Product-Led Growth Guide Volume 2

How to Get Started with PLG

Learn how to increase product-led acquisition, retention, and monetization with PLG tactics and metrics from over 30 industry experts.

Table of Contents


                        This guide is based on contributions from industry experts. A special thank you to the following contributors:

                        Aaron Bird, Abbie Kouzmanoff, Abhinay Jain, Alec Kriebel, Alex Simmons, Alicia Cressall, Andrea Wang, Asavari Tayal, Ashley Stepien, Bartłomiej Leszczyńśki, Ben Williams, Braxton Bragg, Brian Abad, Carmen DeCouto, Dave Bonlander, Dave Rigotti, Elena Verna, Franciska Dethlefsen, Hien Phan, Hiral Shah, Ibrahim Bashir, John Black, John Cutler, Kayli Berlin, Rachel Herrera, Nick Pavlichek, Rob Bow, Storm Hurwitz, Tej Pandya, Trevor Hadley, Usman Ibrahim, Varsha Nagele, Wil Pong, and Will Newton.