6 Best Practices for Product Adoption in Financial Services, Media, and Retail

Amplify your digital success with best practices for product adoption in Financial Services, Media, and Retail

October 31, 2023
Julia Dillon Headshot
Julia Dillon
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Amplitude
illustrated image of product analytics supporting ecommerce and other industries

Across the world, industries are being impacted by digital hyper-growth—and for financial services, media, and retail, the transformation has been especially profound. The rise of smartphones, ubiquitous internet access, and evolving consumer behaviors have spurred a monumental shift. This transformation has fundamentally altered how businesses interact with their audience, requiring a new, strategic approach.

The essence of this paradigm shift lies in digital product adoption—a fundamental aspect of how your brand shows up in the market. It's the cornerstone that connects businesses with their audience, determining the success—or failure–of their digital endeavors. The leading organizations understand and excel at digital product adoption, seeing it as non-negotiable.

In this blog, we'll delve into the strategies and best practices that financial services, media, and retail companies can employ to unlock the full potential of digital product adoption. And, we’ll showcase real-life industry examples that exemplify the best practices.

By leveraging these insights, businesses can navigate the challenges of the digital landscape while reaping the rewards of enhanced customer engagement and sustainable growth.

Best practice 1: Understand your audience

Understanding your audience is a strategic imperative. Recognizing the nuances of your target market, their preferences, behaviors, and pain points is the foundation on which successful digital product adoption strategies are built.

Significance of understanding your audience

  1. Tailor the user experience: A deep understanding of your audience allows you to tailor your digital products to their specific needs and preferences. This personalization enhances user experience, making it more likely for users to adopt and engage with your product.
  2. Personalized marketing: When armed with comprehensive audience insights, marketing efforts become targeted and efficient. You can reach potential customers with the right message at the right time through the most effective channels, maximizing your acquisition efforts.
  3. Optimized product features: Audience understanding guides the development of product features. By knowing what appeals to your audience, you can prioritize and refine features that align with their expectations, boosting adoption rates.

Steps to ensure effective acquisition targeting

  1. Market research and segmentation:
    1. Conduct in-depth market research to identify various segments within your target audience.
    2. Segment the audience based on demographics, psychographics, behaviors, and preferences.
    3. Analyze each segment's potential value and tailor acquisition strategies accordingly.
  2. Data analysis and customer profiling:
    1. Leverage data analytics tools to gather actionable insights into user behavior and interactions with your digital products.
    2. Create comprehensive customer profiles, including their preferences, purchase history, and online activity, to inform acquisition strategies.
  3. A/B testing and iterative refinement:
    1. Implement A/B testing to assess different acquisition strategies, messaging, and channels.
    2. Analyze the results and iteratively refine your strategies to optimize acquisition efforts.
  4. Customer feedback and engagement:
    1. Actively seek and analyze customer feedback regarding your digital products and acquisition experiences.
    2. Use this feedback to make data-driven improvements that align with the preferences and expectations of your audience.

Chase Bank targets elusive millennials using a customer-centric approach

Chase Bank—a pioneer in the financial services industry—has successfully embraced a customer-centric approach, particularly when it launched its Chase Sapphire Reserve credit card back in 2016.

Recognizing the shifting preferences of millennials, Chase analyzed millennials’ fundamental needs and drivers, conceptualizing a product that appealed to this demographic’s specific needs.

By conducting thorough market research and segmentation, Chase strategically positioned the Chase Sapphire Reserve with enticing signup bonuses and tailored offerings, understanding the critical importance of delivering what their audience truly values.

This approach not only captured the attention of millennials but also emphasized Chase's commitment to meeting the evolving needs of its audience.

Best practice 2: Optimize visibility and engagement

Optimizing visibility and engagement is paramount for achieving successful product adoption. Your digital products could be groundbreaking, but without adequate visibility and engagement, their potential remains untapped. Let’s explore strategies to enhance digital visibility and engagement, emphasizing the vital roles of SEO, content marketing, and social media in acquisition efforts.

Strategies to enhance digital visibility and engagement

  1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
    1. Keyword Research and Optimization: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify high-impact keywords relevant to your digital product and target audience. Optimize your website and content using these keywords to enhance search engine rankings.
    2. Technical SEO: Ensure that your website is technically optimized for search engines, including fast loading times, mobile responsiveness, and secure browsing. This contributes to better visibility in search results.
    3. Quality content creation: Develop high-quality, relevant, and engaging content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. Regularly update your content to maintain relevance and attract organic traffic.
  2. Content marketing:
    1. Content strategy alignment: Align your content marketing strategy with the buyer's journey. Tailor content to cater to different stages of the journey, from awareness to adoption and retention, providing valuable information at each step.
    2. Educational and informative content: Create content that educates your audience about the value and benefits of your digital product. Share success stories, use cases, and tutorials to illustrate its capabilities and encourage adoption.
    3. Multi-channel distribution: Distribute your content across various channels, including blogs, social media, email newsletters, and industry publications, to maximize reach and engagement.
  3. Social media engagement:
    1. Targeted social advertising: Leverage targeted advertising on social media platforms to reach specific segments of your audience. Tailor your messaging to resonate with their interests and motivations for effective acquisition.
    2. Interactive content: Incorporate interactive content such as polls, quizzes, and live sessions to engage your audience and encourage participation. Interactive content boosts engagement and keeps your audience invested in your product offerings.
    3. Community building: Foster a sense of community around your digital product on social media. Encourage discussions, user-generated content, and peer recommendations to establish credibility and drive acquisition.

Chewy's YouTube strategy improves brand visibility

Chewy, a prominent online retailer of pet products, has masterfully harnessed the power of YouTube to enhance visibility and engagement. Through their YouTube channel, they not only offer valuable advice on pet care, training, and health but ingeniously intertwine their products within the content.

Take, for instance, their video on "How to Introduce a Dog to a Cat." Here, they showcase the materials needed for a successful introduction while also effectively promoting their array of products.The video description also guides viewers to a related blog post on Chewy's website, offering more in-depth information and links to purchase the showcased materials directly from their site.

This strategic integration maximizes engagement, educates its audience, and effortlessly drives traffic to its platform.

Best practice 3: Measure and refine acquisition channels

The ability to measure and refine your acquisition channels is a defining factor for success. Simply launching campaigns and initiatives is not enough; understanding their impact and making data-driven refinements is essential. This section emphasizes the importance of measuring acquisition channel effectiveness and discusses tools and approaches to gain valuable insights for informed decision-making.

Importance of measuring acquisition channel effectiveness

  1. Data-driven decision-making: Measuring acquisition channels provides quantitative insights into their performance, enabling data-driven decision-making. You can allocate resources and investments based on what works best, optimizing your marketing strategies.
  2. Cost efficiency: Analyzing acquisition channels allows you to assess the cost per acquisition for each channel. This insight helps in identifying cost-effective channels and reallocating budget accordingly, maximizing ROI.
  3. Enhanced targeting: By understanding which acquisition channels resonate most with your audience, you can fine-tune your targeting strategies. This leads to more effective engagement and a higher probability of successful conversions.

Tools and approaches to gain valuable insights

  1. Analytics platforms: Utilize robust analytics platforms such as Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, or Amplitude. These tools offer comprehensive data on acquisition channels, user behavior, and conversion metrics, empowering informed decisions.
  2. UTM parameters: Implement UTM parameters in your campaign URLs to track traffic sources accurately. This allows you to attribute conversions to specific acquisition channels and campaigns, facilitating precise performance evaluation.
  3. A/B testing: Conduct A/B tests on various acquisition channels to compare their effectiveness in driving conversions. Analyze the results to optimize your channel mix for better outcomes.
  4. Customer surveys and feedback: Gather direct feedback from customers regarding their acquisition experiences. Understand which channels influenced their decision to engage with your product and why.
  5. Marketing automation platforms: Leverage marketing automation platforms like HubSpot, Marketo, or Mailchimp, which offer insights into how different acquisition channels contribute to lead generation and conversion throughout the customer journey.

Nautilus, Inc.'s data-driven journey

Nautilus, Inc., a prominent fitness solutions provider, leveraged the power of Amplitude Analytics to transform its JRNY fitness app. By delving into workout data across various modalities, Nautilus gained valuable insights into user preferences.

With this data, the team tailored their offerings to cater to specific user needs and behaviors. They fine-tuned workout content and optimized the overall user experience, aligning production with identified modalities. This data-driven approach resulted in a remarkable increase in completed workouts and significantly improved user retention rates.

Amplitude's analytics empowered Nautilus to shift from a feature-focused approach to an outcome-based roadmap, ensuring their strategies were aligned with real user needs. The collaborative exploration of data fostered continuous improvement, ultimately enhancing the customer experience and leading to increased engagement, healthier users, and substantial business growth for Nautilus, Inc.

Best practice 4: Simplify onboarding

First impressions matter. A seamless onboarding process sets the stage for your customer’s entire journey with your product. Let’s take a look at the significance of a streamlined onboarding experience and highlight some valuable tips to simplify onboarding, making your end-user ‘s experience as smooth as possible.

Importance of a seamless onboarding process

  1. Positive initial experience: A smooth onboarding process creates a positive initial experience for users, increasing the likelihood of continued engagement and product adoption.
  2. Reduced churn rates: Simplified onboarding reduces friction and frustration, minimizing the chances of users abandoning your product due to confusion or complexity during the early stages.
  3. Clear value proposition: An effective onboarding process communicates the value proposition of your product clearly and demonstrates how it can address the specific needs of the user, motivating them to explore further.

Tips to simplify the onboarding experience

  1. Intuitive design and navigation: Design your onboarding flow to be intuitive, guiding users seamlessly through the essential features and functionalities of your product. Clear navigation aids understanding and engagement.
  2. Progressive onboarding steps: Break down the onboarding process into manageable, progressive steps. Introduce key features gradually, allowing users to grasp and absorb information at their own pace.
  3. Personalized guidance: Provide personalized guidance during onboarding based on user preferences and interactions. Tailored recommendations enhance engagement and make the onboarding process feel more individualized.
  4. Interactive tutorials and tooltips: Incorporate interactive tutorials and tooltips that showcase how to use different features. Interactive elements actively engage users and impart practical knowledge.
  5. Prompt support and assistance: Offer immediate assistance and support channels within the product interface, ensuring users have access to help whenever needed. Timely support enhances confidence and encourages users to explore the product.

Shopify's intuitive approach to onboarding

Shopify, a renowned ecommerce platform, has excelled in simplifying onboarding for its customers. The platform boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface that guides users through the initial setup process seamlessly.

Upon signing up, users are greeted with a clear and structured step-by-step onboarding flow, helping them to quickly configure their online stores. From selecting a template to adding products and customizing their storefront, Shopify offers an uncomplicated onboarding experience. Moreover, they provide comprehensive educational resources, including video tutorials and a knowledge base, enabling users to familiarize themselves with the platform's features effortlessly.

Shopify's commitment to simplifying onboarding ensures that new users can efficiently launch their online businesses and start selling with ease.

Best practice 5: Initiate engagement

Initiating engagement with users from the outset is a critical step in ensuring the success of your product. The first interactions with your product set the tone for the entire user journey. Let’s review the importance of initiating engagement and offer tips to simplify this process, setting the stage for lasting user engagement and adoption.

Importance of initiating engagement in your product

  1. Establishing value perception: The initial engagement with your product is an opportunity to showcase its value to users. A positive first impression can lead to a stronger perceived value, encouraging users to explore and adopt your product more enthusiastically.
  2. Capturing attention and curiosity: Effective initiation of engagement captures the attention and curiosity of users. By presenting intriguing features or content early on, you pique users' interest and motivate them to delve deeper into what your product has to offer.
  3. Creating user habits: Engaging users in a meaningful way from the start helps in establishing user habits. By providing a seamless and valuable experience, you increase the likelihood of users incorporating your product into their regular routines.

Tips to simplify initiating engagement in your product

  1. Onboarding wizards and tutorials: Implement guided onboarding wizards or tutorials to walk users through the essential features and functionalities of your product. A step-by-step introduction simplifies the learning curve and encourages immediate engagement.
  2. Personalized welcome messages: Greet users with personalized welcome messages based on their preferences or actions. Tailored greetings can create a sense of individualized interaction, prompting users to explore further.
  3. Highlight key features and benefits: Clearly highlight the key features and benefits of your product during the onboarding process. Showcase how these features can address users' needs or pain points to garner immediate interest.
  4. In-app messaging and notifications: Use in-app messaging and notifications to share relevant updates, tips, or offers that encourage users to take specific actions within your product. Well-timed notifications can re-engage users effectively.
  5. Seamless navigation and UI/UX: Ensure a smooth and intuitive user interface, coupled with seamless navigation. An intuitive interface reduces friction, allowing users to quickly grasp your product's value and engage effortlessly.

Netflix's strategy for customer engagement

Netflix—the leading streaming entertainment service—excels at engaging new customers from the outset. Their strategy kicks off with a seamless onboarding process, guiding users through a personalized interface that recommends content based on viewing history and preferences.

This tailored introduction sparks interest, drawing users into an extensive content library. Netflix's significant investment in original, high-quality productions plays a crucial role in keeping both new and existing customers engaged. Accessibility across multiple devices, paired with a user-friendly interface, ensures a smooth and uninterrupted viewing experience. Additionally, integrating social elements allows users to share, rate, and discuss content, enhancing the overall engagement and connection with the platform.

In essence, Netflix's approach to initiating engagement involves personalized onboarding, original content, a user-friendly interface, and social integration, creating a captivated and connected audience right from the start.

Best practice 6: Deliver personalized experiences

Personalization matters; it's a fundamental aspect of successful digital product adoption. Tailoring experiences to individual users can significantly impact engagement, satisfaction, and long-term usage of your product. Let’s look at the importance of personalized experiences and provide actionable tips to start and scale personalized strategies for enhanced digital product adoption.

Significance of personalized experiences

  1. Enhanced user engagement: Personalized experiences resonate with users on a more meaningful level, capturing their attention and driving higher engagement with your product.
  2. Improved user satisfaction: Addressing individual preferences and needs through personalization leads to higher satisfaction levels. Users feel understood and valued, strengthening their loyalty to your product.
  3. Increased conversion rates: Personalization can drive higher conversion rates by presenting relevant offers, recommendations, or content based on users' past interactions and behaviors.

Tips to start and scale personalized strategies

  1. Data collection and analysis: Begin by collecting relevant user data ethically and in compliance with privacy regulations. Analyze this data to understand user behavior, preferences, and patterns.
  2. Segmentation and targeting: Segment your user base based on common characteristics, behaviors, or preferences. Tailor your product offerings, messaging, and engagement strategies for each segment.
  3. Dynamic content personalization: Implement dynamic content personalization within your product. Display content, recommendations, or features based on user interactions, ensuring a personalized experience with each visit.
  4. Personalized email campaigns: Utilize personalized data to craft targeted email campaigns. Deliver content or offers that align with each user's interests and activities, improving email engagement and conversions.
  5. Machine learning and AI: Leverage machine learning and AI algorithms to automate personalization at scale. These technologies can analyze vast amounts of data to make real-time, personalized recommendations and decisions.

Bank of America uses Artificial Intelligence for personalization

Bank of America, through its revolutionary virtual financial assistant Erica, has redefined personalization and individualization at scale for its clients. Erica, powered by advanced artificial intelligence (AI), has surpassed an astounding 1 billion interactions with Bank of America clients since its 2018 launch, assisting nearly 32 million clients in managing their financial lives.

Erica's success lies in its ability to provide tailored insights and notifications to clients, allowing them to review their finances, cut unnecessary expenses, and understand their spending habits. The proactive nature of Erica ensures clients receive crucial information about their eligibility for Preferred Rewards, enhancing their overall banking experience.

Remarkably, over 98% of clients find the answers they need through Erica, showcasing its effectiveness. Looking ahead, Bank of America plans to further evolve Erica's capabilities, connecting clients to financial specialists for inquiries about new products and services, further exemplifying their commitment to personalized experiences.

The bank's significant investments in AI and continuous advancements in Erica's capabilities reinforce their dedication to delivering seamless user experiences and industry-leading personalization for their clients, setting a standard in the banking industry.

Ready to amplify your digital success?

Now that you’ve learned the fundamentals of digital product adoption, it’s time to take the next step. The insights we've shared in this blog are just the tip of the iceberg. For a deeper dive and actionable strategies to fuel your digital acceleration, check out our comprehensive guide, "Winning the Digital Race: Strategies for Effective Product Adoption.

About the Author
Julia Dillon Headshot
Julia Dillon
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Amplitude
Julia is a product marketer at Amplitude, focusing on go-to-market solutions for enterprise customers.