Release Notes: June 2016

Here's what's new in Amplitude in June 2016.

Inside Amplitude
June 10, 2016
Image of Wendy Vang
Wendy Vang
Enterprise Solutions Architect
Release Notes: June 2016

Time Zone Support, HTML Email Reports, REST API Update, and Javascript SDK v3.0

1) Time Zone Support

You can now change the time zone of an Amplitude app in the app’s settings page. A time zone change will impact all Amplitude users and event queries, including theREST API. Changes are also applied retroactively and immediately. Please note that event ingestion will continue to be in UTC, so a time zone change will not impact the HTTP API, and only Admins can access the app’s settings page and modify the time zone. Read more about your app’s settings here.


2) Dashboard HTML Email Reports

Note 1: Dashboards are now available on our Starter plan. Note 2: Dashboard Email Reports are only available on the Enterprise plan. You now receive dashboard email reports in HTML format, as seen in the image below. This allows you to navigate directly to the dashboard or graph from the email report. Read more about Dashboards here.


3) REST API Update

For Events Segmentation queries, you can now export up to 15,000 rows via the REST API. Read the REST API documentation here.

4) SDK Updates

We highly recommend that you update your SDKs to the latest versions: Amplitude-JavaScript 3.0.0 Since v2.12.1:

  • Added support for logging events to multiple Amplitude apps. **Note this is a major update, and may break backwards compatibility.**Read here for me details.
  • Init callback now passes the Amplitude instance as an argument to the callback function.
  • Updated our fork of UAParser.js from v0.7.7 to v0.7.10. This will improve the resolution of user agent strings to device and OS information.
    Amplitude-Android 2.7.2 Since v2.7.1:
  • Added documentation for SDK functions, found here.
  • Bug fixes.
    Amplitude-iOS 3.7.0
  • Added documentation for SDK functions, found here.
  • No updates since last product email.

5) Questions?

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to You can find previous release notes here. Lastly, we’d appreciate your feedback on our product email updates. Please let us know what’s working well or what you’d like to see improved through this form, thank you!


Bartosz Olchówka: Hope it helps!

About the Author
Image of Wendy Vang
Wendy Vang
Enterprise Solutions Architect
Wendy is a Solutions Architect on the Success team, where she helps customers instrument and utilize Amplitude. She graduated from Stanford University and enjoys boards games, picnics, and learning a new skill every month.
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