Kochava (Post-install)

This integratin is in Closed Beta

This feature is in Closed Beta and is in active development. Contact your Amplitude Client Success Manager for support with this integration.

About Kochava

Kochava empowers advertisers and publishers with a platform to help growth marketers. Kochava delivers what marketers need, when they need it, to establish customer identity and segment and activate audiences in a privacy-first world.

Choose the correct integration

This documentation serves as your guide to handling events that occur after users install your app. These events, often referred to as "custom events," encompass user interactions, purchases, and various other activities that happen within your app post-installation. The primary aim of this documentation is to lead you through the step-by-step process of setting up post-install events and establishing a crucial connection between user identities and their corresponding actions.

There are two distinct integrations, each covered in a separate document – "Kochava (Post-Installs) Event streaming" and "Kochava (Installs) events streaming." This division stems from the requirements of Kochava's IdentityLinkTM feature. IdentityLink calls play a critical role in connecting user identities with their actions. To ensure precise connections, these IdentityLink calls need to occur either concurrently with or after the installation or event data. In other words, the data about the user's identity and the action they performed needs to be available before or at the same time as the IdentityLink call is made. This ensures that the linkage is correctly established and reported.

"Kochava (Post-Installs)" focuses on events unfolding after app installations. Here, the "Send User" feature comes into play, establishing essential links between identities and actions. "Kochava (Installs) events streaming" centers around initial app installations. This segment lacks the "Send User" feature, aligning with the prerequisite of timely install data for successful IdentityLink integration.


  • You must enable this integration in each Amplitude project you want to use it in.
  • You need a Kochava account to enable this integration.
  • Amplitude has two destinations for Kochava (Install) and Kochava (Post Install).
    • We support only the identity (user-attributes) forwarding to Kochava in Kochava (Post Install).
  • Amplitude uses the IdentityLink API of Kochava to send user-attributes and this will link the user-level data with the device ID. The user attributes sent by Amplitude will not be tied if the Install event with the same device ID wasn't received at Kochava before.
  • Send User Feature: This feature, "Send User," is available in the destination for Post Install Events. It helps you send the IdentityLink data along with the other event data. This ensures that Kochava knows who the user is and can connect their actions to them.
  • Relevant limits for Kochava events are:
    • Kochava doesn't impose any hard limits on quantity or velocity; however, requests sent too quickly will return 429 responses. Amplitude will handle these automatically.
    • The requests must be smaller than 2MB.



To configure an Event Streaming integration from Amplitude to Kochava, you must fulfill the following prerequisites from Kochava:

  • A Kochava Account: You must have a Kochava account to leverage this integration. Contact Kochava for more details.
  • Kochava App GUID: You must create an App and have the GUID assigned to the App.
  • (Optional) Kochava API Key: If you want to enable the authentication with the integration, you have to add your API Key in the Account Option.
  • (Optional) Kochava secret authentication key: If you want to enable the authentication with the integration, you have to request a secret authentication key through the Kochava Client Success Team.

Kochava setup

  1. Log into your Kochava dashboard and copy your Account ID and Account Passcode.
  2. Go to the All Apps section and copy the GUID of the App you created.
  3. (Optional) Go to Account Options and select API Keys to locate or create your API key.
  4. (Optional) Contact your Kochava Client Success Manager to obtain your Kochava secret authentication key.

Amplitude setup

  1. In Amplitude, navigate to Data Destinations, then find Kochava (Post Install).
  2. Enter a sync name, then click Create Sync.
  3. Toggle Status from Disabled to Enabled.
  4. Paste your App GUID.
  5. (Optional) Click the single box Enable Authentication if you want to authenticate your sync.
  6. (Optional) Paste your API Key (taken from the Kochava account).
  7. (Optional) Paste your secret key to API secret (provided by Kochava's CS team).
  8. Under Send Events, make sure the toggle is enabled ("Events are sent to Kochava") if you want to stream events to Kochava. When enabled, events are automatically forwarded to Kochava when they're ingested in Amplitude. Events aren't sent on a schedule or on demand using this integration.
  9. In Select and Filter events choose which events you want to send. Choose only the events you need in Kochava. Transformed events aren't supported.
  10. Click Mappings to specify the identity mapping between Amplitude and Kochava. Kochava Device ID and IP Address (the IP address of the device on install) are required to map to save your sync configuration. Choose at least one of the following identifiers, Apple Advertising ID (idfa), Apple Vendor ID (idfv), Google Advertising ID (adid) and Android ID (android_id).
  11. (optional) In Select additional properties, select any more user properties you want to send to Kochava. If you don't select any properties here, Amplitude doesn't send any. Transformed event properties and transformed user properties aren't supported.
  12. (optional) Under Send Users, make sure the toggle is enabled if you want to send over users and their properties in real-time whenever a user is created or the user property is updated in Amplitude.
  13. (optional) In Select additional properties, select any more user properties you want to send to Kochava. If you don't select any properties here, Amplitude doesn't send any. These properties are sent to Kochava. Transformed user properties aren't supported.
  14. When finished, enable the destination and Save.

What is difference between Kochava Device ID and other identifiers?

Send Kochava Device ID as a unique string that is consistent for each instance of the app on a single device. The other identifiers (for example, Apple Advertising ID and Google Advertising ID) are the relevant mobile advertising IDs. A Kochava device can have the multiple device ids but the Kochava Device ID must be unique. Kochava Device ID can be technically the same string as the other identifiers but it is different concept.

Use Cases

Sending events from Amplitude to Kochava can enhance the effectiveness of your communication strategies and help drive higher-value conversions through targeted and personalized messaging. Here are some specific use cases for integrating Amplitude with Kochava:

  1. Campaign ROI Insights: Correlate user actions tracked by Amplitude with specific marketing campaigns in Kochava for accurate attribution, enabling optimized allocation of marketing budgets.
  2. Personalized Ad Targeting: Combine Amplitude's user behavior data with Kochava's audience segmentation to deliver tailored ads to users based on their interactions, increasing conversion chances.
  3. LTV Analysis and Retention: Analyze user behavior from Amplitude in Kochava to identify high lifetime value users, allowing for targeted retention strategies like customized incentives or offers.
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July 4th, 2024

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