Launching the 2024 Amplitude Pioneer Awards: Submit today!

Honoring the innovators and data-driven leaders shaping the future of digital excellence.

Inside Amplitude
September 3, 2024
Conner Sunday Headshot
Conner Sunday
Customer Marketing Manager
Pioneer Awards 2024 Featured Image

We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024 Amplitude Pioneer Awards! This annual celebration honors the exceptional customers who are transforming their products and businesses through innovative use of data and insights. As we embark on another year of recognizing outstanding achievements, we’re excited to spotlight the pioneers driving change and shaping the future of digital product excellence.

Why the Pioneer Awards matter

The Amplitude Pioneer Awards spotlight those who go above and beyond in leveraging our platform to achieve remarkable results. It’s about celebrating the leaders who are not just using data to make decisions, but are revolutionizing how their organizations operate and thrive. These awards highlight the individuals and teams who embody the spirit of innovation and data-driven success. Past winners included leaders from Fender, MercadoLibre, IBM, and Ticketswap, and have shown substantial growth, like massive increases to website leads or doubling the number of active users.

New categories for 2024

This year, we’re introducing six dynamic categories to recognize a range of achievements:

  • Pioneer of the Year - the best of the best around the globe
  • The Transformer - leads the transformation to a customer-first, data-driven culture
  • The Innovator - uses data insights to build new, cutting-edge products
  • The Illuminator - finds amazing ways to use data to improve marketing KPIs
  • The Cultivator - recognizes a leader who leverages data to grow the business
  • Data Excellence Award - recognizes a company committed to customer-centricity

Additionally, we have two categories that will be selected by Amplitude (no submission required):

  • Data Monster(s) of the Year - showcases our top community members
  • chAMP of the Year - spotlights our top customer advocate

How to get involved

We invite all Amplitude users to participate in this year’s awards. Whether you’re nominating yourself or a colleague, these awards offer a fantastic opportunity to showcase your achievements and gain recognition within the Amplitude community. Submissions are open now through November 11, so don’t miss your chance to be celebrated for your hard work and innovation.

What winners can expect

Winners will receive well-deserved recognition across Amplitude’s digital channels, a trophy, an exclusive awards kit packed with goodies, and a unique opportunity to meet with Amplitude leadership to gain insights into our product roadmap. It’s a chance to shine a spotlight on your success and connect with other leading innovators.

Stay connected

For updates and more information, follow us on our social channels and check out the awards site regularly. If you have any questions or need assistance with your submission, don’t hesitate to email

Submit your nomination

Ready to make your mark? Head to the awards site to review the categories and submit your nomination. Craft your story with details about your achievements, the impact of your work, and how Amplitude has played a role in your success.

We can’t wait to celebrate your groundbreaking work and the incredible stories that make up this year’s Pioneer Awards. Let’s honor the Pioneers who are redefining what’s possible with data and make this year’s Pioneer Awards the most memorable yet!

Seize the opportunity and submit your nomination now.

About the Author
Conner Sunday Headshot
Conner Sunday
Customer Marketing Manager
Conner Sunday is the Customer Advocacy Manager at Amplitude. He focuses on building and nurturing strong Amplitude advocates and bringing their stories to life.