Category > Acquisition Templates

Acquisition Templates

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B2B SaaS Templates
How many users sign up per week?
Calculate the number of users signing up per week, aiding in understanding user acquisition and platform growth. Suitable for product teams, marketers, and analysts focusing on user acquisition strategies.
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User Activity Templates
How many new users are there each day?
Calculate the number of new users acquired daily, aiding in understanding user acquisition and platform growth over time. Suitable for product teams, marketers, and analysts focusing on user acquisition strategies.
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B2B SaaS Templates
Where are new sign ups coming from?
Analyze the origin of new signups, providing insights into user acquisition channels and effectiveness. Useful for product teams, marketers, and analysts tailoring marketing strategies and user acquisition efforts.
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User Activity Templates
What percent of active users are new users?
Calculate the percentage of active users who are new, aiding in understanding user acquisition and platform growth. Useful for product managers, marketers, and analysts focusing on user acquisition strategies.