How One PM Built a Data-Fluent Team (And Got His Time Back)

Tired of being your team's only analytics expert? Here's how one user fixed that.

January 20, 2025
Product Manager, World Wide Technology
Chris Lopez, Sr. of WWT shares his story about using Amplitude

Growth is a double-edged sword. As organizations expand, so do their data needs, and if only one person holds the key to unlocking insights, progress can grind to a halt.

At , a full service digital transformation agency, Product Manager Chris Lopez faced this exact problem: how to get more of his team properly skilled up and motivated to use Amplitude.

Chris came up with something intuitive yet game changing for his team, and he’s giving us an inside look at his process and what he built.

I was inundated with requests of teammates asking, “How do I do X in Amplitude?” and “Does this chart look right?”

Key highlights

From simple to complex: More products, a lot more data

I’m Chris Lopez, a Product Manager on our solution development team at WTT.

In 2020, our analytics needs were simple. We focused on metrics like lab launches, page views, and video views. Life was easy—until it wasn’t.

Everything changed when we expanded into building learning and education content for our customers. What started as a value-add program grew into a standalone offering.

Suddenly, our analytics complexity exploded. We needed to track more complex events and metrics, including:

  • Learning path enrollment and completion rates
  • User engagement levels and friction points
  • Content performance metrics
  • Video engagement data
  • Customer attainment tracking
  • Partner consumption analytics
Going from a simple to a complex product

As the only product analytics person on the team, I was inundated with requests of teammates asking, "How do I do X in Amplitude?" and "Does this chart look right?"

My core product management duties were suffering, and I needed a solution, stat.

The solution was right under my nose

My first idea at solving this was through training webinars, but getting people to commit to specific times proved impossible.

Then it dawned on me—we were already experts at creating learning paths to teach customers about complex technologies. Why not use that same approach to teach our team about Amplitude?

The result was WWT’s first internal learning path focused on Amplitude training.

The key here was keeping it micro—just 20 minutes long—to fit into busy schedules and quickly give people a sense of achievement after completing it.

Amplitude micro learning path with bite-size lessons

The course worked by keeping things simple and concise

Video learning landing page showing the Amplitude Orientation video and different modules.

The course opens with a 90-second introduction video that sets the stage and motivates learners to begin. It’s primarily video-based (because most people prefer watching to reading), but includes written versions of all content for those who prefer text.

Here’s how we structure the micro lessons:

  • Module 1: Getting Started
    • Requesting Amplitude access through ServiceNow.
    • Understanding the difference between product and data analytics.
  • Module 2: Amplitude Basics
    • Key terminology explained through real examples and metrics we use every day at work.
    • Walkthrough of common events (see image below), dashboard navigation, and chart types
  • Module 3: Segmentation Charts
    • Hands-on creation of segmentation charts using actual WWT data.
    • Reinforces concepts while building practical skills.
A learning path reading about the types of events analyzed in Amplitude

The key unlock here was using our own data and scenarios, which team members can immediately connect these concepts to their daily work.

The core of the training focuses on segmentation charts, which are the most commonly used charts at WWT. Rather than working with sample data, users create their first chart using actual WWT data. This hands-on approach helps reinforce the concepts while building practical skills they’ll use right away.

When learners complete the course and pass a short quiz, they receive recognition in several forms:

  • A shareable badge for their profile
  • Recognition on internal profiles
  • A downloadable certificate
We made cool badges for teammates to put on their profile
Here are all of my badges!

So, did it work?

Using Amplitude, I tracked the training’s effectiveness—a chance to use Amplitude itself to measure success.

For the initial MVP (marketed to my 35-person team):

  • One-third (11 people) enrolled.
  • Seven (7) completed the course.
  • I also tracked various engagement metrics like:
    • scroll depth
    • completion rates
    • time spent on the course
    • interaction levels with quizzes
Amplitude dashboard showing completion and interaction metrics on the learning path
Amplitude dashboard showing different learners and their completion stats
Amplitude dashboards showing learner quiz scores and time to completion

The real impact

The data here is great, but what matters the most is whether or not this training actually made a change in how often people were coming to me with Amplitude-related questions.

And the answer to that was, thankfully, a resounding yes.

Part of the reason, I will admit, is some very light blackmail: If people ask me a question, I go and check to see if they’ve completed the learning path. If they haven’t, I tell them—with kindness and love—that I’ll answer their question after completing the path.

But besides that, I have genuinely seen a cultural shift. My team’s shared space for charts and dashboards has become vibrant, with new users actively sharing reports made inside of Amplitude.

This signals the growth of a data awareness culture at WWT. Instead of me being the sole analytics expert, we now have a self-taught army of product and data analysts.

Not only has fluency in the language of data freed up my time and made the team better at generating the analytics we need, it has empowered others to ask more interesting questions about what we can glean from the data in the first place.

Why not just use Amplitude Academy?

A great question I often get is, “Why create a custom solution when already exists?”

The answer: relatability. While Amplitude Academy is excellent for platform fundamentals, our internal training uses WWT data, making it immediately actionable. For us, it’s not either/or—it’s both.

Looking forward

Given the success of this MVP, my next step is to build on this momentum by addressing new challenges and scaling the training program further:

  • Developing more advanced modules
  • Adding links to Amplitude Academy resources
  • Expanding beyond our immediate team
  • Creating specialized training for different user types

What started as a solution to my analytics overload has transformed into a movement towards a data-fluent organization.

If you’re thinking about creating a similar program, my advice is simple: Start small, measure impact, and scale thoughtfully.

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About the Author
Product Manager, World Wide Technology
Chris is a product-led product manager who joined World Wide Technology in 2016 and has over 25 years of experience in the technology industry. Chris held a few roles at WWT, including delivery engineer and practice lead, before transitioning to product management. With a deep understanding of the technology landscape and a passion for creating innovative products, Chris is committed to driving business growth through user-centric product development.

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