Statsig (Cohort Sync)

Statsig is a modern feature-management and product experimentation platform that helps you to ship faster by providing actionable causal analysis, meaningful data insights, and automatically running 10x more experiments.

This integration allows you to target experiments at specific cohorts you’ve already created in Amplitude.


Statsig setup

  1. Navigate to the Statsig Console, click Project Settings, and select API Keys.
  2. Generate a new key and add a description. Copy the key.

Amplitude setup

  1. In Amplitude Data, click Catalog and select the Destinations tab.
  2. In the Cohort section, click Statsig.
  3. Click Add another destination.
  4. Enter Name and Statsig API Key.
  5. Save the destination.

Send a cohort

  1. In Amplitude, open the cohort you want to export.
  2. Click Sync, and choose Statsig.
  3. Select the destination.
  4. Select the sync cadence.
  5. Save when finished.

After your cohort is synced into Statsig, you can find it under Segments in the Statsig console. Expect updates to reflect within 15 minutes. See Statsig's Segments documentation for more information on how you can use the data.

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April 22nd, 2024

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