Find the Answer with Amplitude

Our new billboard campaign highlights how Amplitude helps teams find the answer to their most strategic product questions.

Inside Amplitude
April 19, 2022
Image of Jenna Kozel King
Jenna Kozel King
Vice President, Corporate Marketing + Communications, Amplitude
Find the Answer with Amplitude

At Amplitude, we’re proud to support amazing digital products and experiences from stellar companies like Instacart, Peloton, Pepsico, Shopify, Ford and Atlassian. At the heart of the value that Amplitude brings to our customers is the ability to quickly ask—and answer!—iterative, strategic product questions, using data-driven insights. With Amplitude, access to data and insights unblocks teams to build winning products faster, and to optimize for business growth and customer value.

We want to raise awareness of Amplitude’s solution with even more great companies, and that’s why we’re launching our first-ever out-of-home advertising campaign to share how Amplitude’s #1 product analytics solution helps you “Find the Answer.”

If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, Boston, or New York City, you might see some of our billboards or digital street signage around your city and highways. Our ads reference some of these big questions we help companies “Find the Answer” to.

Some questions are more tongue in cheek:

  • “Should you axe that new feature, or double down?”
  • “Do users who refer friends spend more… or a lot more?”
  • “Which suggested items are late-night shoppers most likely to buy?”

Some are more straightforward:

  • “What’s keeping your most active users engaged?”
  • “​​How many users start on mobile but switch to desktop?”
Amplitude's blog image
Amplitude's blog image
Amplitude's blog image

Yet, all of the questions posed in our ads speak to the strategic, iterative line of questioning that great product teams thrive on. These are the type of questions whose answers will help them uncover the right customer need, leading to the right high-demand feature or product that leads to business growth.

Thank you to Amplitude’s wonderful creative team and to our friends at Division of Labor and OneScreen.AI for bringing the Amplitude brand to life in our new campaign. And a special shout out goes to our customers and friends who gave us early feedback on our ads: Rob Henderson, Course Hero; Eric Quach, Square; Garroch Neil, Chegg; plus folks at Instacart, AB InBev, Blend, and Kroger.

If you’re building a digital product or experience and want to see how Amplitude can help you “Find the Answer” to your most strategic product questions, you can get started now with Amplitude for FREE.

Self-service demo
About the Author
Image of Jenna Kozel King
Jenna Kozel King
Vice President, Corporate Marketing + Communications, Amplitude
Jenna Kozel King is the Vice President of Corporate Marketing and Communications at Amplitude. Previously, she was Vice President of Corporate Communications and Content Marketing at Okta.
More Inside Amplitude