Movable Ink (Profile API)

Movable Ink activates any data into personalized content in any customer engagement and is a powerful extension to the technologies that marketers use today. The platform connects to all relevant data, no matter where it lives, updates based upon a recipient's most recent interactions, and is autogenerated by the platform.

This integration lets you automatically generate and target content based on any of the data available via Amplitude's User Profile API. The User Profile API serves Amplitude user profiles, which include user properties, computed user properties, a list of cohort IDs of cohorts that the user is in, and recommendations.

For more information, see Movable Ink's Exchange.

Use cases

  1. Highlight the right content for maximum conversions via predictions and recommendations.
  2. Automatically target the right users with the most relevant content via behavioral cohorts targeting.
  3. Leverage recent-time ML-driven data to create personalized content without the need for data scientists.


  • This integration is only available for customers who have paid plans with Amplitude and Movable Ink.
  • You must enable this integration in each Amplitude project.
  • If any of the API endpoints return PII in the response, Movable Ink can't leverage the endpoint.


Amplitude setup

  1. Copy the Amplitude API key for your project. There are no other setup steps in Amplitude.

Movable Ink setup

  1. In Movable Ink, navigate to Data Sources > New Data Source.
  2. Click API Integration, then configure your target User Profile API endpoint. 
  3. Create more properties from the API response (optional).
  4. Add data fields from the API response.
  5. Review your configuration steps before completing the API integration. Now you can leverage this Data Source to create personalized content.

For more details on setting up this integration, see Movable Ink's support center documentation.

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June 11th, 2024

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