Organize your work faster with a new add item experience
Available for all customers
Adding charts to a dashboard, telling a story with Notebooks, or organizing your content with Team Spaces are some of the most critical workflows in Amplitude today. Now, that experience is lightning fast with the new add item experience. Like the search experience we revamped in , you can now organize your content in Amplitude at breakneck speed!
Easily count the users in a cohort with manual refresh
Available for all Scholarship, Growth, and Enterprise customers
Behavioral cohorts that are included in Amplitude charts are automatically refreshed when you use them in a chart. Cohorts are also automatically refreshed before being downloaded via the Behavioral Cohorts API, or exported through the UI to CSV or to one of our downstream integration partners. Sometimes however, cohorts are created to simply get a count of a population. You can now manually refresh a cohort via the dedicated refresh button in the cohort detail view.
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