Entry / Exit Analysis

Entry / Exit Analysis enables you to use the entry (first) or exit (last) in session dimensions across different types of analysis.

Feature availability

This feature is available on all Amplitude plans. For more information, see the Pricing page.

Supported metric types

Entry / Exit analysis supports the following metric types:

  • Uniques: The count of unique users
  • Event totals: The total number of events
  • Session totals: The total count of sessions
  • PROPSUM: The sum of a group-by property value

Enable Entry / Exit Analysis

Apply Entry or Exit semantics to any supported metric type in the Data Table.

To enable this analysis:

  1. In a data table with at least one event or metric, click the Options menu in the header of the column to which you want to enable the analysis.

  2. Click Enable Entry/Exit Analysis in the options menu. The Enable Entry/Exit Analysis dialog appears.

  3. Select the manner in which you want to apply group-by properties to the column:

    • Default: Uses the standard group-by setting for the column
    • Entry: Groups data by the first non-null property value of an active event in a session that contains the specified event.
    • Exit: Groups data by the last non-null property value of an active event in a session that contains the specified event.


    Data table columns support either Attribution or Entry / Exit analysis, but not both.

  4. Click Apply.

Processing flow

For each session that contains the event specified in the column:

  1. Amplitude identifies all relevant sessions.

  2. For each session:

    • Amplitude extracts the first property value of an active event for Entry Analysis
    • Amplitude extracts the last property value of an active event for Exit Analysis
  3. Amplitude uses these values to compute session-based metrics.


Amplitude uses the following formulas to compute the metrics that support Entry and Exit analysis:

Metric Type Formula
Uniques UNIQUES(A)
Event totals TOTALS(A)
Prop sum PROPSUM(A)
Session totals (Entry analysis) Like Session Entries
Session totals (Exit analysis) Like Session Exits
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February 14th, 2025

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