Converter configuration reference

This reference covers examples and operators for the Amazon S3 Import and GCS converter configuration. Read the S3 guide or the GCS guide for more information.



Because many cloud storage source imports are batch uploads of historical data, it may not make sense to sync the latest user properties for historical events. Because of this, $skip_user_properties_sync is set to true by default. If you want to include user properties with your events, you must set it to false in the converter.

For more information about $skip_user_properties_sync, see the Data Backfill Guide


Conversion rules in convertToAmplitudeFunc instructs the how the ingestion service on how to construct events in Amplitude.

Example converter with convertToAmplitudeFunc

2 "config_name": ["Event sample converter"],
3 "converterConfig": {
4 "fileType": "parquet",
5 "compressionType": "none",
6 "convertToAmplitudeFunc": {
7 "event_type": "action",
8 "user_id": "user",
9 "device_id": "device",
10 "event_properties": {
11 "business_id_encid": "business_id"
12 },
13 "user_properties": {
14 "utm_channel_category": "utm_channel_c",
15 "utm_channel_source": "utm_channel_s"
16 },
17 "time": "epoch",
18 "session_id": "session_id",
19 "app_version": "app_version"
20 }
21 },
23 "keyValidatorConfig": {
24 "filterPattern": "folder1/folder2/ds=202011[1-2][0-9]/.*\\.parquet"
25 }

Example constructed event

2 "event_type": "watch tv",
3 "user_id": "john",
4 "device_id": "host1",
5 "event_properties": {
6 "business_id_encid": "123"
7 },
8 "user_properties": {
9 "utm_channel_category": "discovery",
10 "utm_channel_source": "network"
11 },
12 "time": "1645066434189",
13 "session_id": "1",
14 "app_version": "1"

Values in the event come from the fields specified by convertToAmplitudeFunc. For example, the value "watch tv" in field "event_type" comes from field "action" in ingested data files. Because event_type value isn’t ["value":"$identify"] or ["value":"$groupidentify"], Amplitude ingests events in a way like it ingests events via the HTTP V2 API.


List operators

Use list operators

If the source description is a list, then the first item in the list must be a string specifying the function. The rest of the list are the parameters to the function. The "|" character separates non-repeating and repeating arguments. Any arguments after "|" are repeatable arguments and you can specify them any number of times. However, the entire list of arguments must be present in any multiple argument operator (meaning, you can't specify just one of three arguments, you must include all three).

Description Syntax
path Evaluates each SourceDescription sequentially on the returned JsonElement. Equivalent to evaluating a specific path when chaining BasicPaths. This also works with indexing into an array, for example ["path", "foo", "1"] chooses the element at index 1 (second element) in the array at "foo".The index must be provided as a string. ["path", \ SOURCE_DESCRIPTION...]Example: ["path", "foo", "bar"] => obj['foo']['bar'].
any Returns the first value returned by SOURCE_DESCRIPTION in the list. ["any", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, \ SOURCE_DESCRIPTION...]
value Escapes a single JSON value so you can create a static value. Example: ["value", "amplitude-vacuum"...
dict Creates a dictionary (object) where the raw_strings are keys and values are the evaluated SOURCE_DESCRIPTIONS. ["dict", "raw_string", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, \ "raw_string", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION...]
array Returns an array, where elements are the values returned by evaluating SOURCE_DESCRIPTIONS. If a SOURCE_DESCRIPTION fails to evaluate, it will be skipped ["array", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, \ SOURCE_DESCRIPTION...]
condition Determines the first true BooleanCondition and returns the result of the following SOURCE_DESCRIPTION. Throws a NoValueFoundAtSource exception if nothing evaluates to true. ["condition"\ "cond", BOOLEAN_SOURCE, SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, \ BOOLEAN_SOURCE, SOURCE_DESCRIPTION...]
ifelse If the BOOLEAN_SOURCE evaluates to true, returns the first SOURCE_DESCRIPTION. Otherwise returns the second SOURCE_DESCRIPTION. ["ifelse", BOOLEAN_SOURCE, SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]
sample_md5 Evaluates the given sampleKey (second arg) with the samplePercent (first arg) to determine whether it should be in the sample. Returns boolean ["sample_md5", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]
iso_time_to_ms Assumes the string returned by SOURCE_DESCRIPTION is an ISO datetime string, for example, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS, and converts to milliseconds since epoch ["iso_time_to_ms", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]
ms_to_iso_time Assumes the string returned by SOURCE_DESCRIPTION is milliseconds since epoch and converts to ISO datetime string, for example, YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS ["ms_to_iso_time", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]
iso_time_now Generates an ISO datetime string for right now ["iso_time_now"]
ms_time_now Generates the milliseconds since epoch for right now ["ms_time_now"]
int96_time_to_ms Assumes the string returned by SOURCE_DESCRIPTION is a base64-encoded INT96, for example, AP6qCz41AAAwhCUA, and converts to milliseconds since epoch ["int96_time_to_ms", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]
parse_time_to_ms Takes in a RAW_STRING time format, for example, M/d/yyyy H:mm:ss, and a SOURCE_DESCRIPTION that returns a string in that format, for example, '1/1/2021 5:06:07', and converts to milliseconds since epoch ["parse_time_to_ms", RAW_STRING, SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]
parse_json_element Assumes the value returned by SOURCE_DESCRIPTION is a string json blob and returns the parsed json value ["parse_json_element"\ "parse_json_object", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]
merge_dicts Merges the json objects that each SOURCE_DESCRIPTION evaluates to ["merge_dicts", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, \ SOURCE_DESCRIPTION...]
flatten_dict Flattens a nested json object into a single layer json object ["flatten_dict", "raw_string", INTEGER_SOURCE, SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]
exclude_keys Evaluates the specified SourceDescription the returned JsonElement without the requested fields ["exclude_keys", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, \ "raw_string"...]
concat Treats the results of each SOURCE_DESCRIPTION as a string and returns the concatenated string ["concat", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, \ SOURCE_DESCRIPTION...]
replace_with Replace all old_string within the value returned by SOURCE_DESCRIPTION with new_string. Returns a string or raises a NoValueException if SOURCE_DESCRIPTION can't be evaluated to a string. The old_string supports Java's regex syntax for matching patterns, more details at ["replace_with", "old_string", "new_string", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]
split Splits the value returned by SOURCE_DESCRIPTION by the specified character sequence. Returns a jsonArray or raises a NoValueException if SOURCE_DESCRIPTION can't be evaluated to a string ["split", "raw_string", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]
lowercase Returns the lowercase string ["lowercase"\ "lower", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]
typeof Returns type of the source description as a string: 'string', 'list', 'dict', 'bool', 'number', 'null' ["typeof", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]

Boolean operators

These operators return a JsonPrimitive of type Boolean, so they're valid to use with cond and ifelse.

Operator Description Source
bool Evaluates as a static boolean value. Throws an exception during initialization if RAW_JSON isn't a boolean value. ["bool", any_json]
not Return whether both arguments are true. Null values are treated as false, string 'true' or 'false' is cast to a boolean. ["not"|"!", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]
and Return whether all arguments are true. Null values are treated as false, string 'true' or 'false' is cast to a boolean. ["and"|"&&", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, | SOURCE_DESCRIPTION...]
or Return whether at least one argument is true. Null values are treated as false, string 'true' or 'false' is cast to a boolean. ["or"|"||", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, | SOURCE_DESCRIPTION...]
equals Evaluates to true if and only if the two args are equal. ["equals"|"eq"|"=", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]
contains True if the evaluated SourceDescription (second arg) contains the given raw string. If the SourceDescription is null, evaluates to false. ["contains"|"is_substring", "raw_string", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]

Integer and float operators

The following Operators return a JsonPrimitive of type Integer, barring the add Operator which returns JsonPrimitive of type Float.

Operator Description Syntax
int Evaluates as a static int value. Throws an exception during initialization if RAW_JSON is not an int value. ["int", RAW_JSON]
round Round the argument to the nearest integer. Amplitude attempts to convert strings to integers and treats null values as zero. ["round", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]
add Return the sum of the arguments as an integer. Amplitude attempts to convert strings to integers and treats null values as zero. ["add"|"+", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, | SOURCE_DESCRIPTION...]
subtract Subtracts the second argument from the first one. Amplitude attempts to convert strings to integers and treats null values as zero. ["subtract"|"-", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]
multiply Return the product of the arguments as an integer. Amplitude attempts to convert strings to integers and treats null values as zero. ["multiply"|"*", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, | SOURCE_DESCRIPTION...]
divide Divides the first argument by the second one. Amplitude attempts to convert strings to integers and treats null values as zero. ["divide"|"/", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION, SOURCE_DESCRIPTION]

JSON operator

Operator Description Syntax
N/A As syntactic sugar, Amplitude converts an object to a "dict" LIST_OPERATOR Note: the following two descriptions are equivalent: {"key1": SOURCE_DESCRIPTION,"key2", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION,…} ["dict","key1", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION,"key2", SOURCE_DESCRIPTION,...]

User property operations

The converter supports the same user property operators as the Identify API. See the Identify documentation for details.