Meet the Team: Amplitude Chief Human Resource Officer Kristina “KJ” Johnson

In this Meet the Team series, discover how Kristina “KJ” Johnson guides our people strategy and cultivates an inclusive, high-performing culture at Amplitude.

Inside Amplitude
August 14, 2024
Brittney Lee headshot
Brittney Lee
Talent Operations Coordinator, Amplitude
KJ Johnson Headshot

As Chief Human Resource Officer, Kristina “KJ” Johnson believes the best thing you can do for your career is hire people who you think could take your job one day. Some leaders might feel threatened by this approach, but if you find people with the strengths or skillsets that you don’t have, everyone wins.

KJ leads Amplitude’s People organization, which includes talent acquisition and development, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I), total rewards, and employee engagement. Prior to joining Amplitude, KJ served as the Chief People Officer at Okta and the Director of International Human Resources at Enel X, formerly EnerNOC.

Meet the Team

In this series, we spotlight the visionary leaders at the helm of Amplitude. These individuals guide our strategic direction and cultivate an environment where innovation flourishes and collaboration is fundamental. Each leader empowers our team in our mission to help customers build better products and experiences.

We had the opportunity to sit down with KJ and explore her inspiring journey and experiences at Amplitude. Read on to discover her leadership philosophy, commitment to building inclusive and humble teams, and pivotal moments that shaped her career.

What is your personal mantra, and how do you live it out every day?

As a leader, my role is to hire the right team and bring in the right people. Then I provide resources, remove roadblocks, and get out of their way to let them do their best work. My mantra has always been to hire people who you think could take your job. If, in a year, they end up having your job, they deserve it. In the meantime, we all look good and get things done. When you’re a leader, it’s all about the team, so I try my best to live by that mantra and hire the best people.

What moment changed the course of your career path?

Years ago, my boss offered me the role of an International HR Partner, and I immediately said yes. But I quickly expressed my concerns about not having international HR experience. Her response was unwavering: “That’s okay. You’ve got this, and we’ll provide the resources you need.” But I was also torn because I was a mother of four young children, and the role required significant travel. Several people told me it was a shame I couldn’t take advantage of the opportunity because of my kids. I thought to myself, “No one would ever say that to a man.” And it made me realize that the choice before me wasn’t about my qualifications or my ability to balance work and family—it was about seizing an opportunity that could shape my future. So I decided to go for it, even though I was scared.

That decision was a game-changer for me. It opened countless doors in my career, and I’ve never forgotten the woman who gave me that chance. She encouraged me to pay it forward, and I’ve made a point to do just that ever since.

What is your favorite Amplitude value, and how do you see your teammates living it every day?

My favorite Amplitude value is humility. I love humility because of my favorite quote from Abraham Lincoln: “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” This resonates with me because people who have power can yield authority. In a collaborative culture, humility is crucial whether you’re the CEO or an individual contributor. At Amplitude, I’ve witnessed this humility firsthand—team members often share cross-functional projects that save time, not for personal accolades, but for the team’s benefit. It’s acts of humility and teamwork that make Amplitude special.

How do you ensure leaders are creating inclusive teams?

You have to be very intentional about it and integrate inclusivity into every aspect of your work. It’s not just about checking a box; it’s about shifting perceptions and recognizing the value of diverse talent and perspectives. Leaders must actively discuss and demonstrate their commitment to diversity and inclusion, embedding it into all aspects of the organization—from all-hands meetings to hiring discussions, promotions, and development opportunities. It’s essential that inclusivity becomes a natural part of the culture rather than a separate initiative.

What do you think makes a good manager?

A good manager is someone who personally cares about their team members, not just the work they produce. People need to know that you value them as individuals. But it’s also important to recognize the inherent power dynamics at play. Though you might have authority, building trust requires showing that you personally care. Everyone has something to teach and something to learn, regardless of their role. And as a manager, you’re only as good as your team. The more you drive that home, the more trust you build. Good managers create an environment where people feel safe to fail because they know their manager trusts and empowers them. The key to developing that trust is showing that you care personally.

What is your favorite thing about working at Amplitude?

My favorite thing about working at Amplitude has to be working with our CEO, Spenser Skates. I have had the privilege of working with some amazing CEOs, but he is hands down the most supportive CEO I’ve ever worked with. He genuinely cares about the people, has a deep passion for their wellbeing, and is highly involved. His passion sets the tone for the rest of the leadership team, driving them to invest in our people and company culture.

If you had to convince someone to join the Amplitude team, what would you say?

If you want to join a culture where the values aren’t just words on a website or talking points in an interview, this is the place for you. Our values of humility, ownership, and growth mindset truly come to life. We have example after example of people embodying these principles every day.

Another key factor is leadership. You need confidence in your CEO—the person steering the ship should not only have a strong vision but also care deeply about the people. When you find that balance, you know you’re in an incredible workplace. And that’s exactly what Amplitude offers.

Interested in shaping the future of digital products alongside leaders like KJ? Visit our careers site to see how you can make an impact at Amplitude.

About the Author
Brittney Lee headshot
Brittney Lee
Talent Operations Coordinator, Amplitude
Brittney is the Talent Operations Coordinator and Early Careers Program Lead at Amplitude. She supports the operational aspects of the talent acquisition team and spearheads university recruiting efforts. Outside of work, Brittney enjoys traveling and exploring new food spots throughout the Bay Area.