Another month, another roundup of feature updates! In the October edition: A new ‘Funnel Details’ section shows conversion rate over time, conversion rate between individual steps, and event property distributions. Cohort definitions now include event properties, multi-select, inequalities, and rolling time ranges.
Funnel conversion rate over time
Our new Funnel Details section breaks down your conversion rate over time for the overall funnel and between steps and shows you the event property distribution for each step in the funnel. More details about this new section can be found in our .
The funnel details section also provides the event property distribution of funnel steps.
More flexible cohorts
Our custom cohorts tool, which is part of our , allows you to define groups of users based on actions they have (or haven’t) taken. You can save these cohorts and use them as segments throughout the dashboard. A few improvements make cohorts better than ever:
Cohorting on the basis of an event property
Multiselect values in the dropdowns to speed up the query building process
Inequalities for user properties
Rolling time ranges
Cohorts used to have fixed start and end dates. we now support rolling time ranges, so that if you select ‘Last 30 Days’ the cohort will always re-compute for the last 30 days, instead of the the actual dates initially selected
Increased Redshift query speeds
We recently upgraded our Redshift cluster, resulting in increased direct raw data query speeds. Additionally, we are now pulling Region, City, and DMA data into Redshift for your querying purposes.
Export CSV details
The export CSV link on all graphs now includes a link to the original query on the Amplitude site so that if the report is sent out across people, they can easily navigate back to the page for further data exploration.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, just !