channels, etc. to analyze metrics like engagement with critical events, or specific noteworthy funnels
  • B2B or partner use-cases: Create different dashboards segmented by customer account or partner
  • Amplitude new user onboarding: Templates for the above use cases to help onboard new Amplitude users by acclimating them to the types of analyses most often performed by their new teams.

For more information on templates, see this article in our Help Center.

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June 6th, 2024

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