Category > Retention Templates

Retention Templates

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Web KPIs Templates
What percent of active web users are returning?
Calculate the percentage of active web users who are returning, aiding in understanding user retention and platform loyalty. Useful for product managers, marketers, and analysts focusing on user engagement strategies.
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Feature Adoption Templates
How many users return after getting value from my feature?
Track the rate of users returning after obtaining value from a feature, assisting product teams, UX designers, and analysts in assessing feature retention and effectiveness.
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Product KPIs Templates
N-Week Retention: What percentage of my users are coming back after N weeks?
Calculate the percentage of users returning after N weeks, aiding in understanding user retention and platform loyalty over time. Suitable for product managers, marketers, and analysts focusing on user engagement strategies.
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User Activity Templates
What percent of active users are returning?
Calculate the percentage of active users who are returning, aiding in understanding user retention and platform loyalty. Suitable for product managers, marketers, and analysts focusing on user engagement strategies.
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Feature Adoption Templates
How many times does a user explore my feature on average?
Calculate the average frequency of user interactions with a feature, providing insights into feature engagement and usage patterns. Valuable for product teams, UX designers, and analysts aiming to optimize feature usability and satisfaction.
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Web KPIs Templates
What percent of active users are new users?
Calculate the percentage of active users who are new, aiding in understanding user acquisition and platform growth. Suitable for product managers, marketers, and analysts focusing on user acquisition strategies.
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Web KPIs Templates
How long does it take for returning users to come back?
Analyze the time taken by returning users to revisit the platform, providing insights into user behavior and engagement patterns. Valuable for product teams, marketers, and analysts aiming to optimize user retention strategies.