Category > Engagement Templates

Engagement Templates

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Product KPIs Templates
Engagement: How often are users performing your event?
Calculate the frequency of user interactions with a specific event, providing insights into user engagement and event popularity. Suitable for product teams, marketers, and analysts aiming to optimize user experiences and event effectiveness.
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Feature Adoption Templates
After users discover your feature, how many get value from it?
Calculate the conversion rate of users from discovering the feature to getting value from it, providing insights into feature effectiveness and user satisfaction. Suitable for product teams, marketers, and analysts focusing on optimizing feature usability and adoption.
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Product KPIs Templates
Resurrection: How many of my dormant users are re-engaging?
Track the rate of dormant users re-engaging with the platform, providing insights into re-engagement strategies and platform stickiness. Valuable for product teams, marketers, and analysts aiming to optimize user retention efforts.
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Feature Adoption Templates
How often do users get value from your feature?
Analyze the frequency of users getting value from the feature, providing insights into feature effectiveness and user satisfaction. Useful for product teams, marketers, and analysts aiming to optimize feature usability and satisfaction.