There’s a lot of talk about the importance of creating a data-driven culture. I always read about how important it is to properly and get your entire company using it. It’s great that so many companies have access to data – but how are they actually getting value from it?
To derive true value from data you need to be able to take action on what you learn. The insights you gain should enable you to understand your users and empower you to drive growth in your applications.
We’ve realized that although virtually every company now has some form of analytics in place, most of them are not actually using that data to drive growth. They’re measuring basic metrics (ex. installs) or using analytics to identify problems (ex. finding a sharp drop-off at a critical funnel step), but aren’t getting a deeper understanding of user behavior. User behavior data is critical to forming and testing hypotheses on what drives growth, but most people aren’t using their data to its full potential.
Where do you go to learn from real examples that ? There needs to be a place where you can hear from experts about their experiences, thoughts, and insights around how data actually can drive growth.
To address this, we’ve decided to host a the evening of November 11th in San Francisco.
The Growth Clinic is for anyone interested in learning about how organizations leverage data and turn that into growth. We’ll have experts from Zynga, Yik Yak, Rdio, and QuizUp share stories of what they’ve actually done with analytics and how the that has impacted their growth.
We’ll be sharing answers to simple questions, like: “What do you track?” and “How do you figure out what KPIs to use?” to much more complex ones like, “How do I use analytics to increase my retention?”. By now you’ve probably heard of Facebook finding that users adding 7 friends was the magic metric that . How do you replicate that for yourself?
In addition to the sessions and growth panel, there will be plenty of time to trade stories with other growth-minded product managers and marketers who are facing similar challenges. You can also get your growth questions answered one-on-one with analytics experts at Amplitude via our customer success team, who will be hosting a Growth Diagnosis Center to give tailored tips on how to turn analytics into growth.
I hope you can join us!