Release Notes: June 2017

Here's what's new in Amplitude as of June 2017.

Inside Amplitude
June 21, 2017
Image of Kate Adams
Kate Adams
Product Manager, Amplitude
Release Notes: June 2017

This month we’re very excited to announce “Collaboration” which allows Amplitude users to favorite charts and even leave comments. In this product update, you will find updates on:

  • Launching: Collaboration
    • Comments
    • Mentions
    • ️ Charts
  • Feature Improvements
    • Dashboards: Add Cohorts, Pathfinder, and Compass reports
    • Browse Charts: Bookmarks
    • Data Table: Sort By Table Summary Column
    • All Charts: Custom Legends
    • Microscope: for Holding Constant Funnels
    • Multiple Metrics in Custom Formula
    • Zoom into Charts

Launching: Collaboration

(Enterprise Only)

Comments on Charts and Dashboards

We know that many of our customers work in teams and need a place to deliberate on their findings. Your are now able to start a discussion around your metrics right alongside the chart or dashboard.

amplitude comments-charts

@Mention Colleagues

To notify a colleague in a chart or dashboard, type “@” followed by their name to send them an Amplitude notification. Notifications will appear in the top navigation.

amplitude mention charts

“️” Charts


Favorite (heart) charts that you want to revisit or access often. Click on the number next to the Like button to see which of your teammates have already liked this chart. You can then use the “Browse Charts” tab to search through your favorites.

amplitude like charts

Feature Improvements

Dashboards: Add Cohorts, Pathfinder, and Compass reports

(Enterprise Only) Behavioral cohorts, Pathfinder reports, and Compass reports can now be added to dashboards!

amplitude compass dash

Browse Charts: Bookmarks

If you have created a search that you would like to be more accessible, save it as a bookmark. This will create a new filter at the top of the Browse Charts page.

bookmark amplitude

Data Table: Sort By Table Summary Column

Sort by all columns (including the Summary Column) in the data tables below charts.

amplitude table summary

Custom Legends in Charts

Rename legends to simplify the names of the segments you are analyzing.

amplitude custom legends

Microscope: for Holding Constant Funnels

Microscope is now available in Funnels where a property is held constant.

amplitude holding constant funnels

Custom Formula: Multiple Metrics

Reminder: we’ve added the ability to plot multiple custom formulas on the same Event Segmentation chart. With this updated functionality, you can even superimpose your rolling average on top of your DAUs! You can do this with the custom formula UNIQUES(A); ROLLAVG(UNIQUES, A, 7) where the semicolon separates the formulas and event A is set to ‘[Amplitude] Any Active Event’. Read more about custom formulas here.

amplitude multiple metrics

Chart Zoom

Reminder: You can now zoom in on interesting data points in charts. You can zoom in by dragging diagonally with your mouse across an area of your chart that you want to focus on. See our Help Center article for more information.

amplitude chart zoom
About the Author
Image of Kate Adams
Kate Adams
Product Manager, Amplitude
Kate is a product manager at Amplitude focused on improving customer adoption. She's always looking for excuses to visit new places, learn new things, and eat unusual food.
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