
Beyond GA: Consolidating Your Data Stack for Optimal Customer Journeys

In light of the sunsetting of Google Analytics Universal, organizations have an opportunity to evaluate their analytics solutions and consider consolidating their data stack into a single platform that provides a full view of the customer journey. This can be achieved through collaboration between marketing and product teams, as a shared analytics platform can help them understand the entire journey and optimize for the right KPIs.

A illustration of stairs with people on different levels.

The Great Digital Reimplementation: Explained

  • The digital analytics landscape is undergoing a significant reimplementation, with both Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics transitioning to an event-based model.
  • Organizations currently using Google Analytics will have to migrate to GA4, which is not a trivial exercise and requires changes to tagging, data layers, and reporting.
  • Companies should take this opportunity to reevaluate their analytics solutions and consider if their current product is the right fit for the next decade.
Product report 2022 overview showing Product Usage is Up 16% YoY

A Case for Collaboration

  • Digital transformation has blurred the lines between marketing and product teams, with both relying on data to improve conversion rates and digital experiences.
  • Collaboration between marketing and product teams is important for creating a seamless digital experience for customers, as they do not care about internal organizational structures.
  • Collaborating between marketing and product teams can help with adjusting the onboarding process, re-engaging non-responsive users, and identifying the most effective marketing channels and campaigns.
  • A shared analytics platform can help both teams understand the complete prospect journey, identify points of disengagement, optimize for the correct KPIs, and see which marketing campaigns lead to long-term value.
Amplitude Product Report 2022: Growth of HR, Staffing & Job Searching Products

A Case for Consolidating to One, Full-Service Platform

If your team is considering consolidating tools to save money, here’s how to get it right. In today’s economic downturn, CFOs are putting stack consolidation and cutting the cost of software at the top of their priority list to cut costs and improve efficiency. They’re evaluating user experience, functionality, and usage to determine the ROI of the tool.

If you own the stack for your digital products, chances are you’re being told you need to cut costs. You’re likely being forced to look closer at the challenges and opportunities in consolidating your data stack.

Amplitude Product Report 2022: Growth of HR, Staffing & Job Searching Products

How Amplitude is filling the gap

Many organizations rely on Google Analytics to gather advertising data, but there are alternatives. Amplitude is investing in new marketing-focused functionality, including Acquisition Channels, Data Tables, Attribution, and Campaign Data Sources. This is all in addition to our funnel, conversion and retention capabilities that really set us apart.

Acquisition Channels allow administrators to assign marketing acquisition channels to sessions and events easily. Amplitude's interface uses logic rules based on existing property values to assign the acquisition channel automatically. These rules can be customized and retroactively applied, making adding marketing information to Amplitude's analyses simple.

Acquisition Channels

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