From Clicks to Loyal Customers:

5 Proven Strategies to Boost Customer Engagement

Cultivate customer relationships that last with five best practices for boosting engagement—and retention and revenue. Learn how major brands used these strategies to drive growth.

Table of Contents
                Strategy #2

                Build a Deep Understanding of Customer Behavior

                The only way to create deeper engagement with your customers is to see their journeys through their eyes. Understanding what actions users take (and do not) will help you foster the engagement and retention essential for long-term success and ensure a ROI. The numbers back this up: according to the , 55 percent of its top-performing brands ingest data from multiple sources to build “360-degree user profiles, which provides the foundation for effective, relevant consumer experiences.”

                • Collect behavioral data. Understand user actions, preferences, motivations, and interactions across various touch points to design personalized experiences, optimize communication strategies, and tailor The only way to create deeper engagement with your customers is to see their journeys through their eyes. products or services to meet customer needs. By harnessing behavioral data, brands can uncover patterns, identify pain points, and make data-driven decisions to enhance customer engagement and create meaningful connections. The Braze study suggests the difference these practices can make: its top performers were 30 percent more likely to use real-time data to power segmentation and targeting than other brands.
                • Tailor retention analytics to your product usage patterns. Determine which method of measuring retention is best for your product. Doing that is about understanding what you want to learn and how your users naturally behave. For example, products built for daily use—think social networking, mobile gaming, and productivity apps—will need to measure “N day” retention, the percentage of users who return on a specific day. Products with less frequent usage, such as grocery ordering, tax filing, and expense reporting apps, would need to use “Return on or After” or “Return on (Custom)” retention.
                • Identify both engagement and disengagement patterns. Discover what keeps your customers coming back—and what causes them to churn. Analytics help you see what’s working but also what’s not and why, so you can make the changes you need to keep your customers satisfied. Understand how your users interact with your product by —which compare one group (or “cohort”) of users interacting with your product in a certain way to another. For example, you might compare a cohort that enabled push notifications during their first session to all active users to see how that action affects engagement and retention within your product.
                Le Monde leverages data to lift subscriptions—and retention

                Storied French newspaper Le Monde has two priorities: widening its subscriber base and ensuring subscribers stick with the paper. “Even more than subscription, Amplitude is helping us with retention,” Subscription Director Lou Grasser explained. “It’s the only tool we have that tells us, for instance, the retention of people who subscribed from specific articles or specific types of articles.” With Amplitude’s in-depth Retention Analysis, Le Monde can better understand if readers subscribe to specific topics, certain types of content, or a particular writing style. Over time, the outlet is also getting a better understanding of .

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