Category > User Activity Templates

User Activity Templates

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User Activity Templates
User Activity Dashboard
Gain insights into user engagement with our Activity Dashboard. Track daily active users, new user counts, and session durations. Understand user behavior with breakdowns by device, country, and platform. Ideal for optimizing user experiences and targeting specific user segments.
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User Activity Templates
Breakdown of users by country
Analyze user distribution by country, providing insights into geographic user demographics. Valuable for product teams, marketers, and analysts tailoring regional strategies.
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User Activity Templates
What percent of active users are returning?
Calculate the percentage of active users who are returning, aiding in understanding user retention and platform loyalty. Suitable for product managers, marketers, and analysts focusing on user engagement strategies.
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User Activity Templates
How many users are active each day?
Analyze the daily number of active users, enabling product managers, marketers, and analysts to gauge user engagement and platform performance.
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User Activity Templates
How many new users are there each day?
Calculate the number of new users acquired daily, aiding in understanding user acquisition and platform growth over time. Suitable for product teams, marketers, and analysts focusing on user acquisition strategies.
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User Activity Templates
Breakdown of users by device
Analyze user distribution by device, providing insights into device usage patterns. Suitable for product teams, developers, and analysts focusing on optimizing device compatibility and user experiences.
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User Activity Templates
Breakdown of users by platform
Analyze user distribution by platform, providing insights into platform preferences and usage patterns. Useful for product teams, marketers, and analysts tailoring platform-specific strategies.
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User Activity Templates
When do users come back?
Analyze the time intervals at which users return to the platform, providing insights into user behavior and engagement patterns. Suitable for product teams, marketers, and analysts aiming to optimize user retention strategies.
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User Activity Templates
What percent of active users are new users?
Calculate the percentage of active users who are new, aiding in understanding user acquisition and platform growth. Useful for product managers, marketers, and analysts focusing on user acquisition strategies.
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User Activity Templates
How long is the average session?
Determine the average duration of user sessions, aiding in understanding user engagement and interaction patterns. Valuable for product teams, UX designers, and analysts focusing on optimizing user experiences.