Amplitude + HubSpot

Deeper Insights. Faster Growth.

Unlock product-qualified leads to improve conversions 8X, route your best leads to sales, and reduce churn with one powerful integration.

Innovative brands unlocking product insights to drive faster growth

Coming to HubSpot INBOUND?

Unlock Product Insights in HubSpot

See us at Booth #44 at HubSpot INBOUND from September 18th to 20th. Meet our team and get a demo of our integration at our Genius Bar.

Unlock Product Insights in HubSpot
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“We saw a 45% drop in cancellations from the users in the email campaign, which was fantastic. And we also saw increased engagement from those email users over time. So we had about 11% lift in app visits, and we had about a 9% lift in overall app engagement over time.”

Allyson Marks
Product Analyst

Get the Insights You Need to Grow

Improve email performance
Improve email performance

Gain more insight into who’s engaging with your campaigns and re-engage users who aren’t.

Spend time on the right leads
Spend time on the right leads

Get prioritized leads based on buyer behavior to stop wasting time and start closing faster.

Proactively improve retention
Proactively improve retention

Get alerted to at-risk customers before renewal conversations start to eliminate churn risk.

Resources for HubSpot customers

Learn more about our HubSpot Integration
Learn more about our HubSpot Integration

See how our updated integration brings deeper customer insights alongside your critical HubSpot data.

AirDNA Drives 45% Reduction in Churn
AirDNA Drives 45% Reduction in Churn

Learn how AirDNA combined product insights and email performance to reduce churn 45% and increase app visits 11% with one integration.

Goodbye MQLs: Why Product-Qualified Leads Drive Faster Growth
Goodbye MQLs: Why Product-Qualified Leads Drive Faster Growth

Learn why PQLs drive 8X better conversion and how our partnership with HubSpot makes that a reality.

Ready to Drive Faster Growth?